ITEM 3.13 Resignation of Parks commissionerRequest for Otsego City Council Action TA INNESO DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Clerk Loff January 13, 2014 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.13 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Accept Resignation from Parks & Recreation Commissioner Mike Brumm. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? N/A N/A BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Parks & Recreation Commissioner Mike Brumm has submitted his resignation from the commission. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS x ATTACHED ❑ NONE • Letter of resignation from Mike Brumm MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to accept Mike Brumm's resignation from the Parks & Recreation Commission and thank him for his service to the city. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: N/A ACTION TAKEN BUDGETED: o YES ❑ NO ----- Original Message ----- From: From: Mike Email Lmailto:mbrumm70@hotmajl.co Sent: Wednesday, January o5, 2014 11:35 AM To: Ross Demant Subject: Mike Brumm resignation Ross, This is my resignation from the Otsego Parks and Recreation committee. My last meeting was December of 2013. Thank you for everything. Respectfully, Mike Brumm Sent from my iPad