Sec 16 Gen Bldg PerformanceSECTION 16 GENERAL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Section 20-16-1: Purpose 20-16-2: Dwelling Unit Restriction 20-16-3: Platted and Unplatted Property 20-16-4: Or+r+o��nr�i Ri iilydir,rrs 20-16-5: Dnn19Z 20-16-6: 20-16-7: Rory, �irord For,r+ir, 1 2a.0 r,ir,rI An I AnHQ'+r _ � = .Z,, = .Z, 20-16-94: Traffic Visibility 20-16--95: Drainage Plans 20-16-4-96: Exterior Lighting 20-16-447: Smoke 20-16-4-28: Dust and Other Particulated Matter 20-16-4-99: Odors 20-16-4-410: Noise 20-16-15: 20-16-16: (li i+QirdoC+nr-Aao%-4 ZI %.f I RoQirdo% %.f W I %.A %.f Intm lI 1. 1 %-411 Cn�-e W Irrmmorr+ir l%-41 A%-41ndI1 %.A I In d, mtI %.A %.A W 1. 1rir l1%-41 I lQo-Q N-0 %.A %.W I %.A %.f v...f %.W 120-16-4-711: Sewage Disposal 20-16-4-912: Waste Material 20-16-4 913: Bulk Storage (Liquid) 20-16-214: Radiation Emission 20-16-2415: Electrical Emission 20-16-22-16: 7n 1 22 2: Cr Tomr,nrr rw c+nrr rvo of F4 Public Rights -of -Way l =rd Orini dt, irr li loQ on RaQirdor, ry l 7nr,ir,ry iQ � 20-16-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this Section is to establish general development performance standards. These standards are intended and designed to assure compatibility of uses; to prevent blight, deterioration, and decay; and to enhance the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City. 20-16-2: DWELLING UNIT RESTRICTION: A. No garage, tent, accessory building, travel trailer or motor home shall at any time be used as living quarters, temporarily or permanently, except as allowed by Section 20-16-2.E of this Chapter. B. Basements and cellars may not be used as temporary living quarters or rooms pending the completion of construction and issuance of a certificate of occupancy of the principal residential dwelling. Energy conserving designs in housing are not prohibited by this provision of this Chapter, provided that a conditional use 16-1 permit is approved by the City Council and the structure complies with standards imposed by the State and the Uniform Building Code. C. As regulated by this Chapter, tents, play houses, travel trailers or motor homes or similar structures may be used only for play or recreational purposes, except as allowed by Section 20-16-2.E of this Chapter. D. No accessory building or structure other than a fence or temporary construction office may be constructed prior to the time of construction of the principal building or structure. E. Temporary Dwelling Units. Temporary establishment of dwelling units is allowed by administrative permit on residential lots during reconstruction of the principal structure damaged by fire or natural disaster, provided that: 1. The temporary dwelling unit is not established prior to building permit approval for the reconstruction of the principal structure. 2. Occupancy of the temporary dwelling unit is limited to the residents of the prior or future principal structure. 3. The applicant must demonstrate an intent to proceed with reconstruction of principal structure, including construction contracts, proof of financial or other evidence of intended project completion. 4. The temporary dwelling unit meet all setback requirements within the Zoning District for which the property is located. 5. The temporary dwelling unit shall not exceed one (1) story or fifteen (15) feet in height, whichever is least. 6. The temporary dwelling housing unit is connected to a private water and sewer system approved by the City and State Department of Health. 7. Security is provided to ensure removal of the temporary dwelling unit upon completion of the reconstruction project. The security shall be in the amount equal to Zoning Administrator's estimated costs for removal of the temporary dwelling unit. 8. The applicant submit a permit application and a site plan (to scale) showing the location of lot lines, the proposed location of the temporary dwelling unit, the principal structure and other prominent site features. 16-2 4-99. Inspection. All temporary dwelling units shall be subject to inspection by the Zoning Administrator and/or Building Official. 4-310. Permit Expiration. a. The temporary dwelling unit permit shall expire ninety (90) days from the date of permit issuance or within three (3) weeks after the date of certificate of occupancy permit �*SF cI��R^P-being issued for the principal residential dwelling, whichever first occurs, unless a 16-3 petition for an extension of time has been granted by the Zoning Administrator and provided that: (1) The extension is requested in writing and is filed with the city at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the initial permit. (2) The request for extension states facts demonstrating that a good faith attempt has been made to complete or utilize the permit that has been granted. (3) A maximum of one (1) extension shall be granted. (4) The extension shall not exceed sixty (60) days from the initial permit expiration date. b. There shall be no charge for the filing of a petition for the extension described in Subsection A, above. 20-16-3: PLATTED AND UNPLATTED PROPERTY: A. Any person desiring to improve property shall submit to the Q, ,;'ci;nn nff;^;A' Zoning Administrator a Certificate of Survey of said premises and information on the location and dimensions of existing and proposed buildings, location of easements crossing the property, encroachments, and any other information which may be necessary to ensure conformance to City Code provisions. B. All buildings shall be so placed so that they will not obstruct future streets which may be constructed by the City in conformity with existing streets and according to the Comprehensive Plan and to the system and standards employed by the City. Furthermore, all buildings shall be placed so that they will not obstruct future utility routes or the potential resubdivision of the property. C. Except in the case of planned unit developments as provided for in Section 36 of this Chapter, not more than one principal building shall be located on a lot. The words "principal building" shall be given their common, ordinary meaning as defined in Section 2 of this Chapter. In case of doubt or on any questions or interpretation, the decision of the Zoning Administrator shall be final, subject to the right of appeal in accordance with Section 7 of this Chapter. D. On a through lot or a corner lot, both lot lines abutting a Dublic right-of-way shall be defined as front yards for applying the regulations of this Chapter. 16-4 E. When a development is proposed which is to be located on two or more lots, and such lots are required to meet the minimum district area, frontage and density requirements and/or are required to accommodate the use, the lots shall be combined in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance, prior to the issuing of a building permit. F. In the case of properties that abut street easements, applicable setbacks shall be measured from the easement line and shall be related to roadway classification as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. G. Outlots are deemed unbuildable unless replatted as a lot and block in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance and no building permit shall be issued for such properties, except in the case of public park facilities and essential services. di a Ilk J L -A' 1-r44L' a M r1 jli@ Kok 4W MI LW 16-5 n NIn annoGGnr�i tri inti iro WGhPll ho Ina.Pi(I Ulmthin a rorvi rl hi iffor 14prCi drponpoip pnd ''WOW OW o@%mIGement Gr m' ihlin rimht_nf_ I IIII IK oRm IIIIII IIII, 'ja'm F- - - Stu ON LIN! - - 11111111 -- - - - - Top, -.MLI I I, AN, 's, .. - --. �.- .�III ..or . � . - . . . - .. .. .. low!�Jiii�jlj� � - - - - - - - - -- - - -- 1111111 IF �"tlMLw3=&wX'wX Affi�� A�h "ww Ah Aft mill AM Amilm" - w -w - -- - - - �ww - - - --m-ZLwA L- -- --111 L-A I` w . � M-11 - - - - F M Is - - Lw W- - 16-6 jj:: in rlrmq Ah Ah Ah AhAh IME W&WALWALWAMJMKWXW W w w!�wA EME 0 K'ALm"lMK4WLwj MCC Z�r +ho r,rir,nir,Pl Q�a+i iro nr �h�ll nn�nntmad +ho m�vimi im%W %.f I I I P..f I I I %mo %A E. GGe s ws e, Fy %a.A re a %.A I I %mo v v %mlr %A Ila %.A %mlp %mlf %A %A r.0 %mo I I I %.f L %a I A- V-0 I %.A %a 16-7 L g m illilliq 1 i a iAl1 1 ill�jlw I WMI L Mel, • IIIK q a WWA q a VI 1 0 a 1110 111 Kw� I m m 0 0 all jimli III III M 11OP30I �MI K'A'MLMPM I 'WI q M &'WMEIEWJL'WM R WA -h 11 1 1SEL-1-301!NEWwA�IMMILw�M= !"A-1I!Z-1!R4K!ML-9Mr-L-AM11O ri New 16-9 nnimAl hi iilrlino nn tho Int. ��(�`nmr��tihlo�� rmoan& thAt ho ovitzro Gf- G...awse A.. cdm1f1f1,,FeRGe%.f in A C% J '%Qmf OZI IF '%Qmf '%Qmf t. G%.F G a 61 s e%.o F..A I I zi I %.A I N6.Y hi iilrlinm fnr tho mi irnnEoE of thmS tip 16-10 �Mml W I lqm! W W 111111illillm a a M an Ah I 16-11 16-12 !IFALWA M R LWA 16-13 16-14 milp M -i iiii " 1 1 1 1 � A Am 1W � 1 villil 1 1 m w 1 Am a Raw 11 WlAi (::z1 Dl3nt nn+ ho Inn�torl nln�or ti-FCtrT 2) foot frnm tho fonno limo nr Mrnportu limo �nrl ZhAllnot nnnflint �niith Ml ihlin MiAntinMe- "ir AWAll« Will1%-411 11 %mlf IIIN.0 %m.F II I I I N.0 IIII III%A NI I I N.0IIIII> > tri i l � otn �. leases- =e-yr',�RTeFes4ed-as-a seserI;=y=.mIeasure -.,�.y- ave -arms 16-15 i > GG Ts r�ru^� inn and t�ir�o of Str�oni�i-T�T�t horohli AIlnUiod -�� � ''I'll'' 1111 1 - mom ELIE! — 1 1 1 - 1 a III IL alt IN MW - mu ON - oo - - - - - l - - mom M L"'�" "'I" Rwm INN ffiiii� jlljlllj� ��Aw, VOIA L Oil I !@Ipw Aw Ah 2 1 llillli � 11"Al - - - - - w - 1 16-16 7 7 �Rd 7 7 7 7 7 16-17 �'I 1 Tho 11%P-4 nkat, mi iw+ whew Snmo fnr- m of rlimizon awl izi+o ;T io-S I im nnmr�n�i r of%.01 ml=t1 4. m���bz �r�rlInr 1 IIMJI %01 v V-0 Z11 > > > •� 16-18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IL4mt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All - - - - - - - - - - Ah - a- - NINA N ODA LI - - - Ing - - - - - - - - -- - - - I N- ... . . - - - - - - - - - a - - - NO . - .. .. - - - - - - - - - - 70 . — . — . . . — .. . — . — . — . . — .. .KNOW 110 0' 11 i "wq F ". - - - -11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rq "mm lills, an ANN a - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --A MMI- r -- -iiiiiiiiiii - - --- -- --- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - -- 16-19 VON! 1111 a III111111 ill ill VON! a %I III W a r III e 1 1 � Lw, ILWALW, P-1111, will I illalli I am1I ~.,VqvAh e . ILWA WALWALM, 0 W W A.h am �� 1 4 I M�l p 11 g i all M a mooll a Aill MAIN _110 i a 41 a W a. I v 11,41111 1 1. Ew 1 1%, R Ge ef thle. h, 1-F-Fnr- Qtr-mn ml::intmnm Qh::ill him thim r-qmQmnnQmhmlmW -ef +ho inrJi�iirli i�l r.rnr.or+�i nWnors nr if amr►lir+ahlo the hnmon�ninors' > >NNW a s nnia+inn 6-20 F UtzahAnma.Al Fal 1' W 1 1%-41 1 11 %.# W %.# F8 8 R e d%A Ws e. aG R G%. •, , 20-16-94: TRAFFIC VISIBILITY: A. zi , mmmoriy limo Girl nh� intim, QhAll not ho Wodor thAn LA/n �7, f�� viI.sibility from any street or driveway shall be unobstructed above a height of two (2) feet and eight (8) feet measured from where both street or driveway centerlines intersect within the triangle described as beginning at the intersection of the projected curb line (or edge of shoulders for rural sections) of two (2) intersecting streets or drives, then forty five (45) feet along one curb line, then diagonally to a point forty five (45) feet from the point of beginning along the other curb line. Exceptions: 1. Plantings as allowed by Section 19 of this Chapter and Section 5-7-3 of the City Code. 2. Fences as allowed by Section 19 of this Chapter. 3. Building setbacks as allowed within a PUD, Planned Unit Development District, by PUD -CUP or as otherwise provided for by this Chapter. 20-16-95: DRAINAGE PLANS AND SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL: A. No land shall be developed and no use shall be permitted that results in water runoff causing flooding, erosion, or deposit of minerals on adjacent properties. Such runoff shall be properly channeled into a storm drain, water course, ponding area, or other public facilities in compliance with Chapter 6, Section 9 of the City Code, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 16-21 Ali a -- - - - - - - - - f&k - - - - 111 - - "aw. .ANN.- - .- - ah - - -Iff - - 11111, 111 - - -- - - AI IFIll - - -- llaiw� li -- -- - - - - - 40 - - 9 filil- - - 0- a All - - - - - - - - --- - -- - --JIM--- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - pal a All III, -- - - - ---11 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - Exceptions: 1. Plantings as allowed by Section 19 of this Chapter and Section 5-7-3 of the City Code. 2. Fences as allowed by Section 19 of this Chapter. 3. Building setbacks as allowed within a PUD, Planned Unit Development District, by PUD -CUP or as otherwise provided for by this Chapter. 20-16-95: DRAINAGE PLANS AND SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL: A. No land shall be developed and no use shall be permitted that results in water runoff causing flooding, erosion, or deposit of minerals on adjacent properties. Such runoff shall be properly channeled into a storm drain, water course, ponding area, or other public facilities in compliance with Chapter 6, Section 9 of the City Code, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 16-21 B. No person shall initiate any land disturbing activity without first obtaining a permit from the City as may be required by Chapter 4, Sections 4 and 5 of the City Code, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9C. In the case of all residential subdivisions, multiple family, business and industrial developments, the drainage plans with appropriate spot site elevations shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and the final drainage plan shall be subject to written approval. In the case of such uses, no modifications in grade and drainage flow through fill, erection of retaining walls or other such actions shall be permitted until such plans have been reviewed and received written approval from the City Engineer. GD. The following standards shall apply to all development and activity that necessitates the grading, stripping, cutting, filling, or exposure of soils. 1. General Standards: a. The development shall conform to the natural limitations presented by topography and soil so as to create the least potential for soil erosion. b. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be coordinated with the different stages of development. Appropriate control measures shall be installed prior to development when necessary to control erosion. C. Land shall be developed in increments of workable size such that adequate erosion and siltation controls can be provided as construction progresses. The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one period of time. d. The drainage system shall be constructed and operational as quickly as possible during construction. e. Whenever possible, natural vegetation shall be retained and protected. f. Where the topsoil is removed, sufficient arable soil shall be set aside for re -spreading over the developed area. The soil shall be restored to a depth of four (4) inches and shall be of a quality at least equal to the soil quality prior to development. g. When soil is exposed, the exposure shall be for the shortest feasible period of time. No exposure shall be planned to exceed sixty (60) days. Said time period shall be extended only if the Zoning Administrator is satisfied that adequate measures have been established and will remain in place. 16-22 h. The natural drainage system shall be used as far as is feasible for the storage and flow of runoff. Storm water drainage shall be discharged to marshlands, swamps, retention basins or other treatment facilities. Diversion of storm water to marshlands or swamps shall be considered for existing or planned surface drainage. Marshlands and swamps used for storm water shall provide for natural or artificial water level control. Temporary storage areas or retention basins scattered throughout developed areas shall be encouraged to reduce peak flows, erosion damage, and construction costs. 2. Exposed Slopes: The following control measures shall be taken to control erosion during any activity where soils are exposed: a. I�In ovr�n�orl �Inr�o �hni ilrl ho ^rAdjQ +hAn fm� j (� �� _ 1. G+n GRe 111) fnn+ "�rt+c-a�Grading and erosion control plans for exposed slopes shall comply with Section 4-4-5 of the City Code and are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. sb. At the foot of each exposed slope, a channel and berm should be constructed to control runoff. The channelized water should be diverted to a sedimentation basin (debris basin, silt basin or silt trap) before being allowed to enter the natural drainage system. dc. Along the top of each exposed slope, a berm should be constructed to prevent runoff from flowing over the edge of the slope. Where runoff collecting behind said berm cannot be diverted elsewhere and must be directed down the slope, appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent erosion. Such measures should consist of either an asphalt paved flow apron and drop chute laid down the slope or a flexible slope drain. At the base of the slope drain or flow apron, a gravel energy dissipator should be installed to prevent erosion at the discharge end. ed. Exposed slopes shall be protected by whatever means will effectively prevent erosion considering the degree of slope, soils material, and expected length of exposure. Slope protection shall consist of mulch, sheets of plastic, burlap or jute netting, sod blankets, fast growing grasses or temporary seedings of annual grasses. Mulch consists of hay, straw, wood chips, corn stalks, bark or other protective material. Ul da -h gzhn, ,Id ho =a-hnrad in to be anchored by means as approved by the City Engineer. 16-23 fe. Alternate control measures, other than those specifically stated above or provided for in Chapter 4, Section 4 of the City Code, may be used in place of the above measures if it can be demonstrated that they will as effectively protect exposed slopes subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Design Standards: a. Waterways: (1) The use of the natural above ground drainage system to dispose of runoff is strongly encouraged. Storm sewers are only be used where it can be demonstrated that the use of the above ground natural drainage system will not adequately dispose of runoff. Above ground runoff disposal waterways may be constructed to augment the natural drainage system. To the extent possible, the natural and constructed waterways shall be coordinated with an open space trail system. (2) The widths of a constructed waterway shall be sufficiently large to adequately channel runoff from a ten (10) *�c-# storm. Adequacy shall be determined by the expected runoff when full development of the drainage area is reached. (3) No fences or structures shall be constructed across the waterway that will reduce or restrict the flow of water. (4) The banks of the waterway shall be protected with a permanent turf vegetation. (5) The banks of the waterway shall not exceed five (5) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical in gradient. (6) The gradient of the waterway bed shall not exceed a grade that will result in a velocity that will cause erosion of the banks of the waterway. (7) The bed of the waterway shall be protected with turf, sod, or concrete. If turf or sod will not function properly, rip rap may be used. Rip rap shall consist of quarried limestone, fieldstone (if random rip rap is used) or construction materials provided said construction materials are limited to asphalt cement and concrete. The rip rap shall be no smaller than two (2) inches square nor no larger than two (2) feet square. Construction materials shall be used only in 16-24 those areas where the waterway is not used as part of a recreation trail system. (8) If the flow velocity in the waterway is such that erosion of the turf sidewall will occur and said velocity cannot be decreased via velocity control structures, then other materials may replace turf on the sidewalls. Either gravel or rip rap may be allowed to prevent erosion at these points. b. Water Velocity: (1) The flow velocity of runoff in waterways shall be controlled to a velocity that will minimize erosion of the waterway. (2) Flow velocity shall be controlled through the installation of diversions, berms, slope drains, and other similarly effective velocity control structures. C. Sediment Control: (1) To prevent sedimentation of waterways, pervious and impervious sediment traps and other sediment control structures shall be incorporated throughout the contributing watershed. (2) Temporary pervious sediment traps could consist of a construction of bales of hay with a low spillway embankment section of sand and gravel that permits a slow movement of water while filtering sediment. Such structures may serve as temporary sediment control features during the construction stage of a development. (3) Permanent impervious sediment control structures consist of sediment basins (debris basins, desilting basins, or silt traps) and shall be utilized to remove sediment from runoff prior to its disposal in any permanent body of water. d. Maintenance of Erosion Control System: (1) The erosion and velocity control structures shall be maintained in a condition that will insure continuous functioning according to the provisions of this Chapter. (2) Sediment basins shall be maintained as the need occurs to insure continuous desilting action. (3) The areas utilized for runoff waterways and sediment basins shall not be allowed to exist in an unsightly condition. The 16-25 banks of the sediment basins and waterways shall be landscaped. (4) Prior to the approval of any development, the developer shall make provision for continued maintenance of the erosion and sediment control system. DE. Building Elevations: 1. The top of the foundation and the garage floor of all structures shall be eighteen (18) inches above the grade of the crown of the street upon which the property fronts. 2. The lowest floor, including basement floor, of all structures constructed on lots preliminary platted or established after [EFFECTIVE DATE] shall be at a level at least three (3) feet above the highest known groundwater table elevation. If requested by the Building Official, the groundwater table elevation shall be determined by a licensed soils engineer using soil borings, piezometers, or the observation of mottled soils. 3. Exceptions to this standard may be approved by the 7nr MQ, 4HminiQ+�T .., administrative permit upon consultation with the City Engineer for special circumstances such as increased setback, site topography, septic system operation and the like, provided that proper site and area drainage is maintained and the elevation of the structure is in keeping with the character of the area. .F. Wetlands: In addition to the requirements of Section 93 of this Chapter, the following shall be the minimum protection for natural wetlands. 1. Runoff must not be discharged directly into wetlands without appropriate quality and quantity runoff control, depending on the individual wetland's vegetation sensitivity, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 2. Wetlands must not be drained or filled, wholly or partially, unless replaced by either restoring or creating wetland areas of at least equal public value. Compensating for the impact by replacing or providing substitute wetland resources or environments with those of at least equal public value. Compensation, including the replacement ratio and quality of replacement should be consistent with the requirements outlined in the rules adopted by the Board of Water and Soil Resources to implement the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, as may be amended. 3. Work in and around wetlands must be guided by the following principles in descending order of priority: a. Avoid both the direct and indirect impact of the activity that may destroy or diminish the wetland. 16-26 b. Minimize the impact by limiting the degree or magnitude of the wetland related activity and its implementation. C. Rectify the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected wetland environment with one of at least equal public value. d. Reduce or eliminate the adverse impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the activity. e. Compensate for the impact by replacing or providing approved substitute wetland resources or environments. 4. vegetated Buffer Protection. a. A protective buffer of natural vegetation at least twenty (20) feet wide from the delineated edge at the time of development shall surround all wetlands within parcels preliminary platted, developed, or redeveloped after October 14, 2002. The City Engineer may require a larger buffer than the minimum based upon site specific design issues. The design criteria should follow common principles and the example of nearby natural areas. The site should be examined for existing buffer zones and mimic the slope structure and vegetation as much as possible. b. A principal building setback of forty (40) feet from the delineated edge of all wetlands or twenty (20) feet from the edge of a buffer easement, whichever is greater, shall be provided within parcels preliminary platted, developed, or redeveloped after October 14, 2002 C. Grading, construction, or vegetation alteration/disturbance within this buffer is prohibited. Buffer design and protection during construction shall accomplish any or all of the following: (1) Slow water runoff. (2) Enhance water infiltration. (3) Trap sediment, fertilizers, pathogens, heavy metals, blowing snow and soil, and act as corridors for wildlife. (4) Drain tiles shall be identified and rendered inoperable. d. The wetland and buffer shall be platted as an outlot if established as part of a subdivision application. All other applications shall require dedication of a perpetual conservation easement. 16-27 5. Ponding areas established for stormwater drainage purposes are exempt from the provisions of this section. 20-16-4-96: EXTERIOR LIGHTING: A. Purpose: It is the purpose of this section to encourage the use of lighting systems that will reduce light pollution while increasing night time safety, utility, security and productivity. B. Exemptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following: 1. Temporary outdoor lighting used during customary holiday seasons. 2. Temporary outdoor lighting used for civic celebrations and promotions. 3. Lighting installed by a government jurisdiction or agency within public - rights -of -way, required by a government agency for the safe operation of airplanes, or security lighting required on government buildings or structures. 4. Emergency lighting by police, fire, and rescue authorities. 5. Architectural/historical light fixtures that feature globes that are not shielded. In no case shall the light affect adjacent property in excess of the maximum intensity defined in Section 20-16-4G -C.1 of this Chapter. 6. All outdoor lighting fixtures existing and legally installed prior to October 141 2002 are exempt from regulations of this Section but shall comply with the previous standards for glare as follows: a. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged as to deflect light away from any adjoining residential zone or from the public streets. Direct or sky - reflected glare, where from flood lights or from high temperature processes such as combustion or welding shall not be directed into any adjoining property. The source of lights shall be hooded or controlled in some manner so as not to light adjacent property. Bare incandescent light bulbs shall not be permitted in view of adjacent property or public right-of-way. Any light or combination of lights which cast light on a public street shall not exceed one (1) foot candle (meter reading) as measured from the center line of said street. Any light or combination of lights which cast light on residential property shall not exceed four -tenths (.4) foot candles (meter reading) as measured from said property. 16-28 b. Replacement. Whenever a light fixture that was existing on October 14, 2002 is replaced by a new outdoor light fixture, the provisions of this section shall be complied with. C. Performance Standards. 1. Intensity. No light source or combination thereof which cast light on a public street shall exceed one (1) foot candle meter reading as measured ;r%;no ^f =zod tW61 at the property line nor shall any light source or combination thereof which cast light on adjacent property exceed four -tenths (0.4) foot candles as measured at the property line. 2. Agriculture or Residential District Standards. In all agriculture or residential districts, any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area, structure, or area shall be arranged as to deflect light away from any adjoining residential property or from any public right-of-way in accordance with the following provisions: a. The light source shall be hooded or controlled so as not to light adjacent property in excess of the maximum intensity defined in Section 20-16-4-06-C.1 of this Chapter. b. Bare light bulbs shall not be permitted in view of adjacent property or public right-of-way, unless part of a permanent fixture. 3. Institutional, Business, and Industrial Districts. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area, structure, or area shall be arranged so as to deflect light away from any adjoining property or from any public right-of-way in accordance with the following provisions: a. Shielding. The light fixture shall contain a cutoff which directs the light at an angle of ninety (90) degrees er-leers. Exposure of the light source shall not be permitted in view of adjacent property or public right-of-way. b. Lighting of entire facades or architectural features of a building shall be approved by the City Council. Building facades or architectural features may not be internally illuminated and shall only utilize illuminating devices mounted on top and facing downward onto the structure. In no case shall the light affect adjacent property in excess of the maximum intensity defined in Section 20-16-406-C.1 of this Chapter. C. Intensity. Light sources shall not be permitted so as to light adjacent property in excess of the maximum intensity defined in Section 20-16-4-06-C.1 of this Chapter. 16-29 d. Search Lights. The use limited to not more than any one event, the use days consecutively and 10:00 PM and sunrise. 4. Height. of search lights for any business shall be two (2) events per calendar year. During of search lights shall be limited to five (5) shall not be used between the hours of a. The maximum height above the ground grade permitted for poles, fixtures, and light sources mounted on a pole IT�^,or,+"_fi"o k�kAr-5 foo+ 0 lirrh+ gzni irno IRR nLAI re+orl nn hi iilrlir�ry QhAll ren+ ovnoorl +ho I I zi II I.w %.0 %.A �--r� hoinh+ of +ho hi iilrlinn Fvnon nQ in�hoirrh+ lirmi+Q fnr lirrh+ .._.� . gni irnoS m@�i ho �r�r�rn�iorl h�i nnr�rli+inr»I i iso r�orMi+1 1. r�r u%.F Vmdod +� LI I S%II n hor rorvi iiromor�+66 r him Conw. +inr� pro nnmr�"Ad Uli+�h.shall be: 1. Agricultural, Residential, Business and Institutional Districts: Twenty-five (25) feet. 2. Industrial Districts: Thirty-five (35) feet. b. A light source mounted on a building shall not exceed the height of the building. C. Exceptions to the height limits for light sources may be approved by conditional use permit provided that all other requirements of this Section are complied with. 5. Location. a. All outdoor light fixtures shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from a street right-of-way and five (5) feet from an interior side or rear lot line. b. No light sources shall be located on the roof unless said light enhances the architectural features of the building and is approved by the City Council. nn o. Tho i iso of ni i+rlr lirvh+ir�ry K - Nr r»rl�ir�ry In+� �or�iir�ry ir�iz+i+i i n I II w 4.1 r�r , nnmmornial aRrl iR�-li iS+rial 61686 -Shall ho +i irRorl nff nRo OPI hni it �r a-Iniz afro innI zj 7 ovnr�+%mf If 1* W %mf r.0 L ::1MM fnr rG11tQd coni iritu lirvh+ice %�l r.0 r.0 IVw%AILJIIZJI`II IZI 16-30 7-6. Glare. Direct or reflected glare from high temperature processes such as combustion or welding shall not be visible from any adjoining property. .97. Outdoor Recreation. Outdoor recreational uses such as, but not limited to, baseball fields, football fields, tennis courts and snow skiing areas have special requirements for night time lighting. Due to these unique circumstances, a conditional use permit shall be required for outdoor lighting systems for such uses that do not comply regulations of this section, provided that: a. No public or private outdoor recreation facility shall be illuminated after 11:00 PM unless approved by the City Council. b. Off-street parking areas for outdoor recreation uses that are illuminated shall meet the requirements for institutional, commercial, and industrial applications as found in Section 20-16- 4-06.C.3 of this Chapter. 9. Outdoor Signs. Outdoor signs constructed of translucent materials and wholly illuminated from within do not require shielding. Signs not exclusively illuminated internally may only utilize illuminating devices mounted on top and facing downward of the display structure. All shall comply with all other provisions of this Ordinance. D. Prohibitions. The following outdoor lights are prohibited: 1. Flashing lights. 20-16-447: SMOKE: The emission of smoke by any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the State of Minnesota Pollution Control ,Agency and Minnesota Regulation APC X9.9-7017 as amended. 20-16-428: DUST AND OTHER PARTICULATED MATTER: The emission of dust, fly ash or other particulated matter by any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the State of Minnesota Pollution Control ,Agency and Minnesota Regulation APC X9.9- 7011, as amended. 20-16-4-39: ODORS: The emission of odor by any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the State of Minnesota Pollution ,Agency and Minnesota Regulation APC X9.9- 7011, as amended. 16-31 20-16-4-410: NOISE: Noises emanating from any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the State of Minnesota Pollution Control ,Agency and Minnesota Regulations NPC 7010, as amended and Sections 5-8-8 and 5-8-9 of the City Code. -- - - - 0.1 �i � - A All' hi --- -- - ---- - -- --- - 111 4 1! 1 -- - - - - - - -- -Ah - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Ali I All EMWL LZ 16-32 "�GI 11 111 11111P 111 Eli A's mA.kwbw!-- 1,110111" VA min . IN .. ah M III - - - - - I- L-1-lit-i7■►--1-00\I0�■►� - - llm�wwlw w I' 04,11ili ljillijllj�j�jlii I P'llklormlasimmLl'o!�IWAM�limklw3�lwlmm e I k 11 lah ul- I . AMI am v 4 -1- pl, 4a,f"'I i i reh In n ar, Aa� In +,n iir, Aal n ral In m, r + -Alk Am Am All As M m All - - Vw4w - - . r - - "w- - - -E NEE 11 E PON a Am . 0"-M, , - - - - - - - - -I■lWI■R%-i_-1-I■■1;JI !I ]►wl\l�MI■o - - 20-16-4-711: RMAIAaH--x Ivaorm nicAW �ncni UTILITY SYSTEMS: Tho ir,Q+1%.f 11�ll� inn of nn QmtiQ QPWI OIn %W 1IRi iilr ono andira =d =mlir+r hloc+�r,+o ci+li CnrloQAny development of land requiring provision of utilities for potable water and sanitary sewer disposal shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 16-33 20-16-4-912: WASTE MATERIAL: 1A� ��A1 res, i1+ir,a from nr i iEorl on ond, mirmAl nr n�f �I� i ir�l Qo�ni irno� %%nrl fho 7nnin0Zj A. All waste generated on any premises shall be disposed in a manner consistent with all Minnesota Pollution Control Agency rules and the City C'.nr]P B. The accumulation, storage, processing, and disposal of waste on any remises, which is not generated on that premises, is prohibited, except as specifically provided for in Chapter 7, Section 8 of the City Code. 20-16-413: BULK STORAGE (LIQUID): All uses associated with the bulk storage of all gasoline, liquid fertilizer, chemical, flammable and similar liquids shall comply with requirements of the Minnesota State Fire Marshall's, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Offices and have documents from those offices stating the use is in compliance. 20-16-214: RADIATION EMISSION: All activities that emit radioactivity shall comply with the minimum requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 20-16-2415: ELECTRICAL EMISSION: All activities which create electrical emissions shall comply with the minimum requirements of the Federal Communications Commission. 20-16-16: PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY: The erection and/or placement of any structure or any use occurring within the Citv's public right-of-way shall be in compliance with applicable rovisions of the Chapter 6, Section 6 of the City Code. 16-34 11111 to IIIIIII, a 111111 11111, MI MLot ■■►!L�J�■■��ll��lt�l■■C�J7 16-35