10-09-13 PRITEM 5-1
TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager
DATE: October 3, 2013
RE: Ice Rink Locations
In 2012, the City again began to flood ice rinks located throughout the City. The Parks
and Recreation Commission choose two locations for ice rinks, Prairie Park and School
Knoll Park.
Throughout the 2012-2013 season, City staff observed that the location at Prairie Park
had significant use while the rink at School Knoll had light use. Benches, garbage cans,
and port -o -potties were located at both locations.
In 2014, the City of Elk River will be hosting Hockey Day Minnesota at the Handke Pit.
Due to the increased level of play, Elk River will be taking out their smaller rinks and
installing one big rink. The Parks Department in Elk River has graciously offered one of
the two ice rinks to the City of Otsego to use on a temporary basis. City staff would
suggest putting this rink on the north side of the pleasure skating rink located at Prairie
City staff would like to request that the Parks and Recreation Commission discuss the
possibility of moving the rink at School Knoll to another location. At the December
2012 Commission meeting, Commissioners discussed where to put additional ice rinks in
the future. Although no locations were identified, avoiding irrigated turf and focusing
on hard surfaces were mentioned in the discussion.
The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the information outlined in this
memo. Once reviewed and revisions made, staff is requesting that the Commission
make their recommendation to staff about the Prairie Park Hockey Rink and a pleasure
rink location.
ITEM 5_2
TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager
DATE: October 3, 2013
RE: Waterfront East Entrance and Signage
During the tour of the City's parks in June, Parks and Recreation Commissioners visited
the park at the Waterfront East development. Two items discussed at this park include
signage and an improved entrance to the park from the commercial parking lot.
Park name. There is not official name for the park, which is referred to
currently as Waterfront East Park. The Historical Preservation Commission has in
the past been asked to provide recommendations on park names that will
contribute to community identity by recognizing individuals or locations of local
historical significance. The Heritage Preservation Commission will be meeting
on Tuesday, October 8th to discuss a recommendation to the Parks and
Recreation Commission on a name for the park. Once the Heritage Preservation
Commission forwards its suggested park names, the Parks and Recreation
Commission may consider these and other names to make a recommendation to
the City Council on a name for the park.
Park Entrance. Access to the park is currently on the west end of the park
adjacent to the commercial parking lot over a grass and dirt surface. This access
does meet the Americans With Disabilities Act requirements, which requires an
access surface to be firm and stable, however accessing the park on roller blades
is difficult, therefore City staff is proposing to install an asphalt surface between
the parking lot and trail within the park to provide the necessary access.
Placement of the current entrance will not impede any future parking or
construction once the development expands. City staff estimates the cost for the
access for labor, equipment and materials to be estimated at $3,000 which
would be funded using park dedication monies.
Signage. In naming the park and establishing an improved access, location of
park identification signage can be addressed. A redwood park identification sign
consistent with that used at other City parks (but updated with the new City
logo) would be installed adjacent to the access. The Parks and Recreation
Commission may also consider recommending additional directional signage be
installed on 90th Street and/or Quantrelle Avenue to provide assistance to park
users on where to park and where the entrance is.
The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the information outlined in this
memo. Once reviewed and revisions made, staff is requesting that the Commission
make their recommendation to the City Council on an entrance, signage placement, and
a name for the park located in the Otsego Waterfront East development.
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Proposed Park Access
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Cnenped 4 One.
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HVI"" No 101
Wright County, MN Obeacon TM
Date Created: 10/7/2013
Parcel ID 118217000010 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address n/a
Sec/Twp/Rng 14-121-23 Class 958 - MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER
Property Address Acreage n/a
District n/a
Brief Tax Description Sect -14 Twp -121 Range -023 OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST OUTLOT A
(Note: Not to be used on legal documents)
Last Data Upload: 10/7/2013 7:02:36 AM
developed by
The Schneider Corporation
Schneider www.schneidercorp.com
ITEM 5_3
TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager
DATE: October 3, 2013
RE: Davis Mississippi Cove Park Property
There is currently Park property located along the river in the Davis Mississippi Cove
development that is accessible from 96th Street at Mason Avenue. This property was
acquired through park dedication requirements from the developer in 2006 and is
approximately 16 acres bordering the Mississippi River. There is an old blacktop trail
within the park property that connects to existing natural trails that lead to the
Mississippi River but the property.
The park is located in the Mississippi Wild, Scenic and Recreational River District. This
district is based on DNR rules that are adopted and administered by the City. There
are limitations on development that can occur under the Wild and Scenic rules including
vegetation removal and grading. The extent of the property acquired by the City
includes the top of the bluff along the creek and was based upon providing the City the
ability to protect the bluff line through maintenance of vegetation and setback for any
planned park improvements. It has been anticipated that more formal neighborhood
park improvements would occur at the top of the bluff near 96th Street with trail
connections extending into more natural areas near the creek and Mississippi River.
The Future Parks and Trails Plan guides that the the City will acquire additional park
land when the property to the west develops. The additional property will include areas
adjacent to the Mississippi River and unnamed creek that the Future Parks and Trails
Plan designates as a greenway corridor. A subdivision plan for the property to the west
had been previously approved but did not develop due to the recession.
The property within Davis Mississippi Coves has outstanding natural features that the
City could consider utilizing now prior to development of formal neighborhood park
facilities including the existing asphalt and natural trails with minimal investment and
maintenance. The Parks and Recreation Commission may also consider initiating
planning for the neighborhood park improvements by working on preparation of a
concept plan, which the City has in the past used the services of a park design
consultant. Finally, a name for the park should be determined, park names are to aid
in promoting community identity either through recognition of a person or place of local
historical significance or based on a natural feature of the specific park. The City's
Heritage Preservation Commission has in the past provided recommendations to the
Parks and Recreation Commission on the naming of parks and has been asked for
suggested names for the park at Davis Mississippi Cove.
The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the information outlined in this
memo. Once reviewed and revisions made, staff is requesting that the Commission
make their recommendation to the City Council on proceeding with planning for
utilization of the park as a natural area and/or initiate concept planning for development
of neighborhood facilities. The Parks and Recreation Commission may also forward
recommendations on a name for the park upon receipt and consideration of the names
suggested by the Heritage Preservation Commission.
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Wright County, MN
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Date Created: 10/7/2013
Parcel ID 118247000020 Alternate ID n/a
Sec/Twp/Rng 18-121-23 Class 958 - MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER
Property Address Acreage n/a
District n/a
Brief Tax Description Sed -18 Twp -121 Range -023 DAVIS MISSISSIPPI COVE 2ND ADD OUTLT B
(Note: Not to be used on legal documents)
Last Data Upload: 10/7/2013 7:02:36 AM
)wnship Limits
Owner Address n/a
C"11developed by
The Schneider Corporation
Schneider www.schneidercorp.com