ITEM 1.1CrEm OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER December 1, 2013 7800 P Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:03 Pial., II SII: Chir PamBlack; Crnrnisinrs: rid Thompson,, Jim KIls and Brien G ri n. Absent: Richard Nichols and Tammie Fallon. Commissioner Aaron Strit sky arrived at 7:08 Phi. City Council: CM Vern H idn r# Staff: Daniel Licht, City Planner; and T mi Luff, City Clerk. 1. Consider the following minutes: 1.1 December 2, 2013 Planning Commission Meets �. Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve as written, seconded by Commissioner Gere . All in favor. Motion carried: 2. Public Hrinci items: 2.1 Pleasant Creek Farms 5th Addition: A. - r li ina[y Plat B. PUD -CLIP. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. rt. Applicant Toni B kritg s, KHovnanian Representative; Project Engineer Fran Hagen Jr. and KH vn ni n MH Division President Jeff Parks; Mr. Bakritges reviewed the proposed project and stated they agreed with the staff report. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7.14 Pals Karen Brown, 7932 LaBeaux Avenue,, asked ghat would be done behind her backyard and hove many feet array. City Planner Licht said the side yard setback is 7 feet, rear lot line is 20 feet and stated the previously approved townhomes would have been 20 feet s well. Stere Schreiner, 13683 571h street, St. Michael; said the notice shored a small section to the south. City Planner Licht stated nothing is being done with that parcel at this time which remains platted for a four unit townhouse building under separate ownership. Nathan Kirdem, 11189 71h Lane, asked the price range of the single family homes and square footage. fir. Bakritges said prices will likely range from the raid $200',000 to low $300,,000. House sizes will range from around 2,200 square feet to 2,700 square feet above ground with a to or three car attached garage. Deb Schreiner, 13683 57Th street, St, Michael; l; asked when construction would begin and how In. Ir. Bakritges said construction would occur in one phase and start in the spring weather permitting. Commissioner Thompson said looks like just two lots with side yard setbacks abutting the one acre lots to the west. city Planner Licht said correct the others would be the 2 feet rear yard setbacks. Commissioner G rton questioned the setback limit on the culd do sac. city Planner Licht said this is a temporary culd do sac platted richt to the edge of the property to make it possible for future development. cM H idn r asked how far the culd de sac will be from the lot line. city Planner Licht said typically 10 feet. Project Engineer Hagen said it is 20 feet from the driveway to temporary cull de sac to the front of the house= Commissioner Gerin questioned the landscaping stating the west side shows minimal trees planned. Mr. Bakritges said there is existing vegetation so they addressed the areas where there was none. Commissioner G rten asked if there should be a buffer requirement. city Planner Licht said the city does not have a buff ry rd landscape requirement for single family development abutting to existing single family properties= Commissioner stritosky questioned the phasing of the project. Mr. Ba ridg s said single phase 19 at a time. Commissioner G ri n asked if there are construction concerns with increase of traffic and trucking requirements. city Planner Licht said there are seasonal weight restrictions to protect the pavement and a construction escrow is required by the developer should any damage to public streets need to be repaired. Todd Hesse, 11123 76th Lane, asked if there will be an association with this development. Mr. B kritges said no. Mr. Hesse said that Lachman Avenue is owned by association who will be responsible for damage to the private road and who will maintain the sidewalk. city Planner Licht said Lachman is a city street, Mr. Hesse said the city does not currently plow. city Planner Licht will update city staff that this is City street and will be maintained by the Street Department Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:35 PM - City clerk Luff attested that all the proper noticing, posting and publishing has been completed. Commissioner Gerten asked if there will be a model home. Mr. Bakritges said there will be a traditional two story model home with basement around .dune. fir, Bakritges stated he does not have the drawings with him and that he will bring them to the City Council meeting. Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve a Preliminary Pint and PUD - CUP for Pleasant Creek Farms 5�h Addition subject to the eleven conditions listed in the planning report. Seconded by Commissioner StriteskyK All in furor. Motion carried,. City Planner Licht stated this application will be presented to the City Council on January 13, 2014. 2;2 Zoning Ordinance update. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 PM. City Clerk Luff attested that all the proper noticing,, posting and publishing has been completed. Keith Knutson, 6630 Odean Avenue NE, asked is the change to the ordinance can b downloaded from the website, City Planner Licht said yes it will be updated on the website once approved. Hearing no further public comment Chair Black closed the Public Haring at 7:47 PM. Commissioner Stripy motioned to accept the ordinance changes as resented. Seconded by Commissioner Kolliesm All in favor, Motion carried. 3,Update on City Council actions, CM H idn r updated the Commissioners on City Council actions. . Update on future Planning Commission AcIenda items. City Planner Licht said there is a worksession scheduled for January 6, 2014. 5. Adjourn . Commissionerp Thompson motioned to adjo rrn, Seconded y Commi ion r G rt n. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:56 Phi. Parr Black, Chair ATTEST: Trni Luff, City Clerk