11-13-13 PR ITEM 3_1
November 13, 2013
7 :00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Commissioners: Charles VonBerg, Angie Dehn, Doug
Cassady, Mike Brumm, Susan Krekelberg, Jim Breitbach and Brian Fahey. City Council:
CM Doug Schroeder. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager, Daniel Licht,
City Planner, Connie Schwecke, Recreation Assistant and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special
1. Open Forum.
No Items.
2. Consider agenda approval
Commissioner Dehn motioned to approve as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried.
3.1 October 9, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Cassady motioned to approve as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Vonberg. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business.
4.1 No Smoking Policy.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented. Chair Torresani questioned why the
policy includes e- cigarettes and chewing tobacco stating he is against this policy stating
he would prefer not to have regulations like this in the parks. Commissioner Krekelberg
stated that some regulations already exist in other municipalities. Commissioner Dehn
stated that other park systems throughout the metro already have a no smoking policy
in place.
Commissioner Dehn motioned that City Council approve an Ordinance
amending the City Code to prohibit tobacco use within city parks and trails.
Seconded by Commissioner Brumm. Six in favor. One against. Motion
5. New Business.
5.1 Prairie Center Building Rental Policy.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented. City staff has put together a draft of
current changes to the fee structure for Prairie Center comparing it with similar facilities
in surrounding cities. Once the remodeling is complete, the City would like to move
forward with the recommended reservation policy. Alcohol use in the facility will have
specific requirements as identified in the rental policy agreement. Consumption of
alcohol for events with one hundred (100) or more in attendance must be provided by a
licensed caterer who carries dram shop insurance and is approved by the City.
Commissioner Dehn asked if compliance checks for caterers will be performed if a
security guard will not be present. Events with attendance of Tess than one hundred
where alcohol will be provided will require proof of liability insurance in the minimum of
$500,000. This can be placed as a rider on the renter's homeowner policy. Parks and
Recreation Manager Demant said that Prairie Center will be staff supervised during all
events and a user agreement will state that of any damage to the property is the
responsibility of the renter.
Commissioner Dehn motioned for City Council to approve the amendments to
the Prairie Center Reservation Policy and Fee Schedule as presented.
Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an update. The Heritage Preservation
Commission had not met before tonight's meeting, therefore the names for the park at
Waterfront East and Mississippi have not been discussed, this will be brought back for
the December 11th meeting. City Council has decided not to put in another skating rink
this year as this would require more equipment and staff hours, this will maybe be
addressed for 2014. Commissioner Brumm asked about the nets for the hockey rink.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant will check if the City of Rogers has any extra,
Elk River does not. Commissioner Dehn said there is a website where things like this
are for sale. City Planner Licht said that the street supervisor would have this website
information. Prairie Center should be 99% completed by the end of next week along
with upgrades to the podium, dais and curtains. Santa Day is scheduled for December
14th from 10am to 12pm. Cookies, candy canes, hot cocoa and apple cider will be
provided. Quality Photo and Pat Hilden have been contacted and the purchase of a
new Santa suit and beard are needed. Commission appreciation dinner is scheduled for
December 11"'.
7. City Council Reports.
CM Schroeder gave an update.
8. Adjourn.
Commissioner Vonberg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Fahey. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing