04-26-21 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 7:00 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7108 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Jeff Dahl, Tina Goede, Tom Darkenwald; and Brittany Moores. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty; Parks and Recreation Director Ross Demant; City Engineer Ron Wagner, City Attorney Dave Kendall (*); City Planner Daniel Licht (*); and City Clerk Audra Etzel (*). This meeting is preceding under MN State Statute 13D.021 allowing members to appear by telephone or video conference due to the ongoing health pandemic and state of emergency. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:09 PM. No one from the public spoke. Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:10 PM 2. Consider Agenda Approval. CM Moores motioned to approve as written, seconded by CM Goede. Roll Call: Voted in favor, Goede, Stockamp, Darkenwald, Moores and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List, 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. April 12, 2021 Special Meeting. B. April 12, 2021 Meeting. 3.3 Motion to Call for Special City Council Meetings on May loth, May 241h and June 14tn 3A Approve Letter of Engagement for Community Survey. 3.5 Approve Resolution #2021-33 Opting to Participate in the Wright County EDA. 3.6 Approve Pay Estimate #1 for the Water Tower #4 Project. 3.7 Approve Quotes for Landscaping and Irrigation of Roundabouts and Medians on CSAH 39. 3.8 Adopt Ordinance 2021-09 Amending the Zoning Ordinance Regulating Accessory Outdoor Storage. 3.9 Authorize Advertisement for a Utility Operator Position. 3.10 Approve Pay Application #12 for the East WWTF Biosolids Project. 3.11 Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids — 2021 Trail Project. 3.12 Authorized Agreement for the Otsego West WWTF Improvements — MBR Equipment Procurement. 3.13 Approve Hiring for Seasonal Maintenance Positions. CM Moores motioned to approve the consent agenda as written, seconded by CM Dahl. Roll Call: Voted in favor; Goede, Stockamp, Darkenwald, Moores and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried S-0. Page 1 of 4 4. Planning. 4.1 Extra Space Storage: A. Presentation by City Planner Licht. Ba Consider Ordinance 202140 Amending the Zoning Map. CU Consider Approval of a PUD-CUP & Site and Building Plans City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Mr. Todd Jones with CO LLC and Rosewood Holdings was available via video conference to answer questions. CM Darkenwald asked if they will be doing exterior work on the existing buildings and if any landscaping was being added to the west side near Highway 101? Planner Licht said no trees were proposed to be added along Highway 101, Engineer Wagner said the site would be completely paved with curb and gutter and the north side will be retaining walls placed because of the elevation. Mr. Jones does not have plans to update the existing buildings at this time, the roofs are new due to recent hail damage. CM Darkenwald asked for clarification of where boats and RVs will be parked on the lot. Mr. Jones said towards the north, screened from the other properties. This will allow for storage in a secure and well screened area. CM Darkenwald asked where the landscaping requirement is called out in the Findings of Facts. Planner Licht stated the landscaping is listed on page 2 of findings, decision #1. Mr. Jones said there were no landscape requirements, but wanted to add curb appeal. Adding 10 new trees and sodding & irrigating along Queens Avenue. CM Darkenwald asked if the applicant would be opposed to trees on the west side? Mr. Jones would add two evergreen trees on the NW quadrant of the existing building. Planner Licht recommended adding an 11th condition to include two evergreens as approved by the Zoning Administrator. Mayor Stockamp asked about the landscaping rock. Planner Licht said this is decorative rock and will be at grade. CM Moores asked about the existing tenants. Planner Licht said they were leaving May 1st and the others had short term rental agreements during the redevelopment. CM Dahl asked about the road Queens Avenue NE and 57th Street, looks like it goes over his property line. Mr. Jones said the property was part of Frankfort Township and does encroach in the right-of-way; has agreed to provide a 40' easement, widened to closer to 50' on the north side of the site. All improvements would be included in this easement. Planner Licht said this lot is not a platted parcel, rather described by its boundary. Not uncommon in older parcels to actually extend out to the center line of the street, the city has right to use the property for roadway purposes as a prescriptive easement. The dedication of the additional 40' formal easement gives firm boundaries for the property. The basis of that measurement is the City's comprehensive plan designating this as a future industrial collector street that has 80 of right-of-way in a 46' wide street in that center section of that right-of-way. Taking an older outdated area and bringing up to standards. Mr. Jones is dedicating the right-of-way. Page 2 of 4 Mayor Stockamp had a question regarding the lighting. Assumes the area is well lighted since the renters may come after dark, Is there a lighting plan? Planner Licht noted a lighting plan was included with the packet between the landscape plan and signage plan. The plan shows the location of the lights and intensity, did not specify that it was a horizontal 90-degree cutoff; this is something staff would verify going forward. For a large part the building will serve as a screening of the lighting from Queens Avenue, Mayor Stockamp added this has been a concern in the past with other applicants and wants to make sure the lighting plan was followed. Mr. Jones said there are no lights on Queens Avenue. CM Darkenwald would like to see current sewer hook-ups and where this property would need to connect. Planner Licht noted Engineer Wagner said the sewer all flows down Queens Avenue so the trunk sewer needs to come from the RiverPointe neighborhood or a force main extended down Queens from the Gateway North Industrial Park and then collection pipes going back north, the pipe would be in the Queens Avenue right -a -way in the future collect if and when that ever occurs. CM Darkenwald motioned to adopt Ordinance 2021-10 amending the Zoning Map and approve a PUD-CUP and Site and Building Plans for a self -storage facility at 5887 Queens Avenue, subject to the amended conditions of approval as stated on the findings of fact and decision as presented with the addition of the eleven conditions, seconded by CM Dahl. Roll Call: Voted in favor; Goede, Stockamp, Moores, Dahl, and Darkenwald. Motion carried 5-0. 5. City Council Reports and Updates. 5.1 Commission Liaison Updates. A. Heritage Preservation Commission Liaison CM Moores had no updates. B. Parks & Recreation Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp - Gabrielle from HKGI was present and reviewed proposed ball field improvements and river access, will be exploring over the next couple months. C. Planning Commission Liaison CM Darkenwald — the storage application approved tonight and also reviewed the Prairie View Estates Preliminary & Final Plat, this will require a development agreement and will be on the May 10th meeting and Zoning Ordinance Amendment that was approved on consent tonight. D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Goede — Otsego Lion's Club has signs for sale to support emergency responders, healthcare workers and heroes. Funds will be used for scholarships. Allina and Elk River Ambulances gave an update on response times. Centra Care was not in attendance to present their information. Mayor Stockamp added the ambulance services are trying to coordinate their reports to have similar information to present to the commission. CM Darkenwald asked about Padgett Avenue NE and 78th Street NE, residents are asking about a crosswalkA Mayor Stockamp said this was discussed at an Administrative Subcommittee meeting and staff was directed to research a cross -walk. CM Goede asked about 70th Street (CSAH 38), there is no speed limit sign posted from CSAH 19 to Maciver. Engineer Wagner said a recent speed study was completed and the street will be posted 50 mph. Page 3 of 4 6. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty — budget calendar was handed out, will include on future consent to call for meeting dates. City Attorney Kendall is working on several development contracts. Planner Licht said the Planning Commission will have a preliminary plat for Parish Meadows at the next meeting. Engineer Wagner — Quaday Avenue has reopened. Wright County Sergeant Jason Oltmanns said there was a crash this morning, on I-94 a semi hit the bridge and flipped; tied up the west bound lanes. He is the co -coordinator for Wright County Towards Zero Deaths — if funds are available can be used for crosswalks. Also, can add deputies for enforcement for a specific shift and do enforcement for a specific concern, like DUI enforcement, watching a cross- walk, etc. this has been put on hold with everything going on in the area. Wrote an article for The View specific to Otsego branding. Discussed how to call 911 — let the dispatcher know you live in Otsego, not to go by your zip code so your call doesn't get forwarded to the wrong county. 7. Adiourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn at 8:01 PM, seconded by CM Goede. Roll Call: Voted in favor; Goede, Stockamp, Darkenwald, Moores and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried S-0. wt ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk � Page 4 of 4