ITEM 3.6 MS4 permit1W Ot TY 0 C1 e F 0 MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: RE{ UESTOR: MEETING DATE, Public Works City Engineer Wagner December 9, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Ad m i n istrato r Jo h Inso n 3.6 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION, City Staff recommends approval of the 2013 MS 4 Permit application and authorization to submit to the M PCA. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BAC KG ROU N D/J USTI F ICATI ON: Otsego's municipal separate storm sewer system (MS 4) is a conveyance or system of conveyances (roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, storm drains). The definition also includes any public storm sewer system located fully or partially within an urbanized area. Otsego is mandated by law to have an MS 4 permit approved by the MPGA. Permits are generally 'issued every 5 years and Otsego must apply for the next 5 year permit renewal prior to December 30t" of 2013. The City of Otsego has ti -let its obligations required as part of the previous permit. The new permit continues tsego's responsibilities to monitor and maintain storm ponds and outfalls. to public waters of issues, prevent illicit discharges, perform public education, etc. 4 The pemiit also requires maintaining records, street sweeping, minimizing road salt use and funding of the program. Goals set tinder the last permit not completely met are continued under the new permit. No requirements or goals not explicitly required under the new permit are added so no additional costs other than those required are included in the new permit application. Attached is the new permit application for Otsego and the changes fron-i the 2006 permit to the 2013 permit. We have highlighted all of the action items that are needed to be completed or implemented within the I't 12 months of the permit renewal. It is extensive and includes amending many of the ordinance language of the storm water related ordinances, updating storm sewer maps along with preparing storm pond and storm water related facilities inventories. Also included in the new permit are emergency response plans for spills and training for staff to follow those plans and what to look for during inspections. These changes are mandated and take time and nionev to ns lenient. Fundina will need to be reviewed to determine if chanes to the storm water utility fee or levy would be warranted for next year. This pernilt is also now enforceable by the MPGA if permit holders do not abide by the ternis. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- X ATTACHED x NONE * Otsego 2013 MS 4 Permit Application 0 Revisions to MS4 SWPPP Requirements MOTION: (Please word notion as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve submitting Otsego's 2013 MS 4 Permit Application to the MPGA prior to the December 30th deadline. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING, Storen Water - In District (Storni Water Utility Fees) Storm Water — Out of District (Levy) ACTION TAKE N r BUDGETED: X YES ONO, ci APPROVED AS REQUESTED ii DENIED o TABLED D OTHER (Ust changes) COMMENTS: Minnesota Pollution MS4 SWPPP Application Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North for Reauthorization St. Paul,, MN for the NPDESISDS General Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit MNR040000 reissued with an effective date of August 1, 2013 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) document Doc Type: Permit Application Instructions: This application is for authorization to discharge stormwater associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System (NPDES/SDS) Permit Program. No fee is required with the submittal of this application. Please refer to "Example" for detailed instructions found on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) MS4 website at http://wvvw.i)ca.state.iiin.us/ms4. Submittal: This 11S4 SWPPP Application for Reauthorization form must be submitted electronically via e-rnail to the MPCA at ms4permitprogram.p-(a-)5tate.mn.us from the person that is duly authorized to certify this form. All questions with an asterisk (*) are required fields. All applications will be returned if required fields are not completed, Questions: Contact Claudia Hochstein at 651-757-2881 or claudia.hochsLein @state.mmus, Dan Miller at 651-757-2246 or d a n ie 1. m i I le rastate. m n. u s , or ca I I toll-free at 800-657-3864. General Contact Information (TeqUired fields) MS4 Owner (with ownership or operational responsibility, or control of the MS4) *MS4 Permittee name: City of Otsego *County: Wright (city, county, m unicipa lity, go vemme n t agency or other e n tity) Wailing address: 13400 90th Street *City: Otsego *Phone (including area code): .__763-441-4414 *State, MN *Zip code: 55330 *E-mail: ljohnson&i.otsego.mmus MS General contact (with Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program [SWPPP] implementation responsibility) *Last name, Wagner *First name, Ron (department head, MS4 coordinator, consultant, etc.) *Title* City Engineer Wailing address: 3601 Thurston Avenue Tity: Anoka *State: MN *Z11p code: 55303 Phone (including area code): 763-852-0478 *E-mail: ronw@haa-inc.com Preparer information (complete if SWPPP application is prepared by a party other than MS4 General contact) Last name: First name: (department head, MS4 coordinator, consultant, etc.) Title: Mailing address: City: State: Zip code: Phone (including area code): E-mail: Verification f1. I seek to continue discharging stormwater associated with a small MS4 after the effective date of this Permit, and shall sub it this MS4 S WPPP Application for Reauthorization fora, in accordance with the schedule in Appendix A, Table 1, with the SWPPP document completed in accordance with the Permit (Part II.D,). E Yes 2. 1 have read and understand the NPDES/SDS MS4 General Permit and certify that we intend to comply with all requirements of the Permit. E Yes wwvj.pca.state.mn.us 651-296-6300 800.657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800.657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a * 5131113 Page 1 of 14 Certification (All fields are reClUired) Yes -1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I certify that based on my inquiry of the person, or persons, who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. / a in a wa re th a t th e re are significant p e n altie s for s ubm itting false inform a tion, Including the p o s sib ility of civil and crim in al penalties. This certification is required by Minn. Stat. §§ 7.001.0070 and 7001.0540. The authorized person with overall, IVIS4 legal resp on sibi I i ty rn ust certify tine application (p ri n cipa I executive officer or a ranking elected officia 1). By typing my name in the following box, I certify the above statements to be true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, and that this information can be used for the purpose of processing my application, Name: —Ron Wagner (T'hi's docum en t has been ele c1ronica fly signed Title: City Engineer Mailing address: 3601 Thurston Ave City: Anoka Phone (including area code): 763-852-0478 Date (mnVdd")' State: M N Zip code: 55303 E-mail: ronwO)haa-inc.com t Note: The application will not be processed without certification. www,pca, state, mn, us a 651-296.6300 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-5trm4-49a , 5131113 Page 2 of 14 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Document I . Partnerships: (Part II.D.1) A. List the regulated small IVIS4(s) with which you have established a partnership in order to satisfy one or more requirements of this Permit. Indicate wh 1ch M I n im um Control Measure (M C M) requirements or other program components that each partnership helps to accomplish (List all that apply). Check the box below if you currently have no established partnerships with other regulated MS4s. If you have more than five partnerships, hit the tab key after the last line to generate a new row. N No partnerships with regulated small MS4s, carne and description of vartnersh! MCMI Cher nermit reaulrements involved B. If you have additional information that you would like to communicate about your partnerships with other regulated small MS4(s), provide it in the space below, or include an attachment to the SWPPP Document, with the following file naming convention: MSMatneHere Part nerships. 11. Description of Regulatory Mechanisms: (Part II.D.2) Illicit discharges A. Do you have a regulatory mechanism(s) that effectively prohibits non-stormwater discharges into your small IVIS4, except those non- tormwater discharges authorized under the Permit (Part I 11. D - 3 .b-) ® Yes El N o 1. If yes: n- Check which type of regulatory mechanism(s) your organization has (check all that apply): Ordinance 0 Contract language Policy/Standards El Permits El Rules El Other, explain: b. Provide either a direct link to the mechanism selected above or attach it as an electronic document to this form; or if your regulatory mechanism is either an Ordinance or a Rule, your ay provide a citation: Citation: Otsego City Code, Chapter 6, Section 9 - Stormwater Utilities Direct link: El Check here if attaching an electronic copy of your regulatory mechanism, with the following file naming convention: MS4A/ameHere—IDDEreg. 2. If no: Describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, this permit requirement is met: www. pca. state. mn.us s 651-296-6300 800-657.3864 TTY 651.282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a # 5131113 Page 3 of 14 Construction site stormwater runoff control A. Do you have a regulatory mechanism(s) that establishes requirements for erosion and sediment controls and waste controls? M Yes 0 No 1 . I f yes: a. C heck wh ich type of regulatory m echa n is runs) your organization h a s (check all that apply): 0 Ordinance El Contract language El Policy/Standards. F1 Permits El Rules El Other, explain: b. Provide either a direct link to the mechanism selected above or attach it as an electronic document to this form; or if your regulatory mechanism is either an Ordinance or a Rule, you may provide a citation-, Citation: Otsego City Code, Chapter 4, Section 4 - Erosion and Sediment Control Direct link: E] Check here if attaching an electronic copy of your regulatory mechanism, with the following file naming convention: MS4NameHere—CSWreg. B. Is your regulatory mechanism at least as stringent as the M P CA general permit to Discharge Sto rmwater Associated with Construction Activity (as of the effective date of the MS4 Permit)? E]Yes Z No If you answered yes to the above question, proceed to C. If you answered no to either of the above permit requirements listed in A. or B., describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met: Revise ordinance within 12 months of permit coverage C. Answer yes or no to indicate whether your regulatory mechanism(s) requires owners and operators of construction activity to develop site plans that incorporate the following erosion and sediment controls and waste controls as described in the Permit (Part IIID. 4.a..(1)-(8)), and as listed below: 1. Best Management Practices (BI Ps) to minimize erosion. ® Yes El No 2. BNlPs to minimize the discharge of sediment and other pollutants. E Yes El No 3. BMPs for dewatering activities. El Yes E No 4. Site inspections and records of rainfall events ❑ Yes No 5. BLIP maintenance Yes ❑No 6. Management of solid and hazardous wastes on each project site. 0 Yes Z No 7. Final stabilization upon the completion of construction activity, including the use of perennial Yes ❑ No vegetative cover on all exposed soils or other equivalent means. 8. Criteria for the use of temporary sediment basins. El Yes 0 No If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met: Revise ordinance within 12 months of permit coverage Post -construction stormwater management A. Do you have a regulatory mechanism(s) to address post -construction stormwater management activities? 0 Yes F-1 No 1. If yes: a. Check which type of regulatory mechanism(s) your organization has (check all that apply)* M Ordinance El Contract language D Policy/Standards El Permits R Rules F1 Other, explain: vjww.pca.state.mn.us 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-5trm4-4.9a * 5131113 Page 4 of 14 b. Provide either a direct link to the mechanism selected above or attach it as an electronic document to this form; or if your regulatory mechanism is either an Ordinance or a Rule, you may provide a citation: Citation: Otsego City Code, Chapter 4, Section 5 - Post Construction Stormwater Management Direct link: Check here if attaching an electronic copy of your regulatory mechanism, with the following file naming convention: MS4NameHere_PostCSWreg. B. Answer yes or no below to indicate whether you have a regulatory mechanism(s) in place that meets the following requirements as described in the Permit (Part III.D.5.a.): 1. Site plan review: Requirements that owners and/or operators of construction activity submit ® Yes 0 No site plans with post -construction stormwater management BMPs to the permittee for review and approval, prior to start of construction activity. 2. Conditions for post construction stormwater management: Requires the use of any combination of BMPs, with highest preference given to Green Infrastructure techniques and practices (e.g., infiltration, evapotranspiration, reuse/harvesting, conservation design, urban forestry, green roofs, etc.), necessary to meet the following conditions on the site of a construction activity to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP): a� For new development projects — no net increase from pre -project conditions (on an annual average basis) of. 1) Stormwater discharge volume, unless precluded by the stormwater management limitations in the Permit (Part Ill.D.5.@(3)(a)). 2) Stormwater discharges of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). 3) Stofmwater discharges of Total Phosphorus JP). b. For redevelopment projects — a net reduction from pre -project conditions (on an annual average basis) of: 1) Stormwater discharge volume, unless precluded by the stormwater management limitations in the Permit (Part 11I.D.5.a(3)(a)). 2) Stormwater discharges of TSS. 3) Stormwater discharges of TP. 3. Stormwater management limitations and exceptions: a. Limitations 1) Prohibit the use of infiltration techniques to achieve the conditions for post -construction stormwater management in the Permit (Part III.D.5.a(2)) when the infiltration structural stormwater B M P will receive discharges from, or be constructed in areas: a) Where industrial facilities are not authorized to infiltrate industrial stormwater under an NPDES/SDS Industrial Stormwater Permit issued by the MPCA. b) Where vehicle fueling and maintenance occur. c) VVith less than three (3) feet of separation distance from the bottom of the infiltration system to the elevation of the seasonally saturated soils or the top of bedrock. d) Where high levels of contaminants in soil or groundwater will be mobilized by the inflitrating stormwater. El Yes 0 No EJ Yes M No Cl Yes ® No 2) Restrict the use of infiltration techniques to achieve the conditions for post -construction El Yes [E No stormwater management i n the Permit (Part I 11. D. 5. a(2)), without higher engineering review, sufficient to provide a functioning treatment system and prevent adverse impacts to groundwater, when the infiltration device will be constructed in areas* a) With predominately Hydrologic Soil Group D (clay) soils. b) VVithin 1,000 feet up -gradient, or 100 feet down -gradient of active karst features. c) VVithin a Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) as defined in Minn. R. 4720.5100. subp. 13, d) Where soil infiltration rates are more than 8.3 inches per hour. 3) For linear projects where the lack of right-of-way precludes the installation of volume D Yes M No control practices that meet the conditions for post -construction storrnwater management in the Permit (Part Ill.D.5,a(2)), the permittee's regulatory mechanism(s) may allow exceptions as described in the Permit (Part lIl.D,5.a(3)(b)). The permittee's regulatory mechanism(s) shall ensure that a reasonable attempt be made to obtain right-of-way during the project planning process, www.pca.s1ate,mn.us 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 i TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a it 5131113 Page 5 of 14 4. Mitigation provisions: The permittee's regulatory mechanism s) shall ensure that any sto rmwate r discharges of TSS a nd/o r TIS not addressed on the site of the original construction activity are addressed through mitigation and, at a minimum, shall ensure the following requirements are met- a. Mitigation protect areas are selected in the following order of preference: 1) Locations that yield benefits to the same receiving water that receives runoff from the original construction activity. 2) Locations within the same Minnesota Department of Natural Resource (DNR) catchment area as the original construction activity. 3) Locations in the next adjacent DNR catchment area up -stream 4) Locations anywhere within the permittee's jurisdiction. b. Mitigation projects must i nvo I ve tine creation of new structural stormwater B M Ps or the retrofit of existing g structuraI stormwater B M P s, or the use of a properly designed regionaI structural stormwater BMP, c. Routine maintenance of structural stormwater BMPs already required by this permit cannot be used to meet mitigation requirements of this part. d. Mitigation projects shall be completed within 24 months after the start of the original construction activity. e. The permittee shall determine, and document, who will be responsible for long-term maintenance on all mitigation projects of this part. f. If the permittee receives payment from the owner and/or operator of a construction activity for mitigation purposes in lieu of the owner or operator of that construction activity meeting the conditions for post -construction stormwater management in Part IIID. 5.a(2), the permittee shall apply any such payment received to a public stormwater project, and all projects must be in compliance with Part I 11. D. 5. a(4)(a)-(e). 5. Long-term maintenance of structural stormwater F3MPs: The permittee's regulatory mechanism(s) shall provide for the establishment of legal mechanisms between the permittee and owners or operators responsible for the long-term maintenance of structural sto rmwate r E31' Ps not owned or operated by the perm itte e I that have been implemented to meet the conditions for post -construction stormwater management in the Permit (Part IIID. 5.a(2 ). This only includes structural stormwater BMP.s constructed after the effective date of this permit and that are directly connected to the permittee's IVIS4, and that are in the permittee's jurisdiction. The legal mechanism shall include provisions that, at a minimum: a. Al I ow the permittee to conduct Inspections of structural stormwate r B M PS not owned or operated by the permittee, perform necessary maintenance, and assess costs for those structural stormwater BIVIPs when the permittee determines that the owner and/or operator of that structural stormwater BMP has not conducted maintenance. b. Include conditions that are designed to preserve the permittee's right to ensure maintenance responsibility, for structural stormwater BIVIPs. not owned or operated by the permittee, when those responsibilities are legally transferred to another party. c. Include conditions that are designed to protect/preserve structural stormwater BMPS and site features that are implemented to comply with the Permit (Part III. D.5.a(2)). If site configurations or structural stormwater BIVIPs change, causing decreased structural stormwater B M P effectiveness, new or improved structu ral stormwater B M PS must be implemented to ensure the conditions for post -construction stormwater management in the Permit (Part III.D.5.a(2)) continue to be met. E]Yes 0 No Ll Yes 2 No El Yes 0 No F1 Yes � No El Yes 0 No L1 Yes M No 0 Yes El No E Yes D No M Yes 0 No If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within twelve (12) months of the date permit coverage is exten ded I these permit requirements are met: Revise ordinence within 12 months of permit coverage. 111. Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs): (Part II.D.3) A. Do you have existing EDPs that satisfy the requirements of the Permit {Part I 11. B.)? D Yes M No 1. If yes, attach them to this form as an electronic document, with the following file naming convention: MS4NetneHere FRFs. 2. If no, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, with twelve (12) months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met* Meet with appropriate City departments to review current policies and procedures. Dreftwritter) ERP s within 12 months of permit coverage. MVW. pea. state. mn.us 0 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 TTY 651.282-5332 or 800-657-3B64 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49.9 * 5131113 Page 6 of 14 B. Describe your ERP: IV. Storm Sewer System Map and Inventory: (Part ILDA) A. Describe how you manage your storm sewer system map and inventory: Our storin sewer map has been created in GIS form. When improvements for new developments or for City improvement projects are installed, the GIS map is updated to reflect the changes. B. Answer yes or no to indicate whether your storm sewer system map addresses the following requirements from the Permit (Part III.C. 1 a -d), as listed below: 1. The permittee' s entire small MS4 as a goal, but at a minimum, all pipes 12 inches or greater in 0 Yes 0 No diameter, including stormwater flow direction in those pipes. 2. Outfalls, including a unique identification (ID) number assigned by the permittee, and an E Yes El No associated geographic coordinate. 3. Structural stormwater BMPs that are part of the permittee's small MS4. Z Yes El No 4. All receiving waters. E Yes El No If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverag e is extended, these permit requirements are met: Update storm sewer map within 12 months of permit coverage to include all pipes 12 inches and greater. C. Answer yes or no to indicate whether you have completed the requirements of 2009 Minnesota Session Law, Ch. 172. Sec. 28: with the following inventories, according to the specifications of the Permit (Part 111.C.2.a.-b.), including, 1 All ponds within the permittee's jurisdiction that are constructed and operated for purposes of El Yes 0 No water quality treatment, stormwater detention, and flood control, and that are used for the collection of stormwater via constructed conveyances. 2. All wetlands and lakes, within the permittee's jurisdiction, that collect stormwater via constructed El Yes 0 No conveyanGes. D. Answer yes or no to indicate whether you have completed the following information for each feature inventoried. 1. A u n iq u e identification (I D) number assigned by the permittee. El Yes ED No 2. A geographic coordinate. El Yes 0 No 3. Type of feature (e.g., pond, wetland, or lake). This may be determined by using best professional El Yes N No judgment. If you have answered yes to all above requirements, and you have already submitted the Pond Inventory Form to the MPGA, then you do not need to resubmit the inventory form below. If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met: Complete Pond Inventory Form and submit to the MPCA within 12 months of permit coverage. E Answer yes or no to indicate if you are attaching your pond, wetland and lake inventory to the MPCA [I Yes No on the form provided on the MPCA website at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/ms4 , according to the specifications of Permit (Part lIl.C,2.b-(1)-(3)). Attach with the following file naming convention: MS4NameHere—inventoty. If you answered no, the inventory form must be submitted to the MPGA MS4 Permit Program within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended. V. Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) (Part II.D.5) A. MCMI: Public education and outreach 1 T h e Permit requires that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, existing permittees revise their education and outreach program that focuses on illicit discharge recognition and reporting, as well as other specifically selected stof rnwate r- related is of high priority to the permittee during this permit term. Describe your current educational program, including any high-priority topics Included: We have developed several handouts and flyers that are distributed to the general public, contractor's and developors. In wvvw.pca.state.mn,us 651.296-6300 800.657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800.657-3864 Available in alternative forniats wq-5trm4-49a -, 5131113 Page 7 of 14 addition, we have developed the Otsego Engineering Manual, which includes specific City requirements for ESC plans as well as Post -Construction Stormwater Management. The Otsego Engineering Manual is made available to site developer's as we// as their engineering consultants for their use and reference. Current topics include: erosion and sediment control, fertilizer management, illicit discharges, proper management of pet waste, and post construction stormwater management. 2. List the categories of BMPs that address your public education and outreach program, including the distribution of educational materials and a program implementation plan. Use the first table for categories of BIS Ps that you have established and the second table for categories of BMPs that you plan to implement over the course of the permit term, Include the measurable goals with appropriate timeframes that each BMP category will be implemented and completed. In addition, provide interim milestones and the frequency of action in which the permittee will implement and/or maintain the B M Ps. Refer to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase H Sinall MS4s (http://www.epa.ciov/ngdes/pubs/measurableqoals.pdn. If you have more than five categories, hit the tab key after the last line to generate a new row. Established BMP categories I Measurable goals and timeframes Distribute handouts and flyers. I Number of flyers and handouts distributed. Otsego Engineering Manual I Number of manuals distributed or tagged online. BIVIP categories to be implemented Measurable goals and thilefrarnes Review and revise program if necessary to focus on high priority topics. Number of topics identified and number of education materials developed. Within 12 months of permit coverage. Public Notice Separate Public Notice in local paper 30 days in advance of the meeting. 3. Provide the name or the position title of the individual(s) who is responsible for implementing and/or coordinating this MCM: City Clerk and City Engineer B. MCM2: Public participation and involvement 1 The Permit (Part III.D.2.a.) requires that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, existing permittees shall revise their current program, as necessary, and continue to implement a public participation/involvement program to solicit p ub I ic input on the SWP P P. Describe your current prog ra rn: We hold a public sweeting every year and give the public en opportunity to provide input on our SWPPP. 2. List the categories of Bi Ps that address your public participationAnvolvement program, including solicitation and documentation of public input on the WPPP. Use the first table for categories of BI Ps that you have established and the second table for categories of BI' Ps that you plan to implement over the course of the permit term. Include the measurable goals with appropriate timeframes that each BMP category will be implemented and completed. In addition, provide interim milestones and the frequency of action In which the permittee A implement andlor maintain the BMPS. Refer to the EPA's Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase l/ Small MS4s (htto;llwww.epa.gov/npde /pubs/m easurablegoals. 120. If you Dave m o re than five tate g orles, hit the tab key after the last line to generate a new row. Established BMP categories Measurable goals and timeframes Annual Public Meeting NUmber of comments received, annually. Public Notice Separate Public Notice in local paper 30 days in advance of the meeting. BMP categories to be implemented I Measurable goals and timeframes Public Notice f Revise to use same public notice as other agenda items. www,pca,state,mn.us 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 i TTY 651-282-5332 or 800.657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a * 5131113 Page 8 of 14 3. Do you have a process for receiving and documenting citizen input? 0 Yes D No If you answered no to the above permit requirement, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, this permit requirement is met: 4Provide the name or the position title of the individual(s) who is responsible for implementing and/or coordinating this MCM: City Clerk and City Engineer C. MCM 3: Illicit discharge detection and elimination I The Permit (Part III.D.3.) requires that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, existing permittees, revise their current program as necessary, and continue to implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the small MS4. Describe your current program: We incorporate illicit discharge detection into our pond inspections, outfall inspections, and structural stormwater Bl Ps inspections. If we observe a discharge during a dry weather period; or if we observe discharges that appear to be foamy, soapy, have a sheen, or unusual color or odor it warrants further investigation to identify the source. If an illicit discharge is suspected, we would utilize our stormsewer map to track the source. If an illicit discharge is confirmed, we utifitze our ordinance to eliminate the illicit discharge. Complaints of illicit discharges are investigated promptly, usually the sarne day or within 24 hours. 2. Does your Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program meet the following requirements, as found in the Permit (Part III.D,3.c.-g.)? a. Incorporation of illicit discharge detection into all inspection and maintenance activities conducted Yes No under the Permit (Part 11I.D.6.e.-f.)Where feasible, illicit discharge inspections shall be conducted during dry -weather conditions (e.g., periods of 72 or more hours of no precipitation). b. Detecting and tracking the source of illicit discharges using visual inspections, The permittee may 0 Yes Cl No also include use of mobile cameras, collecting and analyzing water samples, and/or other detailed procedures that may be effective investigative tools. c. Training of all field staff, in accordance with the requirements of the Permit (Part III.D.6.g.(2)), in El Yes M No illicit discharge recognition (including conditions which could cause illicit discharges), and reporting illicit discharges for further investigation. d. Identification of priority areas likely to have illicit discharges, including at a minimum, evaluating El Yes 0 No land use associated with business/industrial activities, areas where illicit discharges have been identified in the past, and areas with storage of large quantities of significant materials that could result in an illicit discharge. e. Procedures for the timely response to known, suspected, and reported illicit discharges, 9 Yes E)Ido f. Procedures for investigating, locating, and eliminating the source of illicit discharges. M Yes El No g. Procedures for responding to spills, including emergency response procedures to prevent spills from Yes F1 No entering the small IVI54. The procedures shall also include the immediate notification of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Duty Officer, if the source of the illicit discharge is a spill or leak as defined in Minn, Stat. § 115-061. h. When the source of the illicit discharge is found, the permittee shall use the ERPs required by the D Yes E No Permit (Part 111. B. to eliminate the illicit discharge and require any needed corrective action(s). If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that. within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met, Revise our ID DE Program to include training of all field staff and identification of priority areas within 12 months of permit coverage. Develop a written ERP within 12 months of permit coverage. 3. List the categories of BIVIPs that address your illicit discharge, detection and elimination program. Use the first table for categories of BMPs that you have established and the second table for categories of E3MPs that you plan to implement over the course of the permit term. Include the measurable goals with appropriate timeframes that each BIVIP category will be implemented and completed. In addition, provide interim milestones and the frequency of action in which the permittee will implement and/or maintain the BI Ps. Defer to tine EPA's Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase I/ Small MS4s www,loca,statenn.us a 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a a 5131113 Page 9 of 14 (http-//wwvv.epa.gov/npes/oubs/measurablegoals.PA. If you have more than five categories, hit the tab key after the last line to generate a new row. BMP categories Measurable goals and timefrarnes -Established toren ewer Map available for tracking suspected illicit Number of ponds, pipes and conveyances mapped. Number of discharges. r% times referenced for tracking suspected illicit discharges. construction activity that they need to apply for and obtain coverage under the MPCA's general Refer to ordinance if enforcement is needed. Review permit to Discharge Storm water Associated with Construction Activity No. MN R 10000 1? periodically during permit term to ensure that it continues to Regulatory Control Program address our needs. Number of times referenced/utilized, noncompliance or other stormwater related information on construction activity submitted by the Incorporate IDDE into pond inspections, outfall inspections, public to the permittee? a n d structural stormwater EIRP 1nspections. Number o r Inspections percentage inspected ppr year. compliance with your regulatory mechanism(s): Engineering staff are trained in IDDE. Number of available Training staff with IDDE training, 2) Does your program identify a frequency at which you will conduct construction site We have developed a flyer that is available at City Hall to Education inform the pu b I ic about IDDE. Number of flye rs distributed. BMP categories to be Measurable goals and timeframes Training Prepare/conduct training program for all field staff commensurate with their job duties. b. Does the site plan review procedure include notification to owners and operators proposing D Yes No construction activity that they need to apply for and obtain coverage under the MPCA's general permit to Discharge Storm water Associated with Construction Activity No. MN R 10000 1? c. Does your program include written procedures for receipt and consideration of reports of 4. Do you have procedures for record-keeping within your Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program as specified within the Permit (Part Ill. D.3.h.)? E]Yes NNo If you answered no, indicate how you will develop procedures for record-keeping of your Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination Program, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended: Develop written procedures for record keeping with 12 months of permit coverage. 5. Provide the name or the position title of the individual(s) who is responsible for implementing and/or coordinating this MCM: City Engineer D. M 4: Construction site stormwater runoff control 1 The Permit (Part III.D.4) requires that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, existing permittees shall revise their current program, as necessary, and continue to implement and enforce a construction site stormwater runoff control program. Describe your current program: Our ESC ordinance requires a permit for all land disturbing activities that disturb I Oj 000 square feet or more. City staff reviews the permit and ESC plan to ensure that it is consistent with the ordinance and the Otsego Engineering Manual requirements. A security is required for all permits to ensure that the applicant properly installs and maintains the BMPs and establishes permanent cover upon completion of the project Inspections are performed during construction to ensure that all Bl Ps are functioning properly and are effective. 2. Does your program address the following PIPs for construction stormwater erosion and sediment control as required in the Permit (Part I 11. D. 4. b.): a. Have you established written procedures for site plan reviews that you conduct prior to the start of 0 Yes L1 No construction activity? b. Does the site plan review procedure include notification to owners and operators proposing D Yes No construction activity that they need to apply for and obtain coverage under the MPCA's general permit to Discharge Storm water Associated with Construction Activity No. MN R 10000 1? c. Does your program include written procedures for receipt and consideration of reports of Z Yes El No noncompliance or other stormwater related information on construction activity submitted by the public to the permittee? d. Have you included written procedures for the following aspects of site inspections to determine compliance with your regulatory mechanism(s): 1) Does your program include procedures for identifying priority sites for inspection? D Yes El No 2) Does your program identify a frequency at which you will conduct construction site ED Yes El No inspections? 3) Does your program identify the names of individual(s) or position titles of those responsible for E Yes [:]No WVVW'PmState.Mfl.U5 0 651-296-6300 P 800-657-3864 @ TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-5trm4-49a , 5131113 Page 10 of 14 conducting construction site inspections? 4) Does your program include a checklist or other written means to document construction site Z Yes E]No inspections when determining compliance? e. Does your program document and retain construction project name, location, total acreage to be Yes [I No disturbed, and owner/operator information? f. Does your program document stormwater-related comments and/or supporting information used to Z Yes F1 No determine project approval or denial? g. Does your program retain construction site inspection checklists or other written materials used to Z Yes [_1 No document site inspections? If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met. Revise our program to require notification when a NPDES Construction Permit is required red and to target priority sites for inspection within 12 months of permit coverago. 3. List the categories of BlVlPs that address your construction site stormwater runoff control program. Use the first table for categories of BMPs that you have established and the second table for categories of BMP s that you plan to implement over the course of the permit term. Include the measurable goals with appropriate timeframes that each BMP category will be implemented and completed. In addition, provide interim milestones and the frequency of action in which the permittee will implement and/or rna1ntain the B M Ps. Refe r to the EPA's Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase // Small MS4s (httr)://ww,w.er)a.gov/nr)des/pubs/measurablegoals.PdO,. If you have more than five categories, hit the tab key after the last line to generate a new row. -Established IBIVIP categories Measurable goals and timeframes Measurable goals and timeframes Update our written program to include procedures for identifying priority sites for inspections and to require notification when a NPIDES Construction Permit is required. Within 12 months of p e rm it cove rage, Ordinance Number permits applied for and issued, number of sediment control devices installed. Review all permits within 60 days of -Permit Program receipt. Ordinance includes standards for ESC Plans. Number of times Regulatory Control Program referenced. Manual includes additional standards for ESC Plans. Number of Engineering Manual times referenced. Most major projects have a resident inspector on-site and BMPs Inspections are inspected ppriodicall d after rainfalls of 1/2 0 or more. We have developed a flyer that is available at City Hall. Number Education of flyers distributed. BMP categories to be Implemented Measurable goals and timeframes Written Program Update our written program to include procedures for identifying priority sites for inspections and to require notification when a NPIDES Construction Permit is required. Within 12 months of p e rm it cove rage, Ordinance Update ordinance within 12 months of permit coverage. 4. Provide the name or the position title of the individual(s) who is responsible for implementing and/or coordinating this MM: City Engineer and Building Official E. MCM 5: Post -construction stormwater management 1 The Permit (Part III.D.5.) requires that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, existing permittees shall revise their current program, as necessary, and continue to implement and enforce a post -construction stormwater management program. Describe your current program: We have a Post Construction Storm water ordinance that requires permanent stormwater facilitios for now do velopment and re -development, No land owner or land operator can receive a permit for land disturbing activities without first meeting the requirements of the ordinance. In addition, we have developed the Otsego Engineering Manual which outlines design criteria and procedures to be followed. 2. Have you established written procedures for site plan reviews that you will conduct prior to the start of X Yes Ll No WMV. pca. state. nin. us 0 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a * 5131113 Page 11 oF 14 construction activity? 3. Answer yes or no to indicate whether you have the following listed procedures for documentation of Measurable goals and timeframes post -construction stormwater management according to the specifications of Permit (Part III.D.5.c.): Number of projects reviewed to determine if they meet a. Any supporting documentation that you use to determine compliance with the Permit (Part Z Yes El No 111. D. 5. a) , 1n lu d! n g tine project name, location, owner a n d operator of the construction activity, any Number of projects reviewed to determine if they meet checklists used for conducting site plan reviews, and any calculations used to determine Engineering Manual requirements. compliance? Number of projects reviewed. b. All supporting documentation associated with mitigation projects that you authorize? E]Yes 0 No c. Payments received and used in accordance with Permit (Part III.D.5.a.(4)(0)? El Yes 0 No dl, All legal mechanisms drafted in accordance with the Permit (Part IIID. 5.a.(5)), including dates of 0 Yes El No the agreement(s) and names of all responsible parties involved? operations to ensure that they are installed properly. If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements, describe the steps that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met. As -Built Plans Revise ordinances within 12 months of permit coverage. 4. List the categories of B M Ps that address your post-cinstruction stormwate r m a nageme n t program.. U s e tine first table for categories of B M Ps that you have established a n d the second table for categories of Bt Ps that you plan to implement over the course of the permit term. Include the measurable goals with appropriate timeframes that each BMP category will be implemented and completed. In addition, provide interim milestones and the frequency of action in which the permittee will implement and/or maintain th e B M Ps . Refer to the EPA's Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase /I Small MS4s (http://www.epa.gov/npdes/i)ubs/measurablegoals.r)dO. If you have more than five categories, hit the tab key after the last line to generate a new row. -Established BMP categories Measurable goals and timeframes Ordinance Revisions Number of projects reviewed to determine if they meet Ordinance ordinance requirements. Number of projects reviewed to determine if they meet Engineering Manual Engineering Manual requirements. Site Plan and Stormwater Management Plan Review Number of projects reviewed. A security is required to ensure that permanent facilities are Security constructed per permit requirements. Inspections are conducted during grading and installation Inspections operations to ensure that they are installed properly. As -built plans are required at the comp'6etion of a project, As -Built Plans before the security is released. Utilize available resources such as the W IVIN Stormwater Available Resources Manual to ensure that designs conform to best practices. BMP categories to be implemented Measurablegoals and timeframes Ordinance Revisions Revise ordinances within 12 months of permit coverage to meet current permit requirements. 5. Provide the name or the position title of the individual(s) who is responsible for implementing and/or coordinating this MCM: City Engineer F. MC '1 6: Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations mm. pca. state. nin. us o 651-296.6300 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800.657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a # 5131113 Page 12 of 14 1 The Permit (Part III.D.6.) requires that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, existing permittees shall revise their current program, as necessary, and continue to implement an operations and maintenance program that prevents or reduces the discharge of pollutants from the permittee owned/operated facilities and operations to the small MS4. Describe your current program: We ro u tin ely it) sp e ct, in a in ta in and repair aur- s torm wa ter it) fra s tru c ture to e n s ure th a t it op e ra te s as designed. We s we ep streets at least annually to prevent the debris from entering our stormwater system. Our parks staff utilize best practices to ensure that they reduce impacts tothe maximum extent practicable. Our irrigation systems are fitted with rain sensors to ensure that we are not over -watering our grounds. Our fleet and building maintenance staff exercise care it) the handling and storage of hazardous inatefials. We utilize a salt shed to house our salt stockpile for winter maintenance operations. 2. Do you have a facilities inventory as outlined in the Permit (Part Ill. D.6.a.)? [1 Yes M No 3. If you answered no to the above permit requirement in question 2, describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, this permit requirement is met: Complete a facilities inventory within 12 months of permit coverage. 4. List the categories of BIVIPs that address your pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations program. Use the first table for categories of E3MPs that you have established and the second table for categories of BMP s that you plan to implement over the course of the permit term. Include the measurable goals with appropriate timeframes that each BMP category will be implemented and completed. In addition, provide interim milestones and the frequency of action in which the permittee will implement and/or maintain the BMPs. For an explanation of measurable goals, refer to the EPA's Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase H Small M 4 (http://vmv.epa.gov/npdos/pubs measurablegoals.odo. If you have more than five categorlos, hit the tab key after the last line to generate a new row. -Established BMP categories Measurable goals and timeframes Municipal Operations 1'raining Program Provide training opportunities to City staff. Sweep streets with a regenerative vaCLIUM sweeper at least -Street Sweeping annually. Inspections conducted each year to ensure proper operation Inspection of Ponds and Outfalls and identify any maintenance necessary, Inspection of Exposed Stockpiles Inspeotions performed annually. Based on inspections determine if maintenance is necessary Inspection Follow U, and perform maintenance. We utilize a GIS tracking system for pond and outfall Record Keeping inspections. -BIVIP categories to be Implemented Measurable goals and timeframes Inspections of Expqd Stockpiles Implement quarterly inspactions. -Facilities Inventory Complete withl-n 12 months of permit coverage, 5. Does discharge from your IVIS4 affect a Source Water ProterCtion Area (Permit Part IIID. .c. E]Yes 2 No a. If no, continue to 6. b. If yes, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is in the process of mapping the following items. Maps are available at http-//www. health. state. rn n. Lls/divs/eh/water/swp/nia,;Ds/index. htni. Is a map including the following items available for your IVIS4- 1 Wells and source waters for drinking water supply management areas identified as L1 Yes [:]No vulnerable under Minn. R. 4720.5205, 4720.5210, and 4720.5330? 2) Source water protection areas for surface intakes identified in the source water El Yes L1 No assessments conducted by or for the Minnesota Department of Health under the federal Safe Drinking' ater Act, U.S.C. §§ 300j - 13? c. Have you developed and implemented BMP s to protect any of the above drinking water El Yes El No sources? Wmi.pc a. state. nlrl JIS 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 wvq-5trtn4-49a , 5131113 • TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats Page 13 of 14 6. Have you developed procedures and a schedule for the purpose of determining the TSS and El Yes 0 No TP treatment effectiveness of all permittee owned/operated ponds constructed and used for the collection and treatment of stormwater, according to the Permit (Part 11I.D.6.d.)? 7. Do you have inspection procedures that meet the requirements of the Permit (Part I 11. D. 6. e. (1 R © Yes Z No (3)) for structural stormwater BMPs, ponds and outfalls, and stockpile, storage and material Dandling areas? 8. Have you developed and implemented a stormwater management training program commensurate with each employee's job duties that: a. Addresses the importance of protecting water quality? M Yes El No b. Covers the requirements of the permit relevant to the duties of the employee? N Yes [-]No c. Includes a schedule that establishes initial training for new and/or seasonal employees and El Yes ED No recurring training intervals for existing employees to address changes in procedures, practices, techniques, or requirements? 9. Do you keep documentation of inspections, maintenance, and training as required by the Permit E Yes El No (Part 11LD.6,h,(1)-(5))? If you answered no to any of the above permit requirements listed in Questions 5 - 9, then describe the tasks and corresponding schedules that will be taken to assure that, within 12 months of the date permit coverage is extended, these permit requirements are met: We will update our inspection frequency to quarterly within 12 months of permit coverage. We will update our training program to include a schedule for training now andlor seasonal employees. We will estimate the costs of completing the required Pond Assessment within 36 months of permit coverage and begin assessing ponds as budget allows. 10, Provide the name or the position title of the individuals ) who is responsible for implementing and/or coordinating this MCM: Streets Supervisor and City Engineer V1. Compliance Schedule for an Approved Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) with an Applicable Waste Load Allocation (WLA) (Part ILD.6.) A. Do you have an approved TMDL with a Waste Load Allocation (V&A) prior to the effective date of the Permit? 1. If no, continue to section, VIII, 2. If yes, fill out and attach the MS4 Permit TIVI DIL Attachment Spreadsheet with the following naming convention: MS4 NameHere-TMDL This form is found on the MPCA MS4 website, http://www.r)ca.state.mn.us/ms4. V11. Alum or Ferric Chloride Phosphorus Treatment Systems (Part 11.D.7.) A. Do you own and/or operate any Alum or Ferric Chloride Phosphorus Treatment. Systems which are regulated by this Permit (Part III.F.)? 1. If no, this section requires no further information. 2. If yes, you own and/or operate an Alum or Ferric Chloride Phosphoru s Treatment System within your small MS4, then you must submit the Alum or Ferric Chloride Phosphorus Treatment Systems Form supplement to this document, with the following naming convention: MS4/VameHere-TreatmentSystem. This form is found on the MPCA MS4 website: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/ms4. 1!111. Add any Additional Comments to Describe Your Program, IIIIIIIIIIIHM11111101M E]Yes 0 No www. pca -state. mn. us 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a # 5131113 Page 14 of 14 / Minnesota Pollution Control Agency � Revisions tMS4 SRequirements. (Cornparing the 2006, MS4 Permit to the 2013 1AS/1. lleri-rfli't) yW[M 1: ` Specifically selected stormwater related issues to be emphasized during the permit term for public education (Part UiO.1.a[1]) ° Educating the pUblic on illicit discharge recognition and reporting (Part III.D.l.a[2)) " Annual evaluation of public education program to determine effectiveness (Part III.D.l.b(5)) ° Documentation ofspecific information related tothis N1[W4(Part U|.D.1.d yNCM 2: a Oneoppo rtunityannua/hforpub|Ic|npLit (Vs. public mee ting as only option) (partUiD.2.e) 0 Documentation of specific information related to this MCM (Part III.D.2.1b) MCM 3. ° Written ERPs(Part UiE) ° Stormwater Sewer System Map must include: pipes 12" or greater (vs. 24" or greater), including flow direction, and mapped outfall's niust include unique ID and coordinates (Part III.C) ° Inventory of all ponds, wetlands and lakes (per 2009 Minnesota Legislative mandate) ° Incorporation ofillicit discharge inspections into other municipal inspections/maintenance (Part U|.O.3.d " Training of all field staff in illicit discharge recognition and reporting (Part UiD3a) ° Identification of priority areas for illicit discharge detection (Part 111, D -3.f) " Procedures for investigating, locating and eliminating illicit discharges (Part III.D.3.g.1) ° Spill response procedures (Part U|.O.3.g.Z) MCM4: ` Written ERPs(Part UL8) e Erosion, sediment and waste cnn\nc|prognam/regulatorymechanismnelatedtoconstmction activity must be at least asstringent as State NPD[S requirements (Part UiD.4.a) " Written procedures for site plan reviews (part U|.D.4.1b) ° Written procedures for receipt of public input (Part UiD4.d ° Written procedures for site inspections (Part UiD.4.d) ° Documentation of specific information related to this MCM (Part U|.D.4.f) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency September 2013 | mm'stnn4-49u ° Written ERPs(Part Ui8) 9 Local post-cnstmctionstormwatermanagementprognamsmustindudeequ1nementsfor controlling stormwater discharge volurne, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Phosphorus (Part ULO.5'o) ° Local programs must include prohibitions and limitations with regard to lnfi|tnat\ngstormwater (padULD.5.e[3][a]) ° Mitigation requirements when TSS and Phosphorus cannot be managed on-site (Part III.D.S.a[4]) ° Legal mechanisms to ensure long-term maintenance of 8k4Ps (Part ULO.5.a[5]) � Written procedures for site p|enreviews (Part UiD.5.a[5]b) � Documentation of specific information related to this [N[M /Part UiO.5.d e Inventory offacilities that contribute pollutants to stormvvater discharges dPart UiD.6al ° Procedures and schedule to determine TSS and TP treatment effectiveness of stormwater ponds (Part 110.6.61) = Quarterly inspections of stockpi les/sto rage and material handling areas (vs. annually) (Part U|.D6.e[31) * Documentation ofspecific information related to this K4CK4 (Part UiO.6.h) Impaired I)Ls: (Part 111.E) e Submitta|ofacom plbnce schedule(at app|icat lonand priorto pe rm itcove rage) to ach !eve applicable Waste Load Allocations (VVLAs) * Annually demonstrate/report progress toward meeting each applicable VVLA Alum orFerric Chloride Phosphorus Treatment Systems: (Part U|.p) ° Ifasystem is used bythe MS4 permittee., the permittee must revise their 5WPPPand manage the system in accordance with pennitconditions related to such systems. 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