07-10-12 OPC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes July 10, 2012 Present: Jason Warehime, Dana VanDenBerg, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Rob VanDenBerg. Police Officer: None present Meeting called to order at: 6:40p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED — Corrected City Council updates. May 29 —Jason, June 4 Meghan MINUTES from: May meeting- Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit): None OLD BUISNESS: Police Commission Vacancy- Still open. Posted on Otsego City web site. McGruff Volunteers — Meghan is keeping a list of people willing to be McGruff. Meghan not present however Denise will contact her for the list. National Night Out: Jason will contact Target. Discussed the date was incorrect in the view. National Night out is August 7, 2012. NEW BUSINESS: August Meeting — No meeting planned. City Council Meeting Updates: • May 29, 2012 — Jason • June 4, 2012 - Meghan City Council Meeting assignments: • July 23, 2012- Jason • August 13, 2012 -Denise Meeting Adjourned 6:55 p.m. No August Meeting. e