04-12-21 Special City Council MinutesSPECIAL OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2021 5:30 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tom Darkenwald (*), Jeff Dahl, Brittany Moores, and Tina Goede. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Parks and Recreation Director Ross Demant, Street Operations Manager Kevin Lamson, City Planner Daniel Licht; City Engineer Ron Wagner; and City Clerk Audra Etzel. At 6:10 PM Utility Manager Kurt Neidermeier and Engineer Scott Schaefer from AE2S arrived. This meeting is preceding under MN State Statute 13D.021 allowing members to appear by telephone or video conference due to the ongoing health pandemic and state of emergency. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference. 1. Review Guiding Principles —Public Works &City Hall Study_ Jacob Wollensak from Wold presented a progress report to the City Council as included in the packet. The presentation included review of: Guiding Principles, Department Surveys & Interviews; Facility Analysis Findings; and Scheduling Next Steps. CM Moores asked for more detail on a City Hall item, specifically regarding the upper level not being utilized to its maximum potential. Jordan Medeiros (Wold) discussed the technology and equipment limitations that exist. Mayor Stockamp asked if current FTE's could be included, stating it would be helpful information to compare to the proposed. Jordan noted that she can get the information added. Mayor Stockamp would like to see the noted inefficiencies before going on a tour of other cities. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said staff can arrange for a tour for the full City Council. CM Goede asked about the fire equipment needing updating and if the old city hall space off of County Road 39 will still be used. Jordan said certain items would need to be addressed in the future and the old city hall will remain cold storage. CM Darkenwald added the comments regarding the Park and Recreation space includes a huge jump for future planning. Next steps were discussed that tours will be setup for the Core Planning Group and that Wold would be back with a presentation to the City Council in May. 2. West Wastewater Treatment Facility: Preliminary Design Considerations. Engineer Scott Schaefer from AE2S presented an update regarding the West Waterwater Treatment Facility. Recommends maintaining west driveway in the CIP, as proposed in the preliminary design for west treatment expansion in the Master Plan. Large trucks will be accessing the facility having an impact on 77th Street. Parking is a concern and not ideal for the commercial vehicles (6kgal truck). The current driveway is a shared driveway with a walking Page 1 of 2 path and the adjacent park. The width of the road is limited. Looked at existing route, corners are too tight for incoming and outgoing traffic. Recommendation: • Maintain West Driveway in CIP — next step with landowner? • Reserve Space for West Biosolids — doesn't need to be decided now. • Self -Perform TWAS Hauling — using a 4,500 gallon truck. Would need to start with contract hauling; however, makes sense to purchase a truck in the future. Mayor Stockamp asked about the need for a truck to haul. Does the city have stafF that can drive the truck? Utility Operations Manager Neidermeier clarified the license requirements for the different trucks. CM Darkenwald asked where the trucks would be coming in to pick-up the biosolids. Engineer Schaefer would propose a layout having a pull through that would for the trucks to drive through north to south. Mayor Stockamp said stafF should start working with the landowner. Discuss the process to move forward. Facility plan amendments would come back at a future meeting. Engineer Wagner needs to discuss the west access proposal with landowner and Wright County. 3. Adjourn. CM Moores motioned to adjourn at 6:4v PM, seconded by CM Goede. Voice Roll Call: In favor, Goede, Stockamp, Darkenwald, Moores and Dahl. Against: none. Motion carried 5-0. , ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk �,.Yor Jessica Stockarn Page 2 of 2