ITEM 3.2B SCC 11.25.2013 Minutes1TEM 3.2 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OT EGO PRAIRIE CENTER November 25, 2013 Call to order. Ma or I essica Sto ckap called the meeting to order at 10:02 Phi. Boll Call: Mayor Jessica t c rnp: ouncilmer hers: vera H ldner', Jason War hlme,, Doug Schroeder and Toni Darkenwald. Staff. Lori Johnson,, City Administrator; Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director and Tam Loff, City Clerk. 11 2014 Budd. Administrative Services Director Jordet reviewed the property tax data for taxes payable 2014, budget information and improvement bonds. CM Heidner said he would like more information on line iters for instance, Softronics item listed out and small equipment tool list explained. The City Council agreed and would like to see all the Information combined in one book. The City Council agreed to use the $34,917 difference in the tax levy for reducing future tax levies for the 2003A G,,O, Improvement bond. City Administrator reviewed the memo from City Engineer Roan Wagner regarding the Storm Water CIP iter. The City Council agreed with keeping the previously included amount in the CLP. City Administrator Johnson stated that was the only CLP iter carried over from the last discussion and the Council Concurred. City Administrator presented the market rate adjustment staff report and supplemental X nformation. City Council tools no action and agreed to wait until April. There was discussion of closing City Hall on December 18 from 12 PM to I PM for the employee potluck holiday luncheon. The City Administrator reviewed the public purposes expenditure guidelines and reminded the Council that the City can't contribute to the luncheon for the r 1ployees,, However,, the Wright County Sheriff's department and upright County Assessor are also invited giving staff and elected officials a chance to discuss City operations and issues with public safety and assessing staff. These discussions benefit the community through improved relations and response in emergency situations such as accidents or natural disasters. For that reason, the City Council could deem payment of an amount such as o per person for the County staff as a public purpose expenditure because the event has community good. The City Attorney concurs that employee and elected official discussion at this event benefits the community. The City Council suggested contributing 20 a person for the emergency management ger ent staff invited which includes the Wright County Deputies and assessor noting this i an important part to build those Wright County relationships with City Council and staff. CM Darkenwald motioned to close city Hall on December 18, 2013 from 12,100 PM to :00 PM for the employee luncheon and the city contribute $20 person for the lunch expense o Wright County staff. seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carrriel 2, Adjourn. CM Darkenwa[d motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 12:00 AM. TrES T: Tauri Lour, CitV Clerk Mayor Jessica Stockamp