ITEM 3.2A 11.25.2013 Minutes1 �rM 3.2^ OTSE O CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSE O CITY HALL November 25,, 2013 :o PM Call to Order, Mayor Jessica Stockarnp called the meeting to order at : 00 PM, Roll Call: MayorJessica Steck rnp; ouncilr ember : Vern Heidner, Jason 1l rehime', Doug Schroeder and Torn Drkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner,, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director and am! Lo F, City Clerk, Pledge of Allegince: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance 11 Open Forum. . 1 State Representative David Flus! m mons Y State Representative FitSinnons ave an update on the legislature session and the -9 expansion approval, The City Council thanked Mr. FltzSimmons for his work on that project. City Administrator Johnson stated the 1-94 Corridor Coalition will hold a membership meeting in mid-December to thank legislators and members for their support and to give a project update. 1,2 Wri ht County ommissioner Mark Dalelden. WrightCounty Commissioner Daleiden informed the City Council of the open seats on the Wright Counter Planning Commission and Parks Commission. He stated the desire of a representative from the Otsego area. Mr, Daleiden also addressed the loth Street agreement stating some commissioners had concern related to the five year snowand ice control maintenance term for the section �� that will become County Road 37. He stated bright County Engineer Hawkins said that the cost of a mile of snow and ice removal is $3,000. Mr. Daleiden recommended the City Council consider 15 years and stated the Agreement will go back to the County Board on December 17. City administrator Johnson asked if he would like the City to take action prior to that meeting in hopes off` no delay. City Attorney MacArthur will draft an additional agreement for ten years with Alright County and bring to the City Council on December 9. CM D r enwald motioned to direct City Attorney MacArthur to draft an agreement with WrightCounty for an additional ten yearsm CM Warehime. All in favor, Motion carried. City Administrator Johnson also gave an update that the Aright County cost sharing policy stating the public input meeting is delayed until January. 2. Consider agenda a .oval. CM Heldner requested to move item 15 approve no smoking, rdinance (2013-15) in park facilities to item 4.3. M Heldner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor,, Motion carried. Consent Agenda. Non -controversial itemsX. ,1 Approve Claims List. 3,2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. November r 1 , 2013 Meeting. November 12, 2013 Special Meeting, 3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. , HPC October 8,, 2013. . Police Commission October 8, 2013. C. Parks & Recreation October 9, 2013. 3,4 Motion to call a closed session to review the loth street appraisals on December following the regular meeting. 3,5 Approve No smoking ordinance (2013-15) in Park Facilities, -REMOVED 3.6 Accept HPC Annual Report. 3,7 Approve Resolution 2013-60 EAID grant. 3,8 Approve Memorandum for Met Council Transportation. 3,9 Approve �h Street Agreement. Cir Heldner motioned to approve as amended* Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried. 4. Parks and Recreation; 4=1 Consider Prairie Center Rental..Pollcv ordinance 2013-16 and Resolution 2013^61. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Heldner questioned the provision that states groups and organizations who are affiliated with the city have the ability to reserve the facility one time per month for no fee as long as they provide 10 hours of service to the city throughout the year, CM Heldner thinks 10 hours is not enough stating it has already occurred In the past without the Council approval and doesn't feel it is being managed very well. � t Mayor Stockamp agreed stating the intent is good but needs to core to the City Council for approval so the Council is aware, City Planner Licht said can add a provision that the service needs to be approved by the City Council. It was agreed that the Parks and Recreation Manager is responsible for bringing the requests forward to the City Council for consideration. City dministrator ■ ohnson said some options would be to tie the number of volunteer hours to hers of use or allow only a certain area in the facility for this purpose and also recommended list of predefined community service eligible activities. The Council made a recommendation to change the wording to "and donation of in kind hours per group." Mayor Stockarnp questioned item 3 regarding applying things to the wail; stating other cities allow this. City Planner Licht recommended adding "unless approved by the Parrs and Recreation staff." Cil Herdner motioned table this item to December 9. 2013 City Council meetln v Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried. 4,2 Consider Prairie Center Remodel Pay Estimate #2. City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report, CNS Heldner motioned to approve pay estimates totaling $13915115 57 to various contractors for the Prairie Center* Estimate Summary dated November 20F 2013a Seconded by Cil Schroeder. All In favor. Motion carried. City Administrator Johnson presented the dais design and cost estimate, CM [ ar enwald and CM W rehir e stated they like the design. CM Heidner stated he is net sure It's worth the cost of $1500. CM Ware ime motioned to approve dais design In the amount of $1500, Seconded y CM Darkenwalds Motion carried -1. CSI Heldner opposed. City Administrator Johnson presented the exterior signage design, Mayor Stockamp asked who designed the example. City Administrator Johnson said she believes Vinyl Graphics. Mayor tockamp said she thought Kim Welter r had designed a different example that would match the City Hall signage logo and font. City staff will check on design to make sure it is the one designed by Kim Welter. CM Darkenwald motioned to go ahead with exterior signage in the amount of $700 making sure the design matches existing signage. seconded by CM Warehime', All in favor. Notion carried. City Administrator Johnson on said City staff also received the quote for the podium wireless microphone at Prairie Center after the packet had already gone out; a quote from Cornpviw in the amount of $2,,224,00 was distributed to the City Council, CM Heidner questioned back-up storage if Prairie Center were to lose poer, He directed for City staff to make sure a back-up system is in place. CM Heidner motioned to approve CompVlew quote in the amount of $2,224.00 to Install wireless microphone and labor, Seconded by CM D r en r ld. All in favor. Motion carried. 43 Approve No smoking Ordinance (2013-15 n Pork. Facil�t� y CM Heldner stated concern with no smoking on trails. City Planner Licht recommends changing proposed Ordinance 2013-15 to remove "or upon any City of Otsego trail.{. Mayor Ste k mp questioned if it was a request from the Parks and Recreation Commission. City Planner Licht said no they didn't discuss parks verses trails. CSI Darkenwald motioned to approve ordinance 2013-115 as amended above. Seconded by CM Heldner. All in favor,, Motion carried. 1 Administration. A Consider Resolution 2013-62 awarding Audit RFP. Administrative Services Director Jordet presented staff report and also stated City Council received an email from a concerned citizen on the process. Administrative Services Director Jordet stated the City staff is trying to be objective as possible in reviewing the proposals. City Attorney M c rthur said service contracts differ from bids and it's up to the City Council to evaluate the proposals. CM Schroeder said he thinks RFPs for audit services done on a regular basis is good idea. City staff is recommending Kern, eWenter, viere, Ltd KDV. be awarded the contract for audit services. CM Heidner stated the City has used this company in the pasty CM Schroeder motioned to adopt Resolution 2013-62 accepting the proposal of Kern,, DeWenter, Were,. Ltd D to provide independent audit services to the City of Otsego for the 2013,, 2014 and 2015 fiscal years. seconded by CM D r enwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Administrative Services Director Jordet recommended a policy for RFPs for financial institutions In the future. The City Council agreed. 5,2 Discussion on Advisory Commission Bylaws. City Planner Licht presented the staff report stating one commission member from the HPC ars one commission member from the Parks and Recreation Commission have moved out of the City both have Indicated ars interest to stay on their commissions. The current bylaws state members must be residents and also the Zoning Ordinance states HPC commissioners must demonstrate interest and expertise in historic preservation and must reside within the city. CM Heldner stated there have been issues in the past with the EDAC but thinks there reeds to be way to be flexible suggesting adding may appoint one nonresident. CM Darkenwald agreed stating especially the FPC with the requirement of expertise. CM Wrhirne agreed with IUPC but thinks police commission and planning commission should continue to be within the city. CM Heldr er recommended for the Parks and Recreation Commission adding a member of an association that benefits the city, CM Wrehiro stated he is concerned with opening these up and wants to make sure consistent. The City Council directed City staff to prepare language for both the HPC and Parks and Recreation Commission allowing non-residents as discussed and bring back to the December 9 meeting, g, z -Approve claim list for „metro„Appliance Recyclinci. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve,, Seconded by Mayor S oc amp. Motion carried -oit CM 11areire abstained. t City Council Reports and Und t s. Wright ht County Deputy gage an update on events within the city stating specific concern for an abandoned property at 6155 Kadler Avenue where there has been a lot of unwanted activity. City Attorney MacArthur will draft a Resolution of hazardous building for the December meeting. Payr Stockarp requested the Public Works staff be checking for street light outages as they are out. CM Warehime questioned the street light on his culd-a-sac by his business and who i responsible. It was determined that itrs a privatestreet light. M War hi a also updated the City Council on a Queens Avenue speeding issue. 7.Staff Reports andt. No items. .`off urn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn= Seconded by CM Warehi e. All in favor, Motion carried, Adjourned at 9:40 PME ATTEST: Taal Lour, city Clerk Mayor Jessica Stockamp