11-13-13 PRITEM 4_'1 TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: November 6, 2013 RE: No Smoking Policy Background: At the October 2013 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, Commissioners directed staff to draft a policy that addresses no smoking within the park system. Attached is a draft ordinance which addresses smoking within the City of Otsego Park system. Many cities throughout Minnesota and the country have implemented no smoking policies throughout their park systems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs and several U.S. Surgeon General reports recommend making environments tobacco free. The main purpose is to create areas where tobacco is not allowed which is becoming a social norm therefore decreasing the use of tobacco among children and adults. If the ordinance is adopted by the City Council, staff will add the no smoking language onto park rules signage as the signs are replaced due to old age or vandalism. Conclusion: Staff is seeking a recommendation to the City Council from the Parks and Recreation Commission on implementing a no smoking policy within the Otsego park system. ORDINANCE NO.: 2013 -XX CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO PROHIBIT SMOKING WITHIN CITY PARKS AND TRAILS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 6-7-4 of the City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: R. Smoking and Tobacco. Smoking of any tobacco product or e -cigarette and the use of oral tobacco products or "spit" tobacco is prohibited within any City of Otsego park or upon any City of Otsego trail. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of , 2013. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ITEM 5-1 TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: November 6, 2013 RE: Prairie Center Reservation Policy & Alcohol Use at Prairie Center Background: Based on the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the City Council adopted a policy regarding reservations at Prairie Center on January 14, 2013. This policy was put in place before the Prairie Center remodel to allow residents to rent space at the facility with it being repurposed for community uses after City administrative offices were moved. Although we did not advertise, City staff was contacted by several groups about rental opportunities and we were able to rent meeting rooms several times before the remodel began. With the remodeling project nearing completion, City staff is recommending that changes be made to the current policy to accommodate the changes that were made in the building that the current policy does not address. These changes are based on anticipated operation of the building and review of facility rental policies from other cities and input from Commissioner Angie Dehn. City staff has also been in contact with other municipalities throughout the area and put together a price comparison list of room rental fees. The goal of the initial fee structure is to entice both residents and non-residents to utilize the facility and still allow the City to cover expenses. Once the City has established a significant use pattern, City staff will bring back to the Parks and Recreation Commission a modified fee structure which would address the increase in rentals. Exhibits: A. Draft of Prairie Center Reservation Policy (6 sheets) B. Draft of the Prairie Center Fees C. Rental Comparison from other Cities Analysis: Reservation Policy. The primary changes to the reservation policy proposed by City staff are: ■ Defines percentage of Otsego residents required to be considered a priority user. • Details the hours that Prairie Center can be reserved and defines the minimum and maximum days in advance that a person can make a reservation. ■ Allows groups and organizations who are affiliated with the city, for example Otsego Little League, the ability to reserve the facility one time per month for no fee as long as they provide 10 hours of volunteer service to the City throughout the year. • Defines that if a group has under 100 people and would like to have alcohol at their event they would not have to use a caterer, any groups over 100 will have to use a City approved caterer. Security is required to be present for any event serving alcohol. ■ Prohibits use of tobacco in and around Prairie Center. • States consequences as a result of violations of facility rules. ■ The City Attorney has made changes to the indemnification section of the policy to ensure the City's liabilities are protected consistent with updated laws. Fee Schedule. City staff prepared a comparison of the current fee structure in place for Prairie Center with that of similar facilities in surrounding communities. Based on this comparison, we are recommending the following changes to the fee structure for Prairie Center reservations: AREA CURRENT FEE PROPOSED FEE Council Chamber Carpet Side $30/hr Res. $50/hr NonRes. $20/hr Res. $30/hr NonRes. Tile Side $30/hr Res. $50/hr NonRes. $20/hr Res. $30/hr NonRes. Entire Area $60/hr Res. $100/hr NonRes. $35/hr Res. $50/hr NonRes. Conference Room #4 (Southwest) $30/hr Res. $50/hr NonRes. $20/hr Res. $30/hr NonRes. Conference Room #1 (Fireplace) N/A $20/hr Res. $30/hr NonRes. Conference Room #2 (Northeast) N/A $15/hr Res. $20/hr NonRes. Conference Room #3 (Small) N/A $10/hr Res. $15/hr NonRes. Kitchen Rental N/A $10/hr Res. $15/hr NonRes. — 2 Conclusion: The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the information outlined herein at their meeting on November 13, 2013. Adoption of the revised policy and fee schedule will allow the Parks and Recreation Department to begin accepting reservations for Prairie Center for events schedule as soon as the remodel is complete. City staff requests a motion by the Parks and Recreation Commission to recommend City Council approval of amendments to the Prairie Center Reservation Policy and Fee Schedule as presented. POLICY 05.05 PRAIRIE CENTER RESERVATION POLICY Section 05.05.01 Purpose 05.05.02 Available Days, Times and Rooms 05.05.03 Priority 05.05.04 Fees 05.05.05 Making Reservations 05.05.06 Rights and Responsibilities 05.05.07 Indemnification and Waiver 05.05.08 Amendments SECTION 05.05.01: PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this policy to establish guidelines for the use of Prairie Center and related facilities: A. The City seeks to provide equal access and opportunity to use Prairie Center for community and recreation activities and achieve maximum use the facility by the public. B. The City will prioritize use of Prairie Center for organizations and groups that may desire the use of these facilities for the benefit of the community and specifically those individuals, businesses, organizations, clubs and groups within the City of Otsego and of whose membership is eighty-five (85) percent or more Otsego residents. C. The City reserves the right to designate the availability of Prairie Center or portions thereof for scheduled activities based on, but not limited to, demand for use of the facility by the public at large, City and City sponsored events, compatibility of activities within the facility, maintenance needs or safety purposes. SECTION 05.05.02: AVAILABLE DAYS, TIMES AND ROOMS: A. Reservations will be taken for weekdays, weekends and holidays as determined by the Parks and Recreation Manager. B. Rooms within Prairie Center available for rental are: Council Chambers: a. Entire Room. b. Carpet Side (101 A). C. Tile Side (101 B). 2. Conference Rooms)._ a. Conference Room 1. b. Conference Room 2. C. Conference Room 3. d. Conference Room 4. 3. Kitchen. C. Hours. 1. Standard facility hours for Prairie Center reservations shall be: a. No events shall start before 6:OOAM. b. Events occurring on Sunday through Thursday shall end by 10:OOPM with all persons having left the premises by 11:00 PM. C. Events occurring on Friday and Saturday shall end by 12:00 Midnight with all persons having left the premises by 1:00 AM. 2 Reservations scheduled outside of those hours established by this Section may be approved at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Manager and may include additional fees. SECTION 05.05.03: PRIORITY: Use of Prairie Center will be assigned at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department based on the following priorities: A. First priority will be given to any City meetings, events and activities. B. Activities sponsored by other supported government agencies supported by taxes paid by Otsego property owners. C. Non-profit (501 3C) civic and religious organizations located within the City of Otsego. D. Otsego residents defined as the adult resident, their immediate children, grandchildren and/or grandparents. 2 E. Businesses located within the City of Otsego. F. All other users will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis with reservations made up to six (6) months in advance. G. In the event that a City meeting, event or activity is scheduled that conflicts with an already scheduled event by a lower priority user, the City shall make all efforts to reschedule the lower priority user's event to an acceptable date as near as possible to the original date of the event. If the event cannot be rescheduled to an acceptable alternative date, the City shall refund all fees paid by the user as set forth in Section 05.05.04 of this Policy. SECTION 05.05.04: FEES: A. The Reservation Fee will be established within Section 2-4-2 of the City Code. B. A valid credit card number is required to be provided as a damage deposit and will be held on file by the City until the rental agreement is released by the Parks and Recreation Manager. C. The City may charge additional fees for a security officer to be present, unusual or extra -ordinary services or facilities as determined by the Parks and Recreation Manager. D. Cancellation within one (1) month of the reserved date will result in forfeiture of the rental fee. E. No refunds will be granted for inclement weather. SECTION 05.05.05: MAKING RESERVATONS: A. Reservations may be made by returning an application to the Parks and Recreation Department or City Hall OF GOmn etc' on the DNrks Mnr! Rorro_a+inn DepaFtment'c B. Applications can be obtained at City Hall, Prairie Center or downloaded from the Parks and Recreation page on the City's website. C. Complete applications must be received not more than one hundred twenty(120) days or a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the schedule date of the reservation and an application is not completed until payment has been received and the application is signed. 3 D. Non-profit (501 3C) civic and religious organizations located within the City of Otsego upon submission of Minnesota Tax Exempt Form ST -3 or ST -17 may reserve Prairie Center for one 1Levent per month occurring on a weeknight approved by the Parks and Recreation Manager for the fee specified by Section 2- 4-2 of the City Code and donation of ten (10) hours by the group or organization within a calendar year providing community service to the City in a form approved by the City Council. E. Scheduling of reoccurring events at Prairie Center by any individual or group not affiliated with the City shall be subject to approval by the City Council. SECTION 05.05.06: RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Rental Agreement. The rental agreement entitles the holder to the exclusive use of the designated room within Prairie Center for the allotted time slot subject to the following: The rental time specified on the agreement includes set-up and take down and access to Prairie Center will be restricted to those specific times 2. No equipment or supplies may be stored at Prairie Center outside of the rental time specified by the agreement. 3. Any rubbish that cannot be stored within the trash receptacles provided must be removed from the premises at the end of the rental period. 4 The rental agreement shall not be transferred assigned or sublet to another person or entity. B. Responsible Individual: The individual signing the rental agreement shall be deemed the responsible individual and held GiRtly respORGib:e—fer and u6e of DraiHo Gen+or in .assGGiatir)n with the FeRtal agreement shall be held responsible, and jointly responsible with the entity or individual actually renting the facility, for compliance with all terms and conditions of the rental agreement and this 22&- 2. The responsible individual must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. 32. The responsible individual must be present at Prairie Center during the entire rental period. C. General Requirements: 4 Fire and safety regulations, including compliance with posted room occupancy limits, shall be observed at all times. 2. City furniture and equipment shall not be moved unless specifically approved by the Parks and Recreation Manager and stated on the rental agreement, and then only by or under the direct supervision of City staff. 3. There shall be no marking or applying of materials to the walls, ceilings or floors of Prairie Center including prohibiting the use of heavy duty tape, staples, nails or other fasteners. 4. The consumption of alcohol at Prairie Center shall be allowed provided that it is specifically identified in the rental agreement and the activity complies with the following: a. No person under twenty-one (21) years of age may consume any alcoholic beverage. b. No person aged twenty-one (21) years or older shall provide an alcoholic beverage to an individual that is under twenty-one (21) years of age. C. The City, at its discretion, may allow consumption of alcohol within Prairie Center at activities or events for which the facility is rented for events with attendance under one hundred (100) persons provided that alcohol is not being sold and that proof of liability insurance acceptable to the City that includes the City as an a named insured in the minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) is submitted and that the consumption of alcohol meets any other conditions of this policy or as required by the City. d. Consumption of alcohol for events with attendance of one hundred 100) persons or more and Tthe sale and consumption of alcohol at Prairie Center at activities or events for which the facility is rented shall be permitted only if the service is provided by a caterer approved by the City and licensed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 340A.404, Subd. 12 (as may be amended) and who carried dram shop insurance in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) under which the City is named as an additional insured. e. Any individual or entity renting any portion of Prairie Center where alcohol will be sold or consumed must first agree to and sign a waiver in a form approved by the City Attorney to hold the City harmless from claims arising from such rental and to defend and indemnify the City 5 from all costs incurred as a result of such claims to the extent permitted by law. For all events that alcoholic beverages are to be served, a security officer, mooting the qualifiGatiens detorminorl scheduled by the Parks and Recreation ne Department, will be required to be in attendance for the entire duration of the event with all costs associated with provision of such security to be paid by the holder of the rental agreement and specified therein. 5. Smoking of any tobacco product or e -cigarette and the use of oral tobacco products or "spit" tobacco is prohibited within Prairie Center and w+thie tVeRty (20) feet of any exterioF enta„Ge t g the fa^ility and upon the entire premises. 6. Food shall be limited to items prepared off-site and brought ready to be served; Professional caterers shall be licensed and approved by the City. at its discretion. to provide food service at Prairie Center. 7. Retail sales or admission fees associated with an event or activity at Prairie Center shall be allowed only if approved by the Parks and Recreation Manager and specified in the rental agreement. 8. Vehicles shall be parked only in designated parking areas and are not allowed in designated no parking zones or on trails, turf, pathways, or infields. 9. Prairie Center users are responsible for wiping all tables and removing all trash from the building. D. Damage: Users of Prairie Center pursuant the rental agreement shall leave the facility and premises in the condition in which it was at the start of the rental period. 2. The individual or organization to which Prairie Center is rented shall be responsible for all costs associated with extra -ordinary cleaning of the facility or premises following the rental period and/or the repair of any damages to the facility or premises that occur during the rental period. Any and all extra -ordinary cleaning needs or damage shall be documented by photographs to be taken by City staff. 3. The costs incurred by the City will be charged to the credit card on file as security after the responsible individual and card holder have been contacted; If the City is unable to charge the credit card on file or receive payment in another form acceptable to the Finance Department, then the 0 City may pursue any means available to it to collect the amount due and owing. E. Compliance. Prairie Center users shall at all times comply with any and all applicable State Laws, County Ordinances and City Codes and Policies and further: No activity, conduct or display defined as obscene by Minnesota Statutes section 617.241 shall be allowed on City property. 2. No activity, conduct or display defined as an adult use by the City Code shall be allowed on City property. 3. Parks and Recreation Department staff or a Deputy of the Wright County Sheriff's office may as a result of a violation: a. Order the immediate removal from thepremises of any offender. b. Order immediate removal of alcohol from the premises. C. Revoke the rental agreement immediately and order all persons from the premises. 4. A violation under this Section may result in the loss of the rental fee and damage deposit (plus additional charges for damages in excess of the deposit) and denial of future use of Prairie Center. SECTION 05.05.07: INDEMNIFICATION AND WAIVER: A. Use of Prairie Center by individuals, organizations and entities and their participants , 4theiF pFeper-ty duetothe negligence —car fail„ro to aGt of the Git7 of Otsego, 46 of Prairie Genter is undertaken at the sole risk of those individuals, organizations. entities and participants. The City of Otsego, it employees, officers, agents. contractors and volunteers shall not be liable for any claim, demand. injury. damage, action, or causes of action of whatever nature related to damage to any participant, individual, organization or entity or their property arising from use of the Prairie Center, to the extent permitted by law. Users, individuals. organizations and entities utilizing the facilities shall prior to any use agree in 7 writing in a form approved by the Citv to waive any and all claims, hold harmless, defend and fully indemnify the City, it employees. officers, contractors and agents from any and all claims related to use of the facility, to the extent permitted by law. C. The City of Otsego shall not be responsible for loss of personal property by individuals or groups using Prairie Center pursuant to a rental agreement. SECTION 05.05.08: AMENDMENTS: A. The City Council may amend this policy at any time; Modifications of the policy shall be effective on the date said modifications are approved by City council resolution. B. The policy will be reviewed periodically by City staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission and/or City Council; The City Clerk will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy; Any review will consider comments and complaints since the last review and any other factors affecting the policy or its implementation. RENTAL FEE COMPARISION Facility Resident Non -Resident Business St. Micheal Small Room $5/hr $12.50/hr $10/hr Large Room $15/hr $22.50/hr $20/hr Rogers Activity Center $25/hr- $125/day $30/hr- $150/day Community Room $30/hr- $150/day $40/hr- $200/day Maple Grove Meeting Room $25/hr $30/hr Plymouth Creek Center Meeting Room $30/hr $50/hr