ITEM 3.5A Soccer fields turfRequest f Ot1 )r 0 City Council Action MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT Ei T I F ATIO N_...w. _ _..........Nv......_ _ : ry............ ... .. : _ _ _ _ ._._ ....... _ .................. . . o I l#lATIN DEPART( IENT: RE UE T R: MEETIN DATE: Parks and Recreation tion City Engineer Wagner December 9, 2013 P# ESENTE s : REVIEWED BY: ITEM Consent Agenda pity Adm1nistretor Johnson 3.5A AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff Recommends approval of payment in the amount of $21,000 for the Otsego Soccer Fields Turf Establishment to Professional Turf and Renovation. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION, The seeding was completed, has germinated and had a favorable growing period prior to freeze up. We expect the grass to Breather the winter nicely as the root system should be well developed. Three applications of fertilize- have been completed and ars additional application is planned for spring along with seeding of any bare areas. A field modification was added to the turf establishment portion of the project for tilling the field prior to seeding. The grading was completed in early June. Seeding is not suggested until August to avoid midsummer er heat. During the couple months in between, volunteer vegetation began to establish and the field had an application of "Round Up" applied. The residuary of the vegetation was needed to be removed or incorporated with the soil and the soil loosened up to prepare a proper seed bed for the grass seed. Professional Turf and Renovation completed this for $300. We have retained 10 for the work that will be and may be required in the spring. Our cost estimate from the Soccer Field Comprehensive Project Cost memo dated (arch 1, 2013 was $25,,000.00 for turf establishment. We anticipate the entire project will remain within budget, SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 9 ATTACHED NONE 0 Pay Estimate filo, 1 POSSIBLE MOTION ............. . .............. . .................... ........ .. .... _ , f' ... ........ '' . . . . ...... ... .... . . ...... .. ... . ... . .. . ... ... . ­ .. ........ . .. ... ..... . . ..... .. I .............. ......... ... ....... . . ..... ... . ...... I . .. .... ....... ....... ...... ........ ... Please mooon mould It appear in i�eknui . Motion to approve payment to Professional Turf and Renovation in the amount of $21,000.00 for the Dtsego Soccer Fields —Turf Establishment. BUDGET INFORMATION ......... . . ..... . ... ............ . ........ . ........... FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES 208 Community Facilities Funds TRSA o NO kCTION TAKEN .. ... . . ........ .. ..... ... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . ... .. . .. .. ... .. ... .... . .... . . . .... .. ... ... . . ....... .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. ci APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED oTABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: AYI1 E T 0 CITY OF OTSEGO tse go Soccer FleIds - Turf Establishment DeGelI Ibex r 2013 Honorable Payor & City Council City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 FSE: Otsego Soccer Fields - Turf Establishment Contractor: Professional Turf and Renovation Contract Amount: $23,000 Award Date: July 8, 2013 Completion Date: May 15, 2014 Dear Honorable Magor and Council Members-, The following work has been completed on the above -referenced project by Professional Turf and Renovation. Rid Aphadida "At' ENGINEER ITEC' I NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED I QUANTITY I UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT I USED TO DATA I EXTENSION Turf E #ablIshment I I LS 1 $23,000.001,$23,000.00F 0.9 Is 20 700.00 Total BILI Schedule Wl 3,000.0 24x700.00 Fluid Metrirflrafinrl ITEM NO. I ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE I EXTENSION 1 1 Extra filling_ L $300,00 300.00 1.0 300,00 Total Bid Schedule' At' TOTAL. Total Work Completed �to Date 111E RECOMMEND PAYMENT f,/ENT F: APPROVALS: 300.00 23j000.00 CONTRACTOR: PROFESSIONAL TURF AND RENOVATION ertiflcatlon by Contractor. t certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: -- Title: Date ENGINEER: EER: HAi A i ANDERSON Certification by Engineer; We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. Signed: --- Title: Date OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title; Date ot720 PE Turf Establishment PE - I 00.00 X2111000.0D Irl #000.00 7Z;, INVOICE NO.2 0 15 .5 6 i r - SOLD T #. fMA �a y ADDRESS.� ADDRE A3 �. �� ;. CITY STATE, ZIP CiTy, STATI CUSTOMER 4 ORDER NO. SOLD BY TERMS DATE- ej t ! r ir 4 }P Ir � 1 f �• y A41 57 r r 1 ��� �� f • T ! Y 4 eje .. 21, # 4 i crec- �y� ��✓ iF' ��� IL i r r I 4 1 r t _ _ 1 r f i 1 fir 1 1 a N4+F+MS- SCD8740 -, , 3!�'� 1