ITEM 4.1 & 4.2 Resolutions 13-61, 62, 63, 640 C1 T 01= Ot FlIN14ESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration Request for City Council Action RE UESTO : MEETING DATE: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Decennber , 213 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 4.1 & 4. Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOM ENDATION: Recommend adoption of the three attached resolutions setting the tax levy, budgets and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2014 following a presentation of the material by staff and after receiving public comment. ARE YOU SEEKINGAPPROVAL OFACONTRACT? No BACKGROUND/JU TIFICATIoN: ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? ED No; however, public Input roust be taken. On September 9 the City Council approved a proposed tax levy of $4,539,28;5. That proposed levy amount was used to {calculate the proposed taxes for the parcel specific notices sent to property owners by Wright County. Prior to and following adoption of the preliminary levy, the Council held numerous budget workshops to review the budget, tax levy and Capital Improvement Plan. The next step in the budget process is to adopt the final levy for certification to the county before December 30 and to adopt the 2014 operating budgets and 2014-2018 CIP. The final levy may be less, but not more, than the levy adopted in September. Further, public input must be taken and considered at the Council meeting on December 9 before adoption of the final tax levy and budgets. The tax leery is proposed to increase $151,375 or 3.69 percent to $4,539.285. Bonded debt levies account for $50,285 or 31 percent of the increase while the tax abatement and reserve levies each account for around three percent of the total increase. The General Fund levy increase of $99.,855 accounts for the majority, 61.88 percent, of the increase. of the General Fund levy increase, over half, 50.12 percent, $50,,050,, is to fund increases in contracts for police and fire service. A portion of the increase, $34,917 or 38 percent will be used to reduce future debt service levies. The General Fund budget is proposed at $4,084,097 including a sales tax .savings of $26,,085 and the use of $34,917 of the levy to reduce future debt service levies. The City's total tax capacity for taxes payable 2014 will be $10,120,229 subject to adjustments by Wright County. This is the resulting calculation from a total estimated market value of $964.330,300. Of that amount $21.,673.,500 comes from the added value of new construction. Based on current assessment data, property with a stable value will experience a decrease in city property tax in 2014 as will property that has declined in value. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: XD ATTACHED D NONE 0 Information and Public Comment Meeting material for 2014 Operating Budgets., Property Tax Levy Payable in 2014, and 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan 0 Resolution 2013 —61; A Resolution Approving 2013 Property Tax Levy Collectible in 2014 0 Resolution 2013 — 63; A Resolution Adopting 2014 Operating Budgets & Resolution 2013 — 64; A Resolution Adopting 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan POSSIBLE MOTION Please viord motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2013 —61; A Resolution Approving 2013 Property Tax Levy Collectible in 2014 2. Motion to approve Resolution 2013 — 63; A Resolution Adopting 2014 Operating Budgets 3. Motion to approve Resolution 2013 — 64; A Resolution Adopting 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan BUDGET INFORMATION r FUNDJNG: BUDGETED' DYES ❑N/A NO ACTION TAKEN ci APPROVED AS REQUESTED Q DENIED i:j TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: CITY OF se o MINNESOTA • gets 2014 ()),Perating Bud Property Tax Levy Payable i*n 2014 �01,4 — 2018 capital Improvement Plan ���h�9 dogs the City have this Meeting?. 0 pity Administrator prepares and submits an operating budget for the ensuing year to the City Council. o Minnesota Statutes 275.065, the "Taxation and Notification "law, esblishes��a process for communication of this information to the public. • pity Council must hold a meeting to discuss the budget and property tax levy and, before a f inal determination, allow public input. **2U13 only—At the meeting were public comment is permitted, the city must discuss the estimated savings realized to their budgets as a result of the sales tax exemption, and how those savings will be used for property tax levy reductions, fee reductions, and other purposes as deemed appropriate. Strategic Goals • To focus the use of thei CtY1s limited resources to produce the greatest value for the Otsego community, the City Council has adopted the following four Strategic Planning Goals: o Expand the City's commercial -industrial tax base. o Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City services. o Review public safety services. o Define and manage the City's image and identity. The �Ladget r rocss City Administrator and Department Heads have met with Council on several occasions to discuss proposed revenues and expenditures. o August 12 — Initial Meeting on Budget Items and Tax Levy o August 26 — Property Tax Levy, Parks, Recreation, Fleet Management, Streets o September 9 — Adoption of Preliminary Tax Levy and Preliminary Budget o October 28 — Water and Sewer Utilities, Stormwater Funds, Capital Fleet Plan o November 4 — Utility Funds review, Capital Improvement Plan, Capital Fleet Plan o November 12— Property Tax Levy and Revised General Fund o November 25 — General Fund, Staffing and Market Rate Adjustment, Capital Improvement Plan • December 9 — Public Meeting for Public Review and Comment o Adoption of Property Tax Levy o Adoption of Budgets o Adoption of Capital Improvement Plan the General Fund is City Council Planning police Zoning Enforcement • Fire Protection Facilities 0 0 Animal Control Streets — Maintenance — Cleaning — Plowing • Parks • Recreation — City Hall — Prairie Center • Administration — Clerk/Elections — Finance — IT —Legal • Information Technology Gener I Func,'�,, • Property Taxes • Assessments • Business Licenses, — Liquor — Rental Housing • Permits • Transfers from Other Funds is Investment Earnings Fees: — Recreation Programs — Parl< Facility Use — Platting — Zoning Changes • Cable Communications Franchise Fees • State Aid Investment Earnings 2- - 4 -S Oln Franchis( 2.57! Fees for Se rvi ce 1,61% Licenses & Permits 0,98% General Fund Revenues 2014 State Aid Tr;;nefpr-c. General Fund Expenditures 2014 Police 22.90 Parrs& Recreation 11.12% Facilities 2.84% Planning & Zoning 2.14, it Council 1.83 Administration 21.89% R \.Infor t l n Technology Transfers 1.62 City of Otsego 49.9-50 51,773 62,960 74,547 11" 18.42% General Fund Budget 295,8W 347.582 355.290 395,180 39AW for ffm ye a r e n clin g 31 De cembe r 2014 390 24,334 W 27,100 25515 Actual petual Budget PrDposed 68,M0 70,300 2,050 2011 2012 2013 2014 $ C hamp % C hangp leve rues: 33.01% In brmafion TmM *w - 35,108 48.850 4800 Ad Vakxm Prop" Tax 3,343,585 3,139,131 3213,145 3.3 2,000 99'A55 3.11% les and Permits 23,450 33.915 28,000 40,100 12,100 4321% hkqpYernmear W Revenue 199.053 208822 2t )i7 316,611 113.736 56-06% Charges k)r Servke 9010M 60.253 57,000 66,650 8,64 15.18% ht Revenue 118,I86 92;134 10DODO I00,000 - O.OD% CaLie Fmwttse Fees 100,176 106.547 100,000 105,000 5,000 5-00% Other Re nue --23Z8 13 35,104 500 143,736 1432W - IOTAL Rwemes,- 4,113,347 3,675,9W 3.701,520 4,084,097 382,677 10.34% Expe n 6 tu re a: GwmiGovewmt Cty Council 49.9-50 51,773 62,960 74,547 11" 18.42% Acknhista5on 295,8W 347.582 355.290 395,180 39AW 1123% Ekcborks 390 24,334 W 27,100 25515 4532-48% Assessor 67,9,35 67,004 68,M0 70,300 2,050 3.0D% Fwm e 170,950 239,080 243,94.5 324,472 80,527 33.01% In brmafion TmM *w - 35,108 48.850 4800 1,150 2.45% Legal 957-:0 71,3D5 70.000 75,000 5,000 7.14% C `yr 1131 - 78,885 81.875 3,'I DD 4.05% Old Tarn S; -'o 721 716 - 100.00% Flanrflng 91213 85,126 80,000 73,400 (6 0) (825%) plaming cammisskin w 1,230 1.60 1 (1,QW) (101.0 SUMAI.- General Govemmed: 778j807 99,258 1,008.235 4.169,874 161'0`' 16.03% Pub Ee Sawy. Poke 861.410 875,045 883,340 912,500 29,200 3.31% Poke COMMISSM i'm 1,37-2 1.370 1,350 (20) (1.46%) Fffe 347.922 355.OD0 376.850 20,&50 5,87% Emergency Wna-wnent 728 6,500 8,550 2A4 31.64% Arimal Control 15 74 10,915 17,500 11,000 @,5W) (37.14%) SL6k4&.- Pubk Sd*., MA75 i,MW 1263.070 1,309,250 4,9,5W 3.61% Pub k Wailes: Streets 1,285,891 700,656 510940 639,980 129,740 25.43% En_*effkg 147,421 128.713 117.000 85.000 (32.00D) (27.35%) Street Lights 97,046 IM775 105,000 110.000 5.000 4.76% Fleet Minternme - 2M,460 104.400 (15P60) (7.19%) SuWa/.- Pubk Wo*s 1.530.358 998,I44 941.700 1,029,380 87,680 031% Cuhure & Recreatkin Park KMtEnanre 346,410 195,456 291,65 297,850 6,195 2-12% Recrm�m 37,325 83,010 137,110 155,150 18,040 13.16% Pirie Center 58,888 39.134 43,500 34,050 (9,450) (21.72%) Heftge Presem5m Cm. 1400 1,134 1 X0 (1250) (100-0 Su Mal: Cultum & R ecru: 445.023 318,740 473,515 487.050 13,535 2.84% Economlc Dotek>pment 14353 Z649 14,40D 13,800 (6w) (4.17%) Trans krs Ou V(h) 556,,941 115,ODO 65,911 65,911 1 00.OD% TOTAL Expendfuies- 4,20i,W 3.614,773 3,701,520 4.075,265 373,745 10.10% Sales Tax Exern p6on Sates (26,035) NET GENERAL FUND: (88,010) 61.193 - 34,917 Property Taxes C'UI 'u�>>sch by the 7Q) )/c osenert is method Minnesota Legislaturepayingfor the public services we want and expect from is cities. It based on the value of ornmovable or real property owned. o i'f it was based on the amount of money we earn, it would be income tax. 0 if it was based on the amount of money we spend, it would be sales tax. 0 if it was based on the number of people in a city, it would be a capitation, or poll,, tax. it How is d 41 Based on the proportionate market value of your taxable property relative to the total market value of taxable property in the city. • Proportion is determined by formula. tu�,zc�ble r�aarkcit vri§Ltf�� c;,Ic(;,iss rate tax cu��acO(y • There are 26 classifications of property using 6 d'ufferent class rates. Property Taxes e estimated market value is taxable market value * tax capacity rate a variables AMA TMV TCR • property�.I'��:VY 'tax levy tax capacOF TC ������0 ��»c 0 KP -� acl 4L ty TTC La.// ()cLension rate or tax ratc. FR property -taxes oayable Property Taxes (EMV is or TMV) TCR TC 4 calculatonsi �'���c����c���t�o�nate Share of Taves Estimated Market Value Business $500,000 33.33% Apartment $500,000 33.33% Residence $500POOO 33.33Yo Tax Capacity Residence iapnce 51000 24.39% 151ness It250 3.12% Jr AparLment 6,250 30.49% 41 Taxes Pay ble certified Levy = $10,000 Total Tax Capacity,--= x.0, 500 Tax Extension Rate = 48,,78% Residential A-Partm P--,.nt Commercial 5,000 X 48.78% _ $21439@10 6,250 X 48.78% _ $31048a7,5 9,250 X 48.78% _ $ 401512e15 a City of sego U j Calculation of Preliminary Property Tax Levy A.. for taxes payable l 2014 General Fund levy Fire Deserve Levy Storm Swyer Lewy Pavement Management Levy Park Trail Management Levy Capital Equipment Revolving Fund Leery Park Capital Equipment 5 btD al ; Other Li m ited Levies TOTAL: Li m ite Levy 20108 Building Bonds 2003A Improvement Bonds 2004A Improvement Bonds 2006B Improvement Bonds Subtotal: Bonded Debt Levies Tax Abatement TOTAL: CerUfled Levy Dollar Increase Percentage Increase Proposed Pq 2012 Pay 2013 P 2014 2,831,000 3,2.31145 3,313,000 48 000 140,000 145,000 - 57,765 25,000 300,000 300,000 3 20,000 25,000 251000 251000 150,000 175,000 10,100 50,000 25 000 53,000 11005,000 7221765 728,000 3,836,000 3,935,9.0 4,04.,000 150,000 150,000 200,205 100,000 1.00,000 1001000 751000 751000 75,000 100 000 100,000 100 000 425,000 4251000 475,285 17,000 23,000 4,261,000 4r377r9 10 41539,285 1161910 161,375 2.4% 3.69% c�r the City of Otsego in 2014 Estimated Market Value $ 964,330,300 Market Value Exclusion $ 39,194,100 Taxable Market Value $ 925,136,200 Total Tax Capacity 10,120,229 Certified Tax Levy $ 4,539,285 Tax Rate 44,,853% New Value from Improvements $ 21,673,500 ).7 city of Otsego Effect of Proposed Tax Levy on Various Properties Taxes Payable 2013 and 2024 Commercial: Value Up 5.00% Pay 2013 875,000 16.350 Pay 2014 71743.53 Commercial: Value Stable $ Taxable Tax city Tax Taxable Tax City Tax Dollar % MarketValue Capacity Tax Rate Payable— MarketValue Capacity Tax Rate Payable Change Change Residential: Value Up 5.00PA $ 200,000 2,0000 46.230°/a $ 924.60 $ 210,000 2,100 44.853% $ 941.91 $ 17.31 1.87% Residential: Value Stable $ 200,000 2,0000 46. 230% $ 924.60 $ 200,000 2,000 44.853% $ 897.06 $ (27.54) (2AW/6) Residential: Value Down 5.00% $ 200,000 2,000 46.230% $ 924.60 $ 190.f000 119W 44.853% $ 852.21 $ (72.39) (7.83%) Commercial: Value Up 5.00% $ 875,000 16.350 46.230% $ 71743.53 Commercial: Value Stable $ 875,000 16,750 46.230% 7,743-53 Commercial: Value Down 5.00% $ 875,000 16,751 46.230% 7,743.53 $ 918,750 17,625 44.853% 7..905.34 $ 875,000 16,750 44.853% 7..512.88 $ 831,250 15,87S 44.853% 71120.41 161.82 2.09YG (230.65) (2.9Wo) $ (623.11) (8-05%) :O Why Atould my property tapes go UP or dowry` • City asks for more or less dollars. • Market Value of my property goes up or down • Market Value of my property changes in relation to other properties • Legislative law changes — tax classification rates Is — homestead credits or value exclusions Real value growth in property tax base Other� ands —Special Revenue • S torm Waiter In -District Fund • Revenues $ 73,800 • Expenditures $ 63,000 • Storm Water Out -of -District Fund • Revenues $ 25,000 • Expenditures $ 21,240 • Street Light District Fund • Revenues $ 26,700 • Expenditures $ 13,880 E. Other Funds —Special Revenue Building Safety Fund Rental Licenses $ 18,600 Building Permits 4001000 Plumbing Permits 41,000 Mechanical Permits 431000 Other Permits and Fees 141600 Revenues 517,200 Personal Services $ 64.1037 Supplies 61700 Contract Inspection Services 1081400 Other Contracted Services 36,555 Transfers and Equipment 37,104 Expenditures $ 252,796 Net Operations $ 264,404 e r -1, d-,s—Debt Service Funds Bonded Debt 12/31/2013.0 2014 Principal Payments Bonded Debt 13/31/2014 2014 Principal Payments 2.014 Interest Payments $ 45,730,000 1,150,000 1 $ 44015801000 $ 1,150,000 1,555,019 2014 Debt Service Expenditures $ 2, 705, 019 Other Funds —Wates, (fund Water dales $ 1,026,830 Other Revenues 162,045 Revenues $ 1,188,875 Personal Services $ 42,719 Supplies 146,025 Contractual Services 186,585 Depreciation 487,580 Transfers (incl. debt payments) 465,293 Expenditures $ 1,328,202 Net Operations $ (139,327) Net Cash Flows $ 325,966 Other Funds Se �ver �un� Sewe Charges $ 1,181,900 Other Revenues 528000 Revenues $ 1,233,900 Personal Services 242,071 Supplies 1521725 Contractual Services 355,145 Depreciation 843,252 Transfers (incl. debt payments) 800,406 Expenditures 21393,599 Net Operations $(1;159,699) Net Cash Flows $ (359,293) CONSIDER RESOLUTIONS ADOPTING THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE IN 2014 AND THE 2014 OPERATING BUDGETS FOR GENERAL, FUN, SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AND UT LITY FUNDS 2014 2018 Capital Improvement Plan • Projects for 2014 • Trail Improvement — Queens to Riverfront Area $ 135)000 • Park Signage $ 13,500 • Tennis and Basketball Court Repairs $ 311000 • Water and Electric at Prairie Park $ 11,0000 • School Knoll Pre -I< Play Structure $ 20,000 • Annual Trail Management $ 251000 • City Entrance Signs $ 60,0000 • Ballot Counters $ 81700 • Stormwater In -District Maintenance $ 501000 • Stormwater Otsego Creek Maintenance $ 75,000 • Stormwater Out -of -District Culverts $ 101000 • Lift Station #3 —West WWTF $ 55,000 • Well House # 4 SCADA $ 111000 XU Projects for 2014 • Valve Turner $ 15,000 • Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment $ 20,000 • West WWTF Generator Rebuild $ 40,000 • Annual Street Sealcoating $ 260,000 • Annual Street Crack Filling $ 70,000 • Annual Street Striping $ 28,000 9 Annual Street Preventative Maintenance $ 39,000 • CSAH 39 Service Road $ 292,000 • 85th Street — Nashua to Mason $ 150,000 • Micro -Surface Streets $ 150,000 70th Street Extension $ 1,400,000 • Highway 101/County 144 Project Contribution $ 100,000 • Jalger Avenue & 100th Street $ 130,000 0 Funding Sources for 2014 Projects • General Fund $ 8,700 • Pavement Management Fund $ 397,000 • Trail Management Fund $ 25,000 • Park Capital Equipment Fund $ 20.1000 • Street Reconstruction Fund $ 146,000 • Stormwater Out -of -District Fund $ 10,000 • Stormwater Utility Fund $ 50,000 Collector Street Fund $ 150,000 • Otsego Creek Watershed Fund $ 75,000 • Revolving Capital Improvements Fund $ 215,500 • Water Fund $ 42,250 • Sewer Fund $ 98,1750 • Assessments $ 286,000 • MSA State Aid $ 1,1550)000 9 Unfunded $ 135,000 The City of Otsego has an aggressive Capital Improvement Plan for the years 2014 through 2018 including facility expansions, new road construct -ion and additional park facilities. Plans for funding these improvements will have to be carefully monitored in order to realize and achieve the goals of this Plan. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Administration 681700 201000 City Facilities 30,000 50,000 Parks &Recreation 2351500 11205,700 60)000 2)456,633 Public Safety 271000 21350,000 Public Utilities 2761000 4391000 450,000 529)000 Public Works 216193000 41111)000 2761000 946,000 TOTALS 21105)000 290,000 6961000 3,199,200 51812,700 311361000 4,001,633 31091)000 PUBLIC (10 lir CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2014 THROUGH 2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RE, SOLUTION N : 2013-61 RESOLUTION APPROVING 2013 PROPERTY TAX LEVY COLLECTIBLE IN 2014 WHERE, AS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 275.065 requiring adoption of a preliminary property tax levy by September 15 of each year the City of Otsego adopted such a lever oil September 9, 2013 for collection in 2014 to support various operating budgets of the City; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2013 the Otsego City Council held a public meeting at which citizens were invited to ec nunent on the proposed levy and resulting operating budgets for the 2014 fiscal year. NCI's, THL'1I RE, , BE IT RE SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA THAT: the following sums of money be levied for collection in 2014 upon taxable properties in the City of Otsego for the following purposes; General Government Tax Abatement GO Improvement Bonds 2003A GO hnpro ement Bonds 2004 GCS Improvement Bonds 2006B Public Works Building Bond 2010B Total Tax Levy MOTION N made by Council Member IN F'AV'OR: $4504 I. 23,000 1 oopo 75,040 100,000 200,285 $455395285 and SECONDED by Council Member ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 9"' day of December, 2013. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockanip, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2013-63 RE SOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 OPERATING BUDGETS WHERE, AS, on December 9, 2013 the Otsego City Council held a public ineeting at which citizens were invited to comment on the proposed property tax levy and resulting operating budgets for the 2014 fiscal. year. NOW, THEREFOR, EJ, BE IT RE SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA THAT: the following sums of more be allotted for the operation of City business in the various funds of the City during the 2014 fiscal year as follows: GENERAL FtJND: General Fund Revenues: Propeity Taxes $353133000 Licenses and Per -wits 40,100 Intergovernmental Revenue 316,611 Charges for Service 65,650 Interest Revenue 1005000 Cable Franchise Fee 105,000 Other Revenues 143,73 Revenues $450845097 General Fund Expenditures: General Goverinnent $ 1.51693874 Public Safety 1,3095250 Public Works 1,02953 80 Cultute & Recreation 4875050 Economic Development 13,800 Transfers 65,911 Subtotal: Expenditures $ 4'5075,265 less: Sales Tax exemption savings 26,085 Expenditures $ 4.0495180 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: Storni Water In -District Fund Revenues $ 735800 Storin Water In -District Fund Expenditures $ 63,000 Storm Water Cut -Of Distriet Fund Revenues $ 253000 Storm Water Out -of -District Fund Expenditures $ 21 ,240 Street Light District Fund Revenues $ 26,700 Street Light District Fund Expenditures $ 1300 Building Safety Fund Revenues $ 517,200 Building Safety Fund Expenditures $ 2525796 DEBT SERVICE FUND Debt Service Fund Revenues $ 2,7055019 Debt Service Fund Expenditures $ 2,705,019 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Fund Revenues $ 151K875 Water Fund Expenditures $ 1,328,202 Sewer Fund Revenues $ 152333900 SeNver Fund Expenditures $ 2,3933599 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 9"' day of December, 2013. MOTION niade by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: ATTEST: Tanii Loff, City Clerk and SECONDED by Council Member CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockani p, Mayor CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2013-64 RE, SOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 — 2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, on December 9, 2013 the Otsego City Council field a public li-lecting at which citizens were invited to comment on the Capital Improvement Plan proposed for the 2014 - 2018 fiscal years. NOW, THERE, FORE � -BE, IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA THAT: the Capital Improvement Plan for the City of Otsego incorporating capital facilities, capital maintenance and capital planning expenditures projects for the 2014 — 2018 fiscal years be adopted as attached. BE IT FURTHER RE, SOLVED THAT: expenditures for design or development of these projects as well as expenditure of fund s for the implementation of each project along with a detailed funding plan for all costs must be approved by the City Council prior to commitment to the expenditure of any finds for these projects. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 9th day of December, 2013. MOTION inade by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk and SECONDED by Council Member CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor