ITEM 2.13601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 65303 Phone: 763.231.58 40 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC@ Plan ni ngCo. cam lq�ll� 11 liq q TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Gateway North Building 6 REPORT DATE.- 31 January 2014 ACTION DATE: 15 March 2014 TPC FILE: 101.02 — 14.01 BACKGROUND Duke Realty Limited Partnership has submitted plans for development of a 299,904 square foot warehouse distribution building within the Gateway North Business Center. The subject site is Outlot A, Gateway North grid Addition located east of TH 101 and south of CSAR 37 abutting Queens Avenue. A preliminary plat and PUD -CUP was approved for Gateway North on 12 June 2006 and establishes that each phase of the development is to be processed subject to site and building plan review and final plat approval. The Planning Commission will consider these applications at their meeting on 3 February 2014. Fyhihit.q- A. Site Location B. Gateway North Master Plan (2 sheets — original and revised) C. Existing Conditions D. Site Plan E. Grading Plan (2 sheets) F. Utility Plan G. Storm Sewer Plan H. Site Lighting Plan I. Tree and Ground Cover Plan/Landscape Plan (3 sheets) J. Exterior Elevations K. Final plat (2 sheets) Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for industrial land uses within the east sewer district. The proposed land use is consistent with this designation and the City has adequate utility capacity available at the subject site to provide services. Zoning. The subject site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. Warehousing and distribution centers are a permitted use within the 1-2 District. Environmental Review. An Alternative Urban Area Review (AUAR) was prepared with the review of the initial Gateway North application and the scope of this study included overall master plan. The City Council adopted the GUAR on 7 August 2006 finding that the proposed project did not have potential for significant environmental effects. The current site and building plans are consistent with the intensity of development anticipated for this portion of Gateway North reviewed as part of the AUAR and this application requires no additional environmental review. Building Exterior Finish. The design of the proposed building is consistent with that of Gateway North Building 1 and consists of precast concrete panels with an exposed aggregate or ribbed finish on all four sides of the structure. The exterior finish schedule indicates that some panels are grey concrete and some have a 5% grey/brown tint. The proposed exterior materials comply with the requirements for the 1-2 District except that Section 20-17-4.B.l.b(3) of the Zoning Ordinance specifies the panels must be integral color. The developer must specify that the exterior walls are not to be painted and that the grey is an integral color. Building Height. Buildings within the 1-2 District are allowed a maximum height of 35 feet. The height of the proposed building from finished floor to the top of the roof is 34.75 feet. There is a 1.25 foot parapet surrounding the roof which is allowed by Section 20-17-3.A of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Requirements. The 1-2 District requires a minimum lot area of two (2) acres and minimum width measured at the front yard setback line of 200 feet. The area of the proposed lot to be final platted is 18.63 acres and the lot is 1,510 feet wide (north to south). Building coverage is also limited to 50 percent of the lot area. The proposed 299,904 square foot building will cover 34.6 percent of the lot area. Setbacks. The following setbacks are applicable to the subject site within the 1-2 District and the proposed building and parking areas shown on the site plan comply. M Principal Building Parking Queens North South/ Wetland Ave. West Queens Ave Perimeter Interior Required 30ft. 20ft. Oft. 40ft. I 5ft. 5ft. Oft. Proposed 11 5ft. 31 5ft. NA 80ft. 23ft. 1 5ft. NA M Access. The subject site is proposed to have two accesses to Queens Avenue, which is designated as a Commercial/industrial Collector Street by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Construction of Queens Avenue occurred with the initial platting of Gateway North and the development was assessed so no collector street fees are due with this final plat. Access spacing to collector streets is required to be a minimum of 500 feet apart in accordance with Section 21-7-7.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. The two driveways are 1,180 feet apart. The width of the driveways is 31 feet and is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer as adequate to allow semi tractor -trailer turning movements to and from Queens Avenue. The access to the north driveway is the entrance to a fenced loading and trailer storage area north and west of the proposed building. There is 96 square foot guard house and gate at the entrance to the loading and storage area, which is setback 315 feet from Queens Avenue to provide stacking space for approximately four semi tractor -trailers so as not to interfere with traffic on Queens Avenue. Another gate to the loading and storage area is provided at the southwest corner of the building for secondary access if needed. The south driveway shown on the site plan and master plan will also provide access to future Building #5, which would be anticipated to be final platted on a lot without direct frontage to Queens Avenue as allowed by the approved preliminary plat and PUD -CUP. To ensure access to this future parcel, the developer must record an access easement overlying the south driveway of Lot 1, Block 1 Gateway North 6 at the time the final plat is recorded. The access easement is to be subject to review and approval of City staff. Off -Street Parking/Loading. All off street parking and loading areas are paved with either asphalt or concrete surfaces and perimeter concrete curb is provided in accordance with Section 20-21-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the following calculation for the number of required off street parking stalls: Use Area Requirement Required (based on net so Stalls Office 1 1,320sf. 3 + 1 stall per 200sf. 54 Warehouse 288,584sf. 1 stall/ 1 1000sf. 258_ Total 299,904sf. 312 The site plan provides for 104 parking stalls for passenger vehicles (dimensioned at 9 feet by 18 feet with two foot overhang). The site plan also includes area for hot starting 40 diesel semi -tractors and storage for 130 semi -trailers. The cumulative total of these stalls is 274 (which would need to be configured dependent upon building occupancy and use) and will be adequate based on the proposed user and does not include the 48 loading docks. There is the ability to add additional passenger parking stalls to the south of the drive aisle south of the building if demand exceeds the proposed supply. The site plan must be revised to illustrate the proof -of -parking stalls and the development agreement will include provisions enabling the City to require their construction. 3 Snow Storage. Section 20-21-4.H.17 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a plan for snow storage be developed for the subject site so that required parking stalls are not utilized for this purpose. City staff and the developer have discussed that snow would be removed from the off-street parking stalls, trailer storage and loading areas and deposited into the stormwater basins at the north and south ends of the building as necessary to maintain the site. Landscape Plan. The developer has submitted landscape plans showing tree plantings at the perimeter of the subject site and also plantings at the base of the east wall of the proposed building. The landscape plan provides an emphasis on screening the trailer storage area north of the building from view of Queens Avenue and CSAH 37 and ornamental landscaping directly east and south of the building. The west side of the building will be visible from TH 101 until such time as Building 5 is constructed. As an industrial development, visibility of the loading area and trailer storage would not be inconsistent with this character and is not considered to be an issue. The proposed type and size of the plantings are consistent with the requirements of Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance and appropriate for the subject site. Fencing. The loading and trailer storage areas are to be enclosed by a six foot tall chain link fence. Section 20-16-6.K of the Zoning Ordinance allows fences within the 1-2 District to be up to eight feet tall including within portions of the subject side that are required front yards abutting public rights-of-way provided that they are 75 percent open. The proposed fence complies with these requirements and installation requires a fence permit approved by the Zoning Administrator. It is also noted that the configuration of the lot lines and the site plan for Buildings 5 and 6 and proposed fence create a situation where there is a double stacked row of trailer storage stalls for Building 5. This situation is a property management internal to the development that will not affect traffic movement on public streets and is therefore not an issue for the City. Exterior Lighting. The developer has submitted plans showing proposed exterior lighting of the subject site. Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for exterior lighting limiting light cast to the property line abutting a public street to 1.0 foot-candle and at interior property line to 0.4 foot-candle. The exterior lighting plan complies with the intensity limits at Queens Avenue and the north property line. The south and west property lines are interior to Gateway North and given the integrated arrangement of the individual sites compliance with the intensity limit for an interior lot line would not be applicable. All exterior light fixtures must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off and comply with the height limits established by Section 20-10-10.c.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. No plans for signs have been submitted for the proposed development. All signs must comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement upon the property. Sign permits are subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. Trash Storage. The site plan indicates the location of a trash compactor on at the center of the west wall of the proposed building. Provided that the trash compactor is a closed metal container accessed from the interior of the building it will be regarded as mechanical equipment integral to the building and exterior screening is not necessary. Exterior storage of any other waste or recycling containers must be within a secured enclosure subject to the requirements of Section 20-16-153 of the Zoning Ordinance. Grading Plan. Outlot A, Gateway North was mass graded as part of the initial development of the subject site and included establishment of stormwater basins as well as wetland buffer and mitigation areas, which is an on-going process. The developer has submitted a grading plan for development of Building 6 that includes updates to the overall grading plan for the subject site based on the proposed changes to the master plan and changes in State mandated stormwater management rules. The grading plan also includes a retaining wall the northwest corner of the subject site. The grading plan, retailing walls, wetland management plan issues and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. There is no stormwater impact charge applicable to the subject site in conjunction with the final plat. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted plans for connection of the proposed building to the City's sanitary sewer and water utilities and stormwater system. The utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Chapter 6, Section 2 of the City Code establishes provisions for payment of utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval and connection charges at the time of building permit application. The City Engineer calculates that the proposed building has a Residential Equivalent Connection (REC) value of 45.9 RECs. The City approved an agreement with the developer with the initial Gateway North final plat that future phases of the master plan would be charged two RECs per building provided that the buildings did not include more than 15 percent office space. Modifications to the master plan would trigger review of applicable utility availability and connection charges as to possible adjustments. The current development proposal would establish a single building in the area anticipated on the original master plan to provide for construction of three principal buildings. City staff recommends that the developer pay utility availability and connection charges for Building 6 based on six RECs. The utility plan also illustrates proposed fire hydrant locations and building coverage limits. The plan for location fire hydrants and fire access is to be subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshal. Easements. The proposed final plat illustrates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed lot as well as overlying existing/proposed stormwater basins and wetland restoration areas as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Final Plat. The developer has submitted a final plat subdivide the lot for Building 6 from Outlot A, Gateway North 2 nd Addition. The proposed final plat is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Park and Trail Dedication. The initial final plat approval for Gateway North satisfied park and trail dedication requirements applicable to the entire development including future phases and outlots. As such, no park and trail dedication is required for the proposed Gateway North 6 final plat. Development Contract. The developer is required to enter into a development agreement with the City as a condition of approval for the current applications to provide for installation of required public and private improvements and payment of applicable fees. The City Attorney will draft the development contract for review and approval by the City Council concurrent with their action on the site and building plan and final plat applications. RECOMMENDATION Gateway North 6 final plat and Building 6 is a major move forward in development of the Gateway North Business Center absorbing area that had been anticipated for development of three separate buildings. The proposed project advances the City's economic development goals and land use objectives outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the application as outlined below. A. Motion to approve Gateway North 6 final plat and Building 6 subject to the following conditions: 1. The exterior finish materials shall comply with Section 20-17-4.B. 1.b(3) of the Zoning Ordinance utilizing integral color. 2. The developer shall record an access easement approved by City staff overlying the south driveway of Lot 1, Block 1 Gateway North 6 allowing ingress/egress to future lots of at the time the final plat is recorded. 3. The site plan is revised to illustrate proof -of -parking stalls to the south of the building subject to approval of City staff and the development agreement will include provisions enabling the City to require their construction. 4. All signs must comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement upon the property, subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. 6 5. All exterior lighting shall comply with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. A fence permit is required for installation of the fence for the loading and trailer storage areas and is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 7. Exterior storage any waste or recycling containers other than a fully enclosed trash compactor accessible from the interior of the building shall be within a secured enclosure subject to the requirements of Section 20- 16-15.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The submitted grading plan, retailing walls, wetland management plan issues and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The submitted utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. The developer shall pay utility availability and connection charges for six (6) RECs at the current fees in effect established by Section 2-4-2 of the City Code. 11. Fire hydrant locations and access shall be subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshal and City staff. 12. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 14. The final plat is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer and shall be recorded with Wright County within one hundred (100) days of City Council approval. 15. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City to provide for installation of required public and private improvements and payment of applicable fees, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application does not comply with the City Code. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tarni Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Pat Maria, Duke Realty LTD. Dale Emter, Duke Realty LTD Kevin Teppin, MFRA Gateway North Building 6 Date Created: 1/31/2014 egend Roads -- CSAHCL --- CTYCL -�--� MUNICL PRIVATECL — TWPCL City/Township Limits [:] C t Parcels otrnar C. .dwo -31 FrE, .Otm-CYT A BUILDING -H8 -".1*56-000 SF FFE-1921 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - U) We� 0 CD CD BUILDING #4 111, Jil lit Ns' fm u I w Uj 0 1 F. C14 1�84,600 SF PCND 1 i = co ft m 1 4 . go I -x CN Po NO I JFFE933 1h. 11 .3 BUILDIP 219,■ 001 _4 BLOCK 1. LOT r POND 2 L f- A - 7r N IBUn[LDTNG # 5 3LOCK 1. LOT 220�000 r BUIL FFE=928 2- L; M ME DATA m TDTAL COM�L ACREAGEm 12-3:t ACRES (5.357,860+—Sy) 70TH RICK—OF—WAY ��- 14.!-4± JLCRES GROSS MtLMUG AREA — 1.3gi9.500 SF (8 JL& -0&3S) G%PSRALL PERAOUS; 2,630 *-SF (59,93&AC) OR 48 73-9 OVERALl- IUPEW4US- 2.747.32"—SF (43,07*,AC) OR 51 EX�5nNG ZONING: ACY-12 "opos-FoZONINCIL: �--z EXtSTItir.. QrL%V tME; INDUSTRII.P.L (1-2) AND �CULTFLIILL {A -1, PROPOSED LA -44D USE-, suMMMAL (1-2), 8-3,, AND TRUNK 1'-,OVAY 1101 M LOT DATA FF o"mo maw Alft- -W -o at-f-,z}L Lm- I SrFr AJREA- EL -10 ACPLES (366.02-5--79 SF) Sff—t A$M&- 1434 ACRF,r SFJ Sffr ARfAL- 9-S% ACRES (418,102-6:5 Sr") CMCE. 23.040±SF 0MCE. IZ6,30-1Omer: 30,600±S'F WARE]-QQM- 730,0�t60-*SF WAREt40QSE-- 711,930:kSf WAP.SHOUSE j,7.3.40C__A_S;FL GROSS 51kFTWNGARF-A - 5F' G'Ross 131I.SIMINa AREA - 84.6col SF G;ROSS BUIL-DING AREA - 2' ',OC** 5F PARKNG PAWING PAMF4 REMARED (OFME, I IS STALM WAKHOU-SZ 1301 246 BALLS REQLhRED - (OFRCE.- 93 STALLS. 72" 1� Rch-70VIPED (OFP4E-, 1W STALU-7-. WARc--,6qC1-,c-4E 173) 246 STALS 15.1 STALLS. (INCLUDES 6 HC) ;`R'VA1DM - 11-7 VAI -LS (34CLIj0ES � �Hr-) Fr9C,-1C+X 213Slo'A—,''S (If--ZLJI�ILS -1 H0 ON: (OMCE--1 STALL/20CSF. WAMDiOUSS-r- I STALL/ I 0000SF-) BASED ON-, [0r-r-rLE-1 STAL1,/,2-C,05'F. WARFJ-iDU5E-- 75�TAL-1/1000SF) P ON: (OMCE--t STALL/200Sr. WARVIOUSE-- 151Aa-L110WSF) « wr--�, ` ¢'fie=w, - .-.1�+ � _ • �'.• _ .' �_ u ^ti. ;1'---,,� � �''•.� ' y `, _ �i -- i� v;--�'-'� I y 1, : '� _ I ,� Y I I •4 TF '' � � � '� - � ram: �I!y, � �� - _ � -�'�� �•r �"+ „ -� � - - _ I ,.�, '' ., , f -�^.,. I � '_ I 1 �t ',, , I : _ ' , _ ''y, i,r.-`'4 �•'.. r -+'rte j r _ f _-. s� .- AP, r dt I _ F _ IF I r _ F w - � :i�, e"5, r" e � _�-:�r ' .. `' r � � _ E -.� / __.�-..,, �_�+eta p• .,Im I I f` AL-._I df F , ffj . �__ - -_�_. _ _ _. - „ "-._ � i � #' 1. - •_ -- �, •F , E �' � - _ x _ 1 - tj1P4 .. •." t� ._... ... n.. T - ---- _ ' _ I 1 1 4 L .i .. 7 F7i 1 1•k +I tl. f I 4 n. - - - - - - _� -:= .---,.� "'�i,,.r- •`- gyp.. "vl ri, , - , -Ell "Ad_ BUILDING LOT 6 a z I :s r , 2991904 r- 107 '#.. � + � , • .��� ,� ,_rte �� -_ - - - - - - - _ - _ -_ - _ _ _ _ - k I_ - 1' �w j rr 10 1 1200 SF 5 -IC a �. '!� I - °� 1 Un- - a i P i S `y _�OT 4 „i1� � �� ff _ _ iIf j I to BUILDING #4 OUT LOT -�:. i x` v.. _ _ - °. +. • � I If I � FF --F,=9 3 3 a I f � a L 4 ; 1 � I � � Y - - - , I _7 E , , r i � ' �„,.� t ; - _. -- a+- � a , IfF I — d • ..._ I I I - , ' , 0 ] �'4. E � . , _ - i .. _. ,_ _ _ J - « I • '.:. r « , : - . �y � „° ; -,Irl I . - r 1 �� f 10. t , ' n d , t i 6 , _r :: I - ---_-x•"� �: =1�.. . E ,ya_.. x..-�n +P'• ' :,- I « i GI a :... is . � t i2^ -F'. .. r r 3 ..! 1 'Ia F E 1 _ + R''i -y...a -s.l `.0 ! i i C �r 1 r• — .. NTLJ , LOT 5 20.6 AC— - - - • r. i77 BUILDING #5 400.1000 SF IFFE s _ r _ i Apr_ t 11! 4 ♦t- � +s' � "� �_E-._—�.___.- _ ��! -.. _ .:.__. _. .._ . 1 ��`'•"'7'k�i �"�" i ' � _lam 1 � �-. - r t .7- _ - �r , ,«. •.� =�__"� w as I - - — •___ — :Z -�-•..�,� ��_ _ �: +••+-- - . , .. - _ - „} -fix„ .. � _'�, _,•. ]r - r _ -_ - .,- _ 4 f_ .---- _ •�,_..— - - -�.-• _ �� arts.. - Olp OWN 77 f— -s 1 — , e , • . j � ��"� - _ - +ow► � - fir' � -' � - - , A - ' � ..rte•,: _ _ - �. � i, / _ ,. - - � - - � - h , v r - j r .i _ I ja or- - ­ - , -9 _ . - r - IJ Ak 14 Nv s , I - Y I T , 1 _ I w� L a , �' -. �`1. r ,. r A � -_y -�_ -_ :_. •� �-� � : moi. -- - - r - - S t- I M _ '� aft - ,� .�_ � s d w _ - - 'i - �� _ • - _ - . - � - IF so �L h ^4 RIF . - ' Is 17 � • �", � '' �� 3" ,,,�Ir��-yrs „� _.- -- -- MH 32 RE=Rlsla3 lE=903:71 H iE=WG.87 5 yE�9{73.81 tiY' 44 414 04 4 \ F q 1 MH -3 F E=927.74 IE 908.35 N IE=9U8.45 S yE=9{7B_-1-55 E 1 I 1 v MH 34 RE -925.35 1E=9D9.S7 N IE=9179.77 5 1E=449.77 YF _d 4 4-4 4 4 a�I -— 1— `r�I MH ifs NIH 35 REa921.96 RE=gam 68 1E=911.45 N iEa911.1€7 N fE=9t2 8S S IE -911.20 S .. 5 � T 1 l � G --Tl` V' 10 a C, M - .17B ape 'XX NER, 1 14 LU "Al LLJ o 11IL~_ ti Llf Al , ,� -- cq _ wl --` -----, 1}11}r P 0.p ! � 9[}3* r 1 PR,2 Ab - 7D +ati (1YP.) (7 ).P } (TYp.) a _ � — X B '` TT'�q - { 39 a o =I7 I -- --- - - - - -r - — LLU h1j I i M i ITYP.) r 601 Lo f �y I 1 IC54 - BUILDING 46 1 299,904 SF 7 F F E=92150 + g '13'T7 �y i 4 ryl zoo GUARDHOE DETAIL �. _ �; 3521 k � � c���H[�u�r as j {� YL. � A � � (T P_) I M EiCli. F1 �1 _ C� a� C L . J l� 1. _ .0 L . rl n L� J7 rl .[- _n _ C 1 C 1� L1 J`1.CI I r. J� •�I ._=. _ 1Z 11 L1 — — Y- — --- ---- -- — - -, I . : -12 10, M 4 I 1 s 10' IV t. I r- (T3rPA F V a -7! 4 - , F + _ CI I K I l 1 - • _ F - • . . .- _ - . .-I - F � iRAD I N G MOTES A PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE TO FINISHEDSURFACE ELEVA710N.SPOT ELEVATIONS ALONG FRQPOSEDCURR DENOTE CONTROL DEVICES51JCH AS BARRICADES, i+ ARNINGSIGN5, 41RECTDONALSIGNS, FLAGMEN ANO LIGHTS TO CONTROLT-HE GUTTER GRADE: I IOLlEI°vT NT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECE55ARY. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFiDRM TO APPROPRIATE MINNESOTA LI. HEAVY EQUIPMENT 1--HALLNOT TRAVEL WITHIN THE INFILTRATION BASIN AREA, EXCAVATION WITIHIN THE IN FILTF.ATION 1- A M I-NIhAUM OF TWO INFILTi RATI0K TE5T5 SHALL BE COMP LETI! D POR EACH DEPARTMENT LF TRANSPO RTATJ ON STANDARDS- BASIN S -IALL BE PERFORMED 13Y USE CIF A BACXHQE BUCKET WITH TEETH. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISC OR TILLTHE AREA OR ISS), THE REgtJ'I RrD NUMBER OF TESTS SHALL BE VERIFIED'WFFH B. CONTRACTOR SHALL RV11E!'I PAVEMIENT GRAZENT AND CONSTRUCT "GL{TTER OUT''4OHERE WATR ORA1NS AWAY FROM SOILS IF REQUIRED BY THE 5011-S ENGINEER. GOVERNING ALF-1HO)RITIM CURB. ALL OTH ERAREALSSHALL BE CONSTRUCTED P5 "GUTTER IN- CUES_ L EX VATETOP ILFROMAREAS TO BE FURTHER EXCAVATLD GA REGRADED AND STOCKPILE IN AREAE DF5P NATEU ON 2- TWO ADDITtONAL TMS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR EACH 0-5 ACRE OF INFrLTRJ THE SITE. THE CONTRAaOR SHALL SALVAGE ENOUG" TOPSOIL FOR RESPREADING ON THE S17EA55A'ECIFIED. EXCESS t:. INFILTRATION BASIN SJHAII-L EE PROTECTED M SILT FENCE DURING CONSTRU--FTON or, SIM GPADJNG, LJTiL171ES,AND 3. TEST PROCEDURE WILL raLLOW ASTM D-3395-09 "STANDARD TEST METH01 C. ALL GRADPENT ON 530EVIALKS ALONG THE ADA ROUTE SMALL HAV16 A.MAx€MiJM LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF5% (1.20), TOPSOIL SHALL BE PLACED IN EMBANKMENT AREAS OUTSIDE OF BUILDING PADS, ROADWAYS AND PARKING AREAS. T14E STREETS_ ALL DEPOSMED SEDIMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 5HALL SE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF FIELD USING DOU13LE-RING INFILTROMETER". EXCEPT AT CURB RAMPS (1-12). AND MAXIMUM 0055 SLOPE OF 2.0.8% (1:42). THE MAXIMUM SLOPE IN ANY CONTRACTO]RSHALL SU$CUT CUT AREAS. WHERE 1J LF I5 TO BE ESTABLISH ED, TO ADEP TH OF 41NdCHF-5- PESP RrAD VOWNSTREAM OF INFILTRA710N BASIN. IF PQ SSE BLE. 4- TEST WI LL BE CCNDUCTEDASTTJHE FINISHED BASIN FLQO]R FI-EVATToN. DIRECTION ON AN ADA PARKING STAJ LOR A'LCF35AISLFSHA,LL BE IN 2.0874 (1.48). THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND TOnOIL IN AREA5 WHERE TURF IS TO BE ESTpBUSP- ED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF INCHES. 5. TEST'iJ'AILLBF MR A PEM❑D ASOLJ'TUNED IN ASi-M D-3385-09. VERIFY THE GRADIENT IN THE FIELD ALONG THE ADA ROUTES PRIOR TO PLACJING, CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS_ THE d- ALL FLARED END SECT rON INLETS AND CATCH 13ASSN MANHOLE INLETS SHALL HAVE IFILET ETICS4ON CC)N'TRCL 6. THE TEST RESULTS WILL BE AVERAGED TO Oi3TAIN THE rwiul-RA710114 RATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER JMMMIATELY IF THERE 15 A DISCREPANCY eETWEEN THE GRA DIRNT IN THE M.F1NISHED GRADING 5HAk-L 13E COMPLETED, THE C43NTRACTO]R SHALL UNIFCIRMLY GRADE AREAS V4THIN LIMITS CIF PROTECTION IN PLACE UNTJ>, FINAI--qTA--BILIZA71ON BASIN HAS OCCUTZRED. 7. THE LOWEST MEASURED INFILTRATION RATE 54A I- EXCEED THE 0E5JGN INF FIELD VERSUS THE 0E53GN GRADIENT, GRACING, INCLUDING ADJACENT TRANSITION AREAS- PROVIDE A SMOOTH FINISHER SURFACE 4WTTHIN SPECIFIED INCHESIHOUFL. TOLERANCES. WJTIH UNIFORM LEVELS OR SLOPES 131 TWEEIN POINTS WHERE ELEVATL+t NSARE SHOWN, OR BETWEEN SUCH e. ABOVE THE INFILTRATION BASIN OUTLET ELEVATION. INCLUDING THE BERM AND DISTURBED AREAS, A MINIMUM CAF 1" R- THE AVERAGE OF THE MEASURED INFILTRATION RATES Fe.+IUST MEET OR EXCI U. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT'THE SUBSURFACE LMLITY rNFC)IRM 4TICIN SHOWN ON THE5E PLANS ISA LITILTTY POINTS AND EXESTIN€, GRAID1 5_ AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN FINISHED GRADED SHALL BE PROTECTED FROMSU13SEQUENT DEPTH OF TOPSOIL MATERIAL SHALL BE "CEO70THE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION. TOPSOIL'SHA.LLMEET (MN/DOT) INCHESPIOUR DIVIVFD HY THE CORRECTION FACTOR USED IN CALCULATING UA. LEVEL D. THIS QUALITY LEVEL W�A5 DwTERM,+iINED ACEORDINGTO THE GUIDELINES OF'CE ASCE 3&-02 TITLED CON5TRULTION OPERATLCINS, TR.AFF1C AND ERC35ION. REPAIR ALL AREAS THAT HAVE BECOME RUTTED 5Y TRAFFIC 1OR SPECIFICATION. THE AREA SHALL BE SEEDED WJTJH IMNIMUT} SEED MIXTURE 260 (COMMERCIAL APPUED AT A i7.INIP-8 FROM THE LATEST EDMOJN OF THE Mr1YNE5OlTA 5TORMWATEFt MA. QUALITY fl ERODED STWATER OR HAS SETTLED BELOW THE CORRECT GRADE. ALL AREAS 121STURRED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S 'STANDARI) C�LJr❑ELIRES FOR THE COLLJ`+CTIC}Id AND [}EPJCTi{]fhJ OF E7USllNG SLJB5URFACE UTILITY 17P,TA�'. THE ❑PFTFiATIG3N5 SHALL BE fIES'f'OREO TO EQUAL [JR RE7T�t THAN C1RICy1N+AL CC�J+JDITION 13F1 TO THE RECIIJIRIfe+�E1�7T5 OF THE RATE OF 100 LBSfACRE, OR �N'iI~1fC]LiT� 5EEL3 MIXTURE 350(NATIVECONT-RAC` 0R AND/OR 51_JBCONTRAf-TORSSHALLDE<TERMINETHE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE IF TH E IN R LTRATIO N RATE AS TESTED .DOE -SNOT MEET OR EXCEED T-HEREQU1R COM WORK, eY COJN7ACTING THE NQTIFIC,ATTCNV CFNTi=R (G0PHFIR STATE ONE FOR MINNESOTA AT N WORK- GEN ER At R0AxD5I0E) APPLIE13 AT A RATE OF 80 LBS/ACRE. SOD MEETING (M141f]OT) $PECIFrCAT10N 3878.7-6 CAN BE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE 503 CORRECTIVE; AND/t7R SOI 1-POO-25THE CQ AFTRAGT4R AND/O]FL SIJ RCONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FUL LY RESPONS19 LE FOR ANY AND ALL TOLERANCES [FRANCES SIU05TIT UT EI] FOR. SEED. WITH LN THE I NFILTIZATION SASI N AREA AT THE CONTR.ACTO R'S EXPENSE UNTIL VAMAGE5 WHICH MIGHT IRE OCCAS.QNED BY HIS OR HETI FAILUR€ TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL N. EXCEEDS THE REQUFRED DATE AS DETERM1NED ABOVE- 5UB QIJeW FIE-TESTIJ LITILFTIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD . 1. THE RE -SID JIUJLDWG 5UBGRADE FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION SHALL. NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 0 343 M07 SEERS APPUCA-nC)N PROCEDURE_ INFILTRATION AS TESTED EXCEEDSTHE REQUIRED RATE p5 DETERNArNFO+ ROVI ABOVE. OR 0-90 FOCIT RIFLOW. THE PRESCRIBED ELEVATION AT ANY POINT WHERE MEASUREMENT ES MADE. MIXTURE APPLICATION PROCEDURES SHALL FOLLOW (M K/Da-r) SPECINCATION 2575.3. !;E D SHAu EE:ECUREB BY CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE AND VALL RE DEDUCTED FROM THE AMOJUNT DUE TTH IT SHALL BE THE RESPONS161LFTY OFTH E CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL E XIST NG UTILFIFIE5 WHICH CONFLJC;T WITH T -HE USE OF IMN/DCiT] SPECIFICATION 3&KS CATEGORY S ER05ION BLANKET. PROPOSED rMIPROVEMMTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS_ 2- THE COM MERCIALRUILDING 51,JBGRADE FINISH D 5UIZI`ACF F_LEVATIQN 514ALL NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 0-10 r -00T ABOVE, LF. D.10 FOOT BCW. THE PRESCRIBED ELEVATION ATANY POINT WIHERE MEASUREMENT LS MADE ASSENT A SOIL PEST, FERTILIZER RTILIR MEETING ANALYSIS 22 -5 -ICI {NPK) e[F 4 wV.1,IV_ SH 4LL BE APPLIED AT f1 RATE OF 350E. THE CONTRACTOR 51-FALLTAXEMO ALL NECESSARY TOIAVOID PROPERTY DAMAGETO� ADIACY-NT PROPERTIES LBVACRE FOR SEED MIICTSJRE 2RD. OR FERTILIiER 'WITH AN ANALYSIS OF 13-1-8 tNPK) IFOR LOAMS, CLAY LOAM SOIL), DURING THECOIh15TRUCTION PHASESO]FTHIS PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR WILL ERE HELDSOLELY RESPONSIBLE' FOR ANY 3- THE STR=OTR PAMNG,AREA SUBGRADE FIM5HF05URFACIF ELE'VA71ON SHALL NOT VARY BY MORETHAN 0-05 UR 17-10-7 (NPK) (FOR SANDS WITH LESS THAN 30% ORGANIC AND CLAY MATTER) NATURAL BASE SHALL BE APPLIED qT D.AEd AGESTO THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES O7CCORFUNG DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASESOF THIS PROJECT. FOOT ABOVE, OR 4.1-0 FOOT BELOW, THE PRESCRIBED ELEVATION OF ANY FO]INT WIHeRl' MEASUREMEW 15 MADE- A RA1TE OF 150 LBVACRE FOR MIXTURE 350. F. SAFLTY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CUNSTJRUCTION PRACTICES, TIlF 4. AREAS WHICH AMIE TO RECEI"VE TOP 50 IL SHALL BE L�RAneu TO WITHIN 0.30 FOOT ABOVE OR -SELOW THE ReGUMED F. BELOW THE IN Fr LTRATI€}N 8ASIN QLITLET, INCLUDING aA.Sr-N FI -00R, IFLACE FLA1+fTING MEDIUM SO FL BASED ON - SITE CONTRACTOR WII-LRESOLELY AND CC MPLECELY RE5P0NSISLE F -0R C{ N'DiTlONSON THE JOB SITE, INCLlUDIN G SAfrtl "OF ELEVATION, UNLESS1)1.RECTED CITKERWMEBYTHE EN GI SOILC❑NOITION5,AND ALSO 13ASSED ON LAN D5CAPEARCH PTECT, WATFRSHED, AsNiJORC:ITY RECO MMI ENDAITIONS�SEE AU PERSONS AND PAC)PERTY 10 URI NG PERFORMANCE 0 I HE WOR K. THIS REQUI3R€MENT WILL APPLY' CONTINUOUSLY vETAUL ON PLAN)- DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SEEDED WITH (MN./WT) SEED MJ3CTURE310 NATIVE INET TILL APPLJED AT A AN NOT BE LIM17ED TO NORI'S+IAL WOR HOURS. THE 0LYtY CIF THE ENGINEER 43R THE CIEVELIOPER TO CO7NOUCT 5• TOPSOIL SHALL EE GRADED TO PLUS OR MFNUS i{21NCH OF SPECMEDTHICXNE55• RATE OF 80 LBS/ACRE. DRAINTILE rN,-rAUATFC]N ;FF REQUIREDI SHALL 8E INSTA•LLED COLtiICUFl4ENTLY WITH FL04DR. REVIEWCONSTRUCTION REVIEOF THE GOI`',rTkACTOR'S PERM RiwIANCE 15 NOT INTENDED TO JNCLUDE REMEW OF THE CONSTf1UMON. ADECI!UACY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY ME .SURES IN. ON OR NEAR THE CONSTiRUCC710 N SITE. 0. AFTER THE SITE GRADING L5 COMPL.ETED, IF EXCM 0R SHGRTAsGE OF SOIL MATERIAL EXIST5, THF CON -TRACTOR SHALL G. TJHE CONTRACTOR SHAFT COMPLETE 7 H E SME GRADING CCINSTRUCT] 0N I ACCORDANCE %vf H 7 H E REQUIREMENTS OF TR 145FO T ALL EXCE55 SOIL M ATEit9r1L OFF THE SITE TO ,4J'd AREA. SELECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR, OR IMIP0RT SUrrAQLI; NOTE. INFILTRATION BA -91N FLOOR EXCAVA77ING, PLANTING MEDIUM SOIL PLACEMENT• DRAJNrlL-E IMISTA,LLATION, ETC - MATER THE MATER IAL TO'THESITE- BALL TAKE PLACE ONLY AFTER THE OWNER'S ENGINEER ALITHOR12F5 THE CONTRACTOR TO PROCEED AFTER CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPON51BLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOIL TESTS AND [N--'ECTFO NS WITH THE SOILS rNFIL7T2ATIC�N 9A�IN Sri]I�LC]PES (ABOVE OirTIET ELEVATFQN} HAVE UNDERGONE -FINAL 5TA131LlZATrON WHICH ElYG1NEER. P. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 011:1 MINETHE LOCATION O1F+4IM-Y HAUL JROADSTHAT MAY 13E REQLIIR€❑ To COMP=ETHE rNCLlJDES FLUSHING tOUTACCUMULAT� SILT AND SEDIMENT FROM CONTRIB'LF1lNG STORM SEWER. E3CCAVATED BASIN SITE GRAL]JNG CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL INDICATE HAUL ROADS ONEROSION AND SEi5IMEN7 CONTROL "STFE MAP', I IATI`RIALSHALL BE DISPOISED OF DOWNSTREAM OF BASIN AREA, IF POS5€13 L.E. OR {IFF -SITE. A GEOTECHNICAL ENG INEEFt1JNG 50115 REPORT J AS BEEN GO-KAPLEEED BY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE RFCLLJJREMEIN75 OF THE ISCIVERNLNG AUTHORITY CIF EACIA ROADWAY. 7H CONTRACTiOR SHALL PDST WHATEVFR 5ECURITY, AND COMPLY WITH ALL CONOF FRO NS WHICH ARE FLEQUIRED 13Y EACH SEED APPLICATION PROCEDURE, COMPANY: OVeRNING,AUTHORITY OF EACH ROADWAY. rviW7LIRE APPLICATION PROCEDURFES SHALL FOLLOW {MN[DOT) 5P€CIRC:ATION 257-9-3.57-93. .51 -EU SHALL HE SECURED .BY +AT DREf 4Lk USE OF HYDRO MULCH, OR 5ECUREV BY JPAN/DO}T) SPECIFICATION 3885 CATEGORY 1 OR CATEGORY 3 ER{]51ON PHONE: R- IF THE CONTRACTOR ENCOUNTERSANY DRA)NTILE WITHLN THESrrE, HE OR SHE SHALL NOTIFYTKE ENGINEER WITH THE BLANKET. ABSENT A SOIL TEST, FERTILIZER WITH AN ANALYSTS OF 18-1-8 (NPK) (FOR LOAM5. CLAY LL3AM BIRD, OR DATED: _ LOCATION. SIZE:, INVERT AND iFTHE TILE UNE 1SACTIVE. No ACTIVE DRAIN 71LESHALL BE &rACKFILLED WITFICIUTRE"EW, 1.7-lG-7 fNPK) ;FDR S:kNDS rTH LESS THAN 3C% ORGANIC AND CLAY MAT -FRT, NATURAL BASE SHALL BE APPLIED AT A THE CC] PCT R,4CI"O!7 S#1A1LL OBTAIN At COFY OF THE SMI-5 LS R EPO RT. DISC U55JC+N AND APPROVAL FROM THE PFtOJEC7 EN GEN EER, RATE OF 1291 LEWACRE. R. RFTALNING WALL(S� SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF ACJ"CKOR A+SL�D4,AAR BLOCK MATERIAL THE CONTRACTOR SHAL>LSUR6�TT K, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESEED OR REPLANT ANY AREAS ON WHICH THE ORIQ,INAILSEED HAS FAILED TO GERMINPTE H_ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE DEWATERING AS REQUIRED TO CONIPLETE THE STE GRADING CONSTRUCTION.TO THE ENGINEER AkNO LOCAL AUTHORITY CERTIFIED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS, DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND SDEL AS DMECTED BY THE OWNER'S E-NC-JNIUR_ L. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OFTH'c AGGREGATE EASE A TEST ROLL WILL IBE REQLJLA D ON THE STREET AND PARKING AREA BORINGS. THE CERTIFIED ENGINEER FGF. THE RETAINING ALL(SI SHALL PROVIDE CO]N57MUCTIO)N OBSERVATrONS OFTHE Wfh.IF ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF INFILTRATION RASIN C ON5TRUCTION ARE PROPOSED BY THE CONTRACTOR. THOSE SU0GRA'C ADE. THE COCONT'TOR SHALT- PFOVIDE A LOADED TANDEM AXLE TRUr-Y, FTH A GROSS WEIGHT OF 25 TONS. THE RETAINING WALL iMPROVEMENT. ANDA LETTER CERTIFYING THE INSTALLATICN OF THE WAR-L�S) WAS CCNSTRUCTED IN Al-TEitNATIV F METHODS WILL REQUIRE Wf1FT-TEN APPROVAL By THE QWNER'S ENGINEER. TEST RCLUNG 5HALL131 AT THE 01RECnON OF THESOIL5E:NGINEER AND SHALL BE COMPLETED 1N AREAS A5 DIRECTED BY C:QNFORr+eANCE WITH THEPLAN SAND SPECIRCAM CiN& THE SOILS ENG INEER. THE SOILS E NG I N EHR SHA LL DE -MA MINE 'Ih tCrH SECfIONSOF THE STREET QR PARKING AREA ARE L CC =i M FOR REQE31LI2ATIQN �IF ET REQUIREDjTO COMPLETE INFI TRATIOCAlNSTR N BASIN CUCTICJN WILL 9E CONDUCTED UNSTABLE. CORREC�TTIOSNOlzTHE SIUBGRADESOILS SHALL BE COM13LETED INACC40ROA.NCE W17H THE REQUIREMENTS OF 5. INFILTRATIQIV I9A.51NCC}NSTRLJCTTr]N RE{iU1RFsa1ENTS; AT THE C€}NTRACTQR'S EXPENSE - THE SCIIL5 ENG INFFM- a_ Ti-iE INFILTRATION BASIN SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO NO L{]r'VIi.R THAN 2-0 FOOT ABOVE FINISHED GRADE DURINOS BE C THAT MACION5TRULTrO7N WITH THE EXCEPTION OF INSTALLING THE INLET FLARED END SECTION OF APPLICABLE). ONCE STRER7: j• PERFOIRMANCETESTFd+II114FI RATION BASINS: t. REPLACEALL5UE3GTtAOIES[]ILD35TiJRBEl7� DURING THE CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION'VE BECOME UNSUITABLE A6thJD WILL NOT (TCPCONDUCTED If DESIGN IItiFFILTRATJQN RRT>i V'1A5 VERJFrE33 AICCQR0IN°;TCA ASTM D-3355•03 ":,TAND+l4la:D TESL` PASS ATEST ROLL REMOVE UNSUITABLE SOIL FROM THE SITE AND IMPORT SUITABLE SOIL AT NO ADD1710NAL COST 70 AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION CEASESAND "FINAL STA9LI7.,4T10W (A5 DERNEPACCOR17 Nfo TO h7NRIDODMI METHDO FCtll INFIL-TRATION RATE OF SOILS IN FIELD USING DOUBLE -RING INFILTROAAETER".) THE OWNER. CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER PERNITTSECTION IV.G) OF CONTRIBLITING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN COMPLETED. AND ONLY AFT -ER THE OWNER'S ENGINEER AUTHORIZES THE CONTRACTOR TO PROCEED, INFILTRATION BASIN SHALL BE ALLCOM RELATER TO THE PERFORMANCE INFILTRATION TESTING SHALL BE PAID BY THE OWNER, EXCEPT AS NOTED. K. THE CONTRACTOR 5-I iLI3E,RE5PO]NSIBLEFORPROVIDINGANDMA.INTAIt•TNGVEHICULARANDPEDESTRIAN7RA,Fr4C EXCAVATED TOFINJSHEDGRAID E. TtEINRLTRA-F7QI11PROCEDURE: f - - _ IJ _ - -? _ • !l x _- _ t �x �`- e.- -�`�- �,_.� -mss jF 92222 97,2-13 n A% A r-- , A, '� � •, � � r.._c+.c..� •-924.77� �,...-•...,..:.::::..............,r.... as:...: •wyrsrr+rtw...t<.. 91 911+9 12 �` �` _.__ - _ Y _ - �.........,....�. - - _ - - - ---- - r� � 9 15 j17� y _t 24 92 I I -'� �- 427 1 _ - - - 923 I 91� a19 � :'x-�. � - _ - -•moi 9 21 _ -�ll .� 92I3. - _ AT l- ---- 1 cl _�- ' - � I , __._-_ - � I]' �� � TC 923.. �• � iRG- r��- _ - ,. j - {- - as( - �-2- .3� 421a.J33 - - -� - - - TT I. I -' � •-� ' � r .'i. I 92- 00 r .....: - �.. -.°.a r - - .. .�� -_ ;J. I .32.9. 0 9296 .$Q - zt � - . -i '.x I I w . - _ G 928.92 926.92 Y -r V •. � ��ik 1 � - .ham ,�5' .I �t h s II 1 j '4 '5113 • f B s ,1 _ ti I?7_ GB 1 . .-- ':, ! _ (I �� `� "•' ��� - - .925.9 ` LLL777 - I I N 1 I 925{{.,,5 �en ., .+ Tw i TW 9.54 -_ f I w I, I3'Cl�'= 1.71 BUILDING SS920-55 #6 929'.0❑ 926. I hl> -929317 �;.. , T' -y- _�-� ._ -� ISE 9_ 33 g? - 3 w q,. . 1 9k IS -,rr 9.Ei{ � I , b' •,� ° �, �, ij � , `y'� '� � � � ` _ � � _ a � 1 �' � - _ 92 .55 GB k I • '� ti 4I i y 1 k ' .} ,tet _ � 4-+ I _ _ - - - WAREHOU5E k I { + 1 # 922.26 EL OF SCE Bw T MECH. ,` '� ti` 1�, �' h .e, . - - s r• `' ° I °�, 929,1❑I -5219.5❑ r1 - f 11_n ��-M- 1-11-11 E U � LlL_l. � 11 i-1 _ 929-50 _ •00 1 - - 22.7 92',-.70 ` f h- - 4IL `,''. ^"�- 6 923_, r . 92476 q '• �` `.. S S - ��� tit y �" 1a+ r� I�. 9-0�_�.9 -r H24.59� 14.551 1! 92.4 9 A ¢ 1, . a •- t e lN. ' 4' s *A b J r 31 f 924 k 1 �9' h� J, Li N L} 3 [TW --p23 1 T'W=p23.11 'Ir 14WL-859.04 ,p ¢ B =92-1.135719231.4 24 7 ]00YRHWL=904471 N a E E DETAIL5.HEET4.03 ,, h 5 2 .041 'I I I , , 4 - A 22-zis '4�AA 1A. T�V=a22_ 4t f NX' 1w= 23112 JUDY K H L I r cl 22,75 IN. LD N k Ilk d fff L.n CD ING INFILTRATION ARE CD f NN V c:1 LLJ N Tpr Vo cc LLJ Tv Iry LLJ J 0 R TH SCALE IN FEET NORTH POND DETAIL COVER'ARTH V"VEPTH GF PLAST-At) RMN GARDEN MIX aQnQ F1 Ng SH ED GRADE MIW1 IGON FABRIC PLACED ARC UN D WASH ED ROCK G"WASHED ROCK PLACED ARGUNn CRAINTILE 4"FERFORATED HDFr; DRAINTILE (NUMBER OF DRAi NM LE VAR I ES REFER TO PLAN SET) LINUIMPAUE 1) 1 N 12" LI FTS OF WASHED SAN D I- 9-D To Mly- E3 ETwf EN THE 0.2 NIM 70 I.I)M NT SIZE 2. 50 TO 7" OF THE FIAIMCUS 51 -.ALL ME IN THE RANGE OF 0.2-5 VIM TO aSOM M 3- MtET SPTOF ir-ATtON ASTM P230 G-04 P4&X 0 F 3 PASSI M43 THE 200 51EVE -FILTRATION BASIN CROSS-SECTION N.T.S. GALVAN17-ED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS -520 -921 GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS sou II r 0. 0 ► -520 -921 GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS sou , MH 32 ' ��03.71 N_\ ---------r-----a- pvc03 0 8" BEND _�' ~�~�---------~~.�~ / =~ � / ~��927.74_ ° l \ ` R" BEND ' \� ~~~�----------�..~ MH 34 CONNECTTO EXISTING 1-2" WATERMAIN "wrrH 12" GATE VALVE- --'-----'----'----''--'-- .^�----------~�. �° ~~ Ile MH 35 PD. 01 ^ --'—_�+—'----'-----'-----`--7—r-----� � o"oSERVICE WITH 8" PLUG pmDm,B,w==WITH METAL _^ FENCE POST MARKING LOCATION .a�1�o . MH 32 RE=916.03 IE=903.71 N 44 4 4 4 ) CB 105 ------------ -------- RE=924-64 IE --920-47 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IE�904.04 0---0 D 0 0-tF g1p MH 33 RE=927.74 IE=905-35 N IE=908,45 S IE=90153.45 E MR -34 RE= 925.95 IE=909.57 N IE=909.77 S [E=909.77 VY N 4 - I I C13 106 CB 107 ............... . RE=927.33 ......... RE=927-00 I E=921-33 1F--922-33 12' DIP 7T MH 35 RE=922.68 IE=911-10 N FE�911.20 S 'E=911-111 N IE S L4-4 - I - CEI 308 RE --92G.79 CIB 3137 CB 306 8, Pvc IE=923.28 Rr==929.43 RE=925,01 IE; --922.38 - ----- -TRE ingl(L25 2100 LF -is'. LF -i 21' 1 ' E:m921.88 77 HDPE Ca 0.45% % HDPE 0 4.4534 ---------- --- ---FV 47 LF - 12" 65 LF - 12" 65 LF -121" 65 LF -12"' 77- LF - 2-l" - T- - - k HDP @ 3.00% HDPE 1p 37z()%- , I I I I I I r 1 H D P E @ 0, 7 0 H D P E Q 0.7 D9 Lo -Luac i- rurr E.-� kj.DU70 RE=919.19 200 LF I's .... .... .... HDPE 0.S0% -912 JE -38 f189 LF - 21" 121" ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION HDPE @) 0.50% 1 E=9 24.3 3 IIE=924.33 220 LF - 15" HDPE 9 1-00% CB 1024 0 I jl f RE=926.82 I E=919.52 WI CB 102b RE=919.48 [E=910-18 150 LF - 21" HOPE Cci) 0.70% 71 LF -18" HL)PE C-) 1.00% CB 102a - :-'-- RE=920.34 CB 112 JE:; --909.47 RE=925-48 IE=918-47 24" 2-137 LF HDPE G) 1.010% C�, 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION I E=0-23-59 43 LF - 12" HDPE 0 3.00% 43 LF - 12" HOPE 08.001Y. 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNEC71ON IE=923-16 BUILDING ft6 299,904 5F FFE-92S-.50 136 LF - 24" HDPE P 0.70% 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION CB 3102 5 LF - 12" HOPE 0 0.50%o RE -922-67 I IE=9211-42 NE IE=!906.GG 12" ROOF Dili NEE -rim NV! IE=899-52 I 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION 5 LF - 12" HDPE LM 0.50% o E I E=817.52 i I 5 LF -12" HDPE @ 0-50% 20.42 L QJ --1 Q f L-i.1-1j7l .Ean_j Cp- El !I FES 101 1 IE�899-00 74 LF - 30" 200 LF -2 1'' 0 5 cy cl 3 HDPE CED 0.7€ HDPE 0.60ya%, 200 LF - 15r,,_,. RIP RAP MH202a IVIFI 202b HDPF 9 0.1-30% FtE=925-25 RE=92S.23 I I IJ E;--919-20 w: - pp -221 LF - 21 HDPE CW 0-600 12" HDPE z IE -897. fArl 0 C13 -105 S 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNEMON I Em --924.14 OFF I rE F 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNECnON IE=924-41 CB 304 RE 925.80 IE=920.92 41, c3I 3 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=923-15 37 LF - 12" HDPE P 5.003S r-13 RE=924.90 ]E=920.39 12" ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=922,97 12" ROOF DRAJN CONNECTION 5 LF - 12" HL)PE @ 0.5% ]E=9M42 r- :-" 71 m r -I m MH'30ia E mmlkwoomm�mEl -mowp RE -925.23 - skomm.mommm.. IE=92D-41-- M H 7-Dic Ell I \L 'RE=925-25 IE=920.40 204 LF - 15" 1 1 1 HDPE P 0-40Y. 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PANEL _77 KEYNOTE# MANUFACTURER COLOF AL -1 EXTRA DARK BRON MD -1 FIM S 200 MT -1 FIRESTONE METAL PRODUCTS EXTRA DARK BRON pc_l FABCON GRAY CEMENT W1 A EXPOSED AGGREG PC -2 FABCON GRAY CEMENT W/ A EXPOSED AGGREG PC -4 FABCON GRAY CEMENT Wl A EXPOSED AGGREG GREYI BROWN COL( PC -5 FABCON GRAY CEMENT W/ t EXPOSED AGGREG. GREY/BROVVN CQL( PT -1 TO MATCH PRECAS PT -2 P MS 200 PT -3 TO MATCH FIRESTC DARK BRONZE P - C, PANEL --- ROOF I—F '4 a: FINISHE-D FLOOR .4-- T ys all tit_ T.L. FC0TIW EXTEF10) u err FI7cTitFiE c P C -4 r6 T.0, RC_ PANEL, 1 TC] 7-- a- TmO. P.C. PANEL _77 DRAFT GATEWAY NORTH 6 { At T •� ��'T,(. 1 r— r— L i r r— i► 1 A 1 rte^ . " r� � 1 1 1 i Y— 1-- Tor �► tiJF 1F• 1\1 1 1 Ik- 1*�r F— ;+ 411 tir 1— %1 i %--o43 ��jj Ryyy�y f 1 T 4— 1 � ■/ i.� { (�1 S00 1 0*48* 7i 1 { 0.6 e. A —L— r— t + r r► % e 1 ! r r t r r--rkr rr 1 !1 w i s o r —1— r I I i I a I �'r 1 I— -1 _\ 11 1.. I i I Lo !—WES-r UNE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 35. ! -. H 1 /4OF SEC. �� INSET A I 23 GHT' ' " T ! ! FOR D ETA! L SEE 1 CAST IIS MoaulExT`,, ! i SHEET 2 OF 3 ! I A 5 530 0 � � � - ! [#'�; - = ' 40 � 5.00 S0 3315 d III Lij1 � 1 i�r p4r i ` L= '' . �X 7S a6, L4 __�z 3.44.00 PI al r— r'— r+ a s f r— I. l l r ar— fw i t:' . � I l l I F� 1--ISI _.. � tf 16— Itl r IG66-57 Y ISI F 5000013"06"W 1022.39 ! 11 I I � h r—�1 I I p a 11 a I •• p k 'k ! 1 � I I � L � 4 �+, + P '+I t • L • I e I ^� J I V 1 I ! I 4 NORM LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF I THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 35, I ! ! 117. 1: 1 1 33.00 ! F0 SW3311 5W-.,- o -._w -S008'33 18011 �. - - ! N 59'5 3 41 E�,� I C:!! C> 85*O „ I c cU-) � N 3 15 &-ftr _ ac,-- l ~�_ I 80,01S89*59"41 '— I �-- 'Ll 5001133`1III xa 5*W 730.00 a a Lir i M 'I rl" eP; ew' T Thr r— r ti IL r T L a iii"'-" F 1 "'� erfi r'— T aF3 Ir k i erg r r4 r� T' s Y I r't 1 r1 1 e'r 1 i t-- t a f t 4/ r 11 a T L 1' #� Itfl 1 lif 11 F— "+ i 1 a { J 1 F— F� 1~} Fri 1 liearl 1~— A11 1 1 1 k= 1 r U 1\# "� F1 1 1 Frt 1 a 1 I L 1 1til F# A l F� # i 1 F- ,r Int# r_i T P+ # �3 1 1ti.1 1 1 SI 1 •/ 1 1 i ti f ti l t a� 1 ��I 1 3 f 4 IANC L W ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Duke Fealty Limited Partnership, an Indiana limited partnership, fee owner, of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Outlot Ak, GATEWAY NORTH SECOND ADDITION, Wright County, !Minnesota Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as GATEWAY NORTH 6, and does hereby grant to the City of Otsego the easements for drainage and utility purposes as shown on this plat. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as GATEWAY NORTH 6, and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the public ways, and does also medicate the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof said Duke Realty Limited Partnership, ars Indiana limited partnership, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 r~ eI� .i ♦ ., six L/ �P 1 �•/ ! T r,% 111 1i 11 i IFN 1 1 -V F4 i#4 r tiTrr I I I 4I 1 1 T T f t 1 S0733'18" 171 a +11a 1P► 1r—r; a■*.� a r� r—rr rt�—a �r—Iw "ter r�r 1if1 1 I11 1a1 F� "+ 1 1 1 fj 1 1 #_- k, _► II -V 1 1%011 1� I♦1 1 1 1 F ti l t 1 1 1 4� 1■ # �I 1 Marcus F. Hampton do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duty Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and vet lands, as defined in innesCA2 Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and Labeled on this Plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of '20 Marcus F_ Frampton, Licensed Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 47481 STATE OF IVIIN ESOTA COUNT OF WIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, . on this plat and transfer entered By: By: WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,.' hereinbefore described have bee By: Duke Realty Limited Partnership, an Indiana limited partnership By: DRAFT GATEWAY NORTH 6 INSET A * ,5T _18.1. - 50010'48"W 1470-69 j _ .,3CT.T: T 7 CL _ 6622 # 4+r :+L wJ _ _rte _�C-f 24#14 —--: — I PFR PLA T or GA 7Fif'r� r jvoRm N0070,mor TBM.15 IYGo70'�38 828. -0 ti C VRAVNAG RUFY E-AFcp r Ltj 1VfJ07C� :3t�'F � I I I N829 %9-9 '" wJVIF f# �4 c* to WET LAND °S R I 7t I I ' I M I cn I I LOT I BLOCK I I � I °` JN I. I �#' "E` r I 1707. 163.33 [ 64f —W /V0070',3 V922'W AGO7�:� 20 78 N, � c� I • 1V89 a ,� I �.e 89 �.9 2P_2 3o f 6 _F 1 7 S8_9 9 2211 [ "1 0'38"E % . 2.9".3 SW 70 "W J86. 6 � � .3� T� SW'10'..3 21W 413 25 S89 .'��'� JO. 54 CFS , En c;5 cp — , + ` ,, '� M0070.3a9'F 2J. 58 `r' I I Pf�9 T C *,� tiY/ i ! t„ I I p • -.- 1 i,, 'a` Ati A GE & U%7 ME � ti L 1 C ,� T - - - I I WET LAND_ L------._------_---—----,—_ 1 I ,, ,� 217-30LT NOW l 1 -----J __-'-S89"5950 W 60.00 1 1 29+F� -� t �. IV8.9 .922 .77..22' f . N. f. 89 – f -EDGE OF LAN D 'r �:00` 0P1 » W 723.55 ` � M7070rIE 67J19 . ' ' 20.00 .• r 9 V9.22 `\. .39'x` (TYPICAL) � 6-8.9 20.00 I t` . ` F- Z! Iy' i ti/ f J 9. I L r r r f 1 I I 1 V ` r I t F I r r i "x .. • 1 I •. 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E— Y I i 1 i I I f l I I I I F I I I 1 9 1 1 4 V L/ f 4 L L I { �y �•. - - ,� _ _ ..� _ vHf'l it A LAG L'C L! f f iJ` i f EA s .(ter 7 r I y PER PLA i OF GA rEWA Y NCR2W I U T L T A QQ'33'16"W � r I of 33.0 y i� 25. +y C �h WET LAND I �I I IC4 WET LAND I I cr) _ EDGE OF WET LANA} (TYPICAL) ,I r I I I I 4r I I I �` `- WET LAND -�'`���`�� - PERI PLAT cF cA 7EwA Y lvcw rH :7