08-14-13 PR ITEM 3_1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER August 14, 2013 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Commissioners: Charles VonBerg, Angie Dehn, Doug Cassady, Mike Brumm, Susan Krekelberg and Brian Fahey. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and CM Doug Schroeder. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager, Daniel Licht, City Planner and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing. 1. Open Forum. Karin Vossler, 15303 89 Street NE asked about the possibility of putting in a dog park in Otsego. Parks and Recreation Manager said that the Parks and Recreation commission goal is to include amenities like this throughout the City. City Planner Licht pointed out that pet owners are allowed to use the area behind the ball fields as an off leash area. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner VonBerg. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes. 3.1 July10, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Dehn motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 4.1 Prairie Park Master Plan. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The revised Prairie Park Master Plan has the sliding hill staying where it is currently located, adding an ice rink to the north of the current one and possibly a future warming house, adding additional baseball fields, rest rooms, concessions, a fenced in area for a dog park and additional parking. Councilmember Cassidy feared there wouldn't be enough picnic area with the fenced in dog park area taking up so much room and to possibly think about relocating it. Other dog park locations were discussed noting Lily Pond Park would be the best fit. Commissioners would like to remove the dog park from Prairie Park and relocate it to Lily Pond. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant will bring back costs for the dog park to the September meeting. Chair Torresani would like to see the ball fields to be larger instead of having three (3) smaller fields. Commissioner Cassady motioned for City Council to formally adopt the Prairie Park Master Plan with the exception of removing the proposed dog park and relocating it to Lily Pond Park and increasing the ball fields to full size fields. Seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion carried. 4.2. Pickleball Court Funding. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented. The funding for the pickllball courts will be tied in with the resurfacing and painting of the tennis courts for 2014. 4.3. Lighting for Monument. Parks and Recreation manager Demant presented. The cost for electric lighting for the monument is estimated at $5,000. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant noted that residual lighting is enough for now but will propose other lighting options for the flag and monument. Mayor Stockamp said they should look into combining a bid for lighting when the City does their City monument projects. 4.4. CIP Review for School Knoll Play Structure. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented. Cost estimates to remove and replace the play structure at School Knoll range from $15,500 to $21,000 noting that $15,000 is budgeted for this in the CIP. Chair Torresani said he'd rather spend more now and replace in fifteen (15) years than pay less and replace in seven (7) years. Commissioner Krekelberg asked if they could replace the play structure with a wooden one. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said they no longer have those available. Commissioner Brumm asked if there is a standard warranty that fit these play sets that went into the costs. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant assured the Parks and Recreation commissioners that Parks Lead Pat Launderville is certified to do the monthly required inspections and maintenance of the play structures. 4.5. CIP Review for Water & Electric for Prairie Park Softball /Baseball field. Parks and Recreation manager Demant presented. An estimated cost for electricity to be installed centrally between the ball fields is $4,000 to $5,000. The cost for the water fountain and water availability is estimated at $5,000. City Planner Licht noted that the money comes from different funds. Commissioner Brumm motioned for CC to add the Water and Electric for Prairie Park Softball /Baseball field to the CIP. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. New Business: No Items 6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an update. Construction for Prairie Center will begin next week. Chair Torresani asked if there was still a plan to have the personalized bricks. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said it is just a plan at this point and will be discussed at a later date. Retention pond lining is almost complete and weather permitting; seeding is planned for the beginning of September. Movies in the park have begun showing again. 7. City Council Reports. CM Schroeder gave an update. CC has been going over the budget. Mayor Stockamp said that staff will be brought in on the next budget meeting. Our new Administrative Services Director, Dan Jordet, will begin Monday August 19, 2013. Mr. Jordet was 2 formally working with the City of Brooklyn Center. City Planner Licht noted that we currently have 200 -250 vacant lots left in the city but future plats are in the making. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner VonBerg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:26PM PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing 3