ITEM 5.1 Zimmer Farms NW1 0., ot1 Ty 0 Ce F 0 M11111E50TA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 9 December 2013 PRESENTER(s)- REVIEWED BY: ITEM #.- City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 5.1 — Zimmer Farms NW AGENDA iTEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the approval of a preliminary plat and PUD -CUP for Zimmer Farms NW. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. Held by Planning Commission 2 December 2013. BACKGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: D.R. Horton Inc. has submitted application for preliminary plat approval to subdivide 26.8 acres at the southeast corner of MacIver Avenue and 70'h Street into 53 single family lots. The application also includes a PUD -CUP to allow for development of the proposed subdivision within a Shoreland Overlay District and proposed lot standards. A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on 2 December 2013 to consider the application. Mr. Michael Suel of D.R. Horton,, Inc. was present as the applicant. There were also three property owners in attendance. Mr. Suel agreed with the recommendations of City staff. Mr. Suelalso addressed questions by the Planning Commission saying that D.R. Horton currently only builds two-story house designs and that they would anticipate construction of 20 to 30 homes per year. The Planning Commission raised no significant issues indicating that they believed the change from the townhouse buildings originally planned at this location to single family lots is positive. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the applications. Findings of fact consistent with the Planning Commission recommendations are attached for consideration by the City Council. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE A. Planning Report dated 27 November 2013 B. Engineering Review dated November 27, 2013 C. Findings of Fact POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the Zimmer Farms NW Preliminary Plat and PUD -CUP subject to tonditions outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES NA NO ACTION! TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED n DENIED ci TABLED n OTHER (List changes) .COMMENTS: 3(301 Thurston AvellUe N, SUitO 100 1i_�' ^ 7) Anoka, MN 66303 Phone- 703.231.6840 Facsimile: 763,427.0520 TPC@ P1 -n n n i n 9 Co. con -i PLANNING RE-TORI-1 TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Zimmer Farms NW; Preliminary Plat RE PORT DATE: 27 November 2013 ACTION DATE: 11 JaIlUary 2014 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton Inn. has submitted application for preliminary slat appl&OV@l to SUbdiVidO 26.8 acres at the southeast corner of Maelver Avenue and 70t" Street into 53 Single family lots. The subject site consists of two outlots established for fUtLffe phases with d previous additions to Zimmer Farms and one buildable lot from Zimmer Farlins 3 Addition. The application also Includes a PUD -CUP to allow for development of the proposed SUbdivision within a Shoreland Overlay District and proposed lot standards. A 1)Ublic hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 2 December 2013 to consider the application. Exhibits: A. Site Location) B. Zimmer sarin s Developinent Plan dated 07/15/03 C. P rel i m 1 n -a ry P lat 8u b rn itta I dated 11 /11 /2013 (8 she is ANALYSIS Previous Approvais. D.RF Flortoiirecolve(iiiiltlalal)pi-ov,,-ilsfoi-Zit-ni-nei-Fciriiisfi-oin the City Council on 25 AlIgUst 2003 that 1`1101LIded a Zoning Mal) amendm011t, all Environmental Assessiiient Wort sheot (EAW), preliminary plat and PUD -CUP applications for the project. A final plat for Zimmer Farms was approved by the City 4 Council on 22 December 20 ,03 that 111CIUded the majority of the subject site as all outlot planned to be subdivided as a future phase for townhOL180 dWellillo Ur -lits. EnvironmontalRoviow. An EAW was prepared with the review of the Phase 1 applIcations and its scope included the planned development Of ftlftire phases of Zimmer Farms, One plat) for the subject site reviewed as part of the EAW was for townhouse development of 158 dwelling units, The City Council adopted findings oil 25 August 2013 that the proposed project did riot have potential for significant environs ental effects and that an Environmental Impact Statement was not to be required. The current preliminary plat application reqUires no additional environniental review given the substantial decrease in the number of dwelling units now being Proposed. Coin prehensilve Plan. The 2012 Otsego comprehensive Ram includes the SUbloct site within the West Sewer District and guides the area for low to i-nedlum density residential usos. The proposed Subdivision of single family lots based Oil the lot reqUil'eMentS of the R-6 District is consistent With the fUtLVe laild use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. City staff has completed an analysis of available Sanitary sewer capacity within the West Sewer District and determined that sufficient capacity exists to provide service to the proposed preliminary plat in accordance with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Sanitary sewer- service is only reserved however for subdivisions with approved final plats that have paid utility availability charges. Zonlng, The Sabject site was zoned R-6, Residential Medium Density Residential District with the Phase I application approved oil 25 August 2003, The R-6 District allows for single family dwellings as proposed on the current preliminary plat application as a permitted use. The subject situ Is also with in a Shoreland Overlay Dlstrlct of a Natural Environment lake located west of Maclver AvellUe. A PUD -CUP is processed C011CUrrent with the preliminary plat application to allow for the proposed SUbdivislon under R-6 District standards based LIP011 the density analysis done with the initial preliminary plat applications approved 25 ALIgUst 2003 that ilICILided the subject site being developed as townhUse dwelling. The Current preliminary plat application for' SUbdivIsion of 53 single family lots likewise complies with the density allowed with in the Shoroland Overlay District, Surrotinding Land Usos. The SUbject site is SUITOLInded by the VIOWillg eXIStItIg and/or planned lat1d Uses. The single family lots proposed to be SUbdivided within the subject site are compatible with existing and planned land uses in the area. DIrectlon Und luso Phin Z011111f] Mal) ExIsting Land Use North MD/HD Residential R-6 District AgTICLIRWO East LD Residential LD/MD ResIdential R-6 District R-4 District Sin to family dwellings South LD/MD Residential LD Reside tial R-6 District Single family dwellIngs West Albei-tville Albertville Single- family dwellings 2 Access. The City is proceeding with plans to improve and construct 701" Street as a collector street from Martin Farms Avenue to Oakwood Avenue ill 2014-2015. When Complete, this project will provide a 111LIC11 needed east -west connection across Otsego and allow residents it) the western part of the City greater access to commercial areas and TH 10 1 for e inployment commuting. No access to M acl ver Ave 11 Lie or 70t" Street is allowed fl -0111 the SUbject site based on these roadways being designated as residential collector streets by the Comprehensive Plan and the access spacing IWILdrements applicable to streets with this designation, The applicant is required to pay a collector street access fee as a condition of final plat approval. The proposed preliminary plat will be accessed via connections to exiting 671" Street and Marlowe Avenue within the developod areas of Zimmer Farms. The access points are consistent with the locations identified on the original Zimmer Farms development plan for the SLIbIGOt Site. Streets. All of the lots within the preliminary plat will be accessed via public. streets. Tile proposed PUbl1C streets are 28 feet MCIE) With C0110'ete CUrb and gutter within 60 foot rights-of-way. The plans for the proposed public streets are consistent with the reqUil'OMO[ItS of the Engineering MaIlUal and are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. There is one cukde-sac street shown on tho preliminary plat with a 200 foot length and 60 foot radii for the right-of-way at the tall) around in compliance with Section 21-7-6 of the Subdivision Ordinance, A five foot concipete, sidewalk is provided on one side of all thrOUgh streets consistent with the EngIneering Manual. Street names will be established at the time of final plat approval In accordance with Section 21-7-7.Q Of 010 subdivision Ordinance and the Wright County grid system. Lot RoquIrenionts. Tile R-6 District establishes the following minifflUrn 10t reqUirenrieats. The proposed single family lots shown oil the preliminary plat all conform to these minl=iin reqUirements. The Initial prelinninary plat approval for Zimmer Fauns hIClUded a 15 foot redLICti011 ill the required setback for the lots baCkIlIg LIP to MacIver AvotILIO. "riie reCILICtI011 was allowed as D.R. Horton was required to dedicate additional right-of-way for the construction of the collector street, which was off -set from its original centerline for the portions of the roadway overlying the bOUndary between Otsego and Albertville. Proposed Lots 14-20, Block I abUttilIg MacIver Avenue are a portion of the property fronn which D.R. Horton dedicated the additional right-of-way and tl10- redUCed Setback will be applied to this area as well as part of the PUD -CUP. Gradin g and Drainago Plan. The applicant has SUbmitted grading and drama plans for the proposed proliminary plat. The grading and drainage plans are SLIbj0Ct to review and approval by tho City Engineer-. The developer will also be required to pay a stormwateis impact fee at the tit -no of final plat approval, 3 Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth sotbacks Front side Rear Interior 91000sf, net Eft. 1 OWL 35ft. 7f t. 20ft. interior 65% collector street Corner 9Oft. 36ft. The Initial prelinninary plat approval for Zimmer Fauns hIClUded a 15 foot redLICti011 ill the required setback for the lots baCkIlIg LIP to MacIver AvotILIO. "riie reCILICtI011 was allowed as D.R. Horton was required to dedicate additional right-of-way for the construction of the collector street, which was off -set from its original centerline for the portions of the roadway overlying the bOUndary between Otsego and Albertville. Proposed Lots 14-20, Block I abUttilIg MacIver Avenue are a portion of the property fronn which D.R. Horton dedicated the additional right-of-way and tl10- redUCed Setback will be applied to this area as well as part of the PUD -CUP. Gradin g and Drainago Plan. The applicant has SUbmitted grading and drama plans for the proposed proliminary plat. The grading and drainage plans are SLIbj0Ct to review and approval by tho City Engineer-. The developer will also be required to pay a stormwateis impact fee at the tit -no of final plat approval, 3 - -3 Drainage and Utility Easemonts. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision requires that stormwater basins and wetlands be 111CILIded within outlots platted and deeded to the City, althOLIgh the City may at its option elect to I'OqUll-O only drainage and utility easements. 'rhe stopwaterbasin for; the subject situ is to be located at the northwest corner of the preliminary plat and is to be platted as Outlot A. Drainage and Utility easements are also shown to be dedicated at the perimeter of all lots as re(11.111'ed by Sectio112l-7-15.Aofthe Subdivisloii0rdlnance. OL1t1otA must be deeded to the City at the time of final plat approval and all drainage and Litility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. UtIlIty Plan, The applicant IMS SUbMitted UtIlity plans foil extension of Sanitary sewer and Water' utilities to serve the proposed single family lots. All utility plans and iSSLI O -S are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will be 1"eqUired to pay the Sewer Availability Charge and Water Availability Charge in effect at the time of final plat approval. Landscaping, I.andscaping to be required for the preliminary plat in accordance with Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance Is limited to provision of two trees per lot. Additionally, Section 20-16-7.D re(jL111'es a berm/landscaping be installed along the rear lot linos of Lots 1-20, Block 1 abLitting 70th Street and MacIver Avenue. A landscape plan for this required buffer and has beers SLINinitted and is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the location and size of the plantings. Park and Trail Dedication. The FLIWI-e Parks and Trails System Plall illGkided in the Comprehensive Plan does not designate any area within Zlnnilner Farms for addiflonal park. land acquisition. As such, park and trail dedication 1%eqWr011lents for the sUbject site will be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated on a polo lot basis at the thine of final plat approval. Final Plat approval, Upon approval of a prelinninaiy plat, the developer must subs it application for final plat, which IS SUbject to City staff review and approval by the City Council. The final plat approval includes execution of a development contract to memorialize all of the conditions of approval and provide for payment of applicable fees. RECOMMENDATION Zimmer Farms NW is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and SUbdivislon Ordinance. The change it) land Use from townhouse dwellings proposed in 2003 to the current plan for single family lots reflects current reflects conditions and trends as well as indicating improving economic conditions, which is positive for the City. City staff recommends approval of the appllCatl0l) subject to 010 StIpUlatIO11S OLItlined below. 4 Possiaui:- ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of the Zimmer Farms NW F'relirninary Plat and PUD -CUP Subject to the following conditions: 1 Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewei- capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Street names shall be designated on the final plat In accordance with Section 21-7-7 of the SUbclivision Ordinance and Wright COUnty grid SySteill, SUI)jeCt to approval by City staff, 3. All lOtS al -e Subject to the following inn um requirements of the R-6 District: 4. Tho design and constrUGH011 of all streets Is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. All grading, drainage and erosion control 1*1118 alld ISSUes are sUbject tO review and approval of tho City Engineer. 6. All draInage and utility easements are SU jest to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7. All Utility plans are Subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 8. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land CalCUlated asod on the fee in effect at the Wine of final plat approval. 9. The d0Velei )e1- Shall SUbIllit aj)pkati011 f01- final plat approval and execUte a development contract in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance, 10. The comments of the Engineering Review dated Novembe r 27, 2013 are addressed SUbject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to recommend tho application bo (Ionlod based on finding that the I-OCILIOSt IS Inconsistent with the Com pro- honsive Plan and does not comply with the City's official controls. 1.0t. Area Lot Width Lot Dopth Setbacks Front 81do Rear Interior 9,000sf. (net) I 6Oft. 1 00ft. 35ft. 7% Interior: 20ft, 70'hSt.: 66ft, Mae Iver Ave.: Corner I 90ft. I 35ft. I 4. Tho design and constrUGH011 of all streets Is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. All grading, drainage and erosion control 1*1118 alld ISSUes are sUbject tO review and approval of tho City Engineer. 6. All draInage and utility easements are SU jest to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7. All Utility plans are Subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 8. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land CalCUlated asod on the fee in effect at the Wine of final plat approval. 9. The d0Velei )e1- Shall SUbIllit aj)pkati011 f01- final plat approval and execUte a development contract in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance, 10. The comments of the Engineering Review dated Novembe r 27, 2013 are addressed SUbject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to recommend tho application bo (Ionlod based on finding that the I-OCILIOSt IS Inconsistent with the Com pro- honsive Plan and does not comply with the City's official controls. C. Motion to table. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tam! Luff, City Clerk Andy MacArthUr, City Attornoy Ron Wagner, City Engineer Miko SU01, D.R. Horton Inc. Fran Hagen, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 101 vorview • °{ J• -�� .vy, c F%'� �'''�°eF d f+ fir. ;iN .—. 717AI Ht Zak r i' .. Fj ijj rL r! 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Hagen 11, PE, Westwood Professional Services Reviewed J)Y: Ronald J. Wagner, RE. Brent A Larson, RIB. Date: November 27, 2013 Proposed Development: Zimnm Farms NW Street Locatim A p ortion of the N W Y4 of the BIW 1A of S3 1, T 121, R23. of .1 Prop South of 70t" Street) cast of Maciver Avemie, West of Marlowe Avenue. Applicaut: Mike Seel. Developer: DR Horton, InG. 20860 Kenbrldgo Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, MN 55044 Dimers of Rem* DR Horton, J110. Purpose: Zimmer Farms NW is a proposed 27± aore, 53 tot single-family residential development within the t40± acres of tho orighial Zimmer Farms developMent in the City of Otsego, Wright Comity, Minnesot,q. The proposed development Nvill be served Nvith. municipal water, sanitary see r, storm sewer, and publio streets typical of an urban setting, A 0 irisdictional Agencieso City of Otsego, Wright County, Mitmesota Depceirtmeiit of (hitt not limited to Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Polliffloii Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District, Permits Required: NPD S, Minnesota Depadment of Health (Water), and but not limited to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABU OF CONTENTS fNFOR r1ATIO I AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITIONS �� _amvk SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY S R T TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT/STORM SEWER SYSTEM REZN4I ARY STRE ICT PLANIPROFIL WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE G:kUsers\TaiiiMpl)DatakLouRMicrosoftWfndo%v.s1TernporaryInternet File \Content,Otili ook1 4X ' Ok f 'VVI.do INFORMATION AVAIL Pyeliminary Plat Submittal, 11/11/13, by Westwood Professional scrvicesu hic. Pro I i in i nary Storm ter Runoff Calm lations, 11 /11/13, by West woo d Pro fessional Services, InG. Original Zimmer Farms Addition Information Construction Plans for Zimmer Property, 5/21/04 revision with sheets 1-2A, 5-8, 15, 16, 19, & 23 revised 6/4/04, by Westwood ftofessional Services, It Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan for Zimmer Farms, 6/4/04 revision, by Westwood Professionat Services, 11101 Final StorniwaW Runoff Calculations., 3/31/04, by Westwood Pyofessional Services, InG. Storm Sewer Design Calcutations, 4/14/04, by Westwood Profelssional. Services, No, Final Plat of Zimmer Farms, sent 6/8/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Rquirement Trunk StomiNvater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances Neational. Wetland Inventory Mal) PAGE 3 C:\Users\Tam!\AppData\LocaBM!crosoftXWfndows\Temporary Internet FilesiContent,OutfookIK4X23YMOlot2326RVVVI.doo EXISTING CONDITIONS I ., All sliects shall be cortified by a licensed Land Surveyor or Professional Engineor, 2. Section comers and section lines shall be clearly depicted and labeled oil the Plan, n, 1-6.. 2,A.,, l oundaty lines to itiolude bearings, distatices, curve data, shall. be cleanly indicated in the plans. 21--2.1.1) 4. Existing zoning ohassifications for land in and abiitting the ubdi inion shall be shown oil the gala. 2t --2a.2; 5. Location, sizo, and elo ations of o isting storm sewer and culverts, or any other underground facility within 150 feet of the proposed plat, shall be, shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.5.) 6. Adjoining unsubdi i ed and sub(i ide 1, within 150 feet of the flat, shall be identifle i by name and ownership, hiclude all contiguous land owned or controlled by the pli tit, (21-6-2,B.6.) '. The normal water and 100 -yr high water clevatims are needed for all pons eclands within 15 o' of the boundarles. Label the, 100 -yr high water level HWL of existing wetland b tAween :docs 4 ,md 8. 21 -6-2. B. 9) PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE DENSITY 1, The e isting til proposed zoning is P.U.D. All proposed lot sizes, widths, Und depths app eat to meet the minimums for R -6c ring. 20- -6.A 2, hi ludo centerline horizontal curve data on plan, All curves shall have a minitaium 250' vadius. �-'TRICMVTRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE 1 t he proposed marries shall be as follows; a. Street I shall lac named 6511' Circle N 6 . Street 2 shall be Manchester ter veno NE, c. Street 3 shall be Manchester Court SIE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1. The soil l orhig locations shall be, shown on the platy. (21-6-23,8) GE :1U rs\£ anii1 pDatakL c RMi r oftlWindows\Tempor ry Internet Files\Content,OtjllookW4X23YMO1ot2325RVVVI.doio 2, Tho inform-ation habeled for the pond in the northwest corner, Pond 21 (as identified in the stotinwater matiagement plan), appears to be based on tho old design and not the revised calculations submitted. Acme update. The new 100 -yr HWL is approximately 1,2' higher than currently shown, This does nota ppear to affect any of the proposed lot elevations though. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER R SYSTEM 1. Label the size and elevations of existing storm sewer, watermain, and sallitary sewer along Marlowe Avenue and Manchester Avenue. 2. The Block numbers are missing from the plans. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1, No comments. SURFACE WATER 1" 1' SEVER SYSTEM I A copy of the storwinater management plan dated 1/28/05 for Zimmor Farms must be submitted, Our records indicate that tho repoA dated 3/31/04 was the last revisiont 2. The revisims dated 11/11/13 to the originally approved storniNvater matiagement phan appmrir to proporly accon-unodate for the new MPCU. NPDES mquirements. These revisions are based on the assuml)(ion that the site has Type "D" soils and therefore infiltration is not feasible. Soil borings are required to verify that the soils are in fact Type "D"I 3. Draintile will be required along the rear lot lilies of all lots more. than one lot away fromra catchbasin, The final plans shall show draintile iii the -rear yards of Lots 6-1.0 of Block 2. 4, used on the ptoposed street section drainfile will also be needed at the street low points. ]PRELIMINARY STREET PLAN/PROF ILE I a The proposed street section meets or exceeds the typicat section used for Zimmer Farms 1't Additive. WETLANDS 1. It appears that no wetlands are pyoposed to be impacted by this subdivision addifion, ENVIRONMENTAL 1, The propeity is being developed by the owner of record since the property was orighially certified therefore a written of enviromnental certification is not required, (21-6-23.f f PAGF 5 C:\UsefsNTaniRAppDatakLocaNM[crosof[kWindows\Teniporary Internet File sTo Me nt, 0 ullo okW4X23YM O\ot2325RVVV 1.doc MISCELLANEOUS 1. All new developments Neill require. postniaster appyoved locking cluster mailboxes to be install The location of these mailboxes shall be shown in the final construction plans for review by the City and Postmaster, 21 We recommend when the developer receives bids Bor the Project it inay be prudent to call to the Contractors attention the City of Otsego's reqiiircment for a new type of sanitary sewer casting and lid system when building fil clay type soils. The new requirements are ire the Otsego Engineering Manual, 2013 revision and can be foun(I oifflue. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comment being addvessed, PAGE 6 C;\Users\TanippDataloca]UlcrosoftNWIndovisNTenil)orary Internet Files%Conteiil,Outlook1K4X23YMOlot 2326RVWI.doo CITY 0 ot e F 0 MINNESOTA g APPLICANT: D.R. Horton, Inc. 12-04-13 FINDINGS & DECISION PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD -CUP APPLICATION: Request for approval of a preliminary plat and PUD -CUP for Zimmer Farms NW consisting of 53 single family lots. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 9 December 2013 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is Lot 1 and 2, Block 3 Zimmer Farms, Lot 1, Block 4 Zimmer Farms, Outlot A, Zimmer Farms and Outlot C, Zimmer Farms TdAddition. B. The property lies within the West Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for mediurn- high density residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R-6, Medium Density Residential District, which allows single family dwellings as a permitted use. D. The applicant is requesting a PUD -CUP to allow for planned development within a Shorejand Overlay District. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the PUD -CIDP with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The or Plan guides this portion of Zimmer Forms for medium to high density residential uses, which is defined as eight dwelling units per acre or greater. The change in proposed dwelling unit types from the original development plans for townhouses to single family lots as shown on the preliminary plat results in a decrease in density. The proposed decrease in number of dwelling units and overall density is not a negative in evaluating the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment and PUD -CUP given the overall mix of dwelling units planned or approved within the west sewer district. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses in the area. Finding: The table below illustrates land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed Zimmer Farms Phase 3 is compatible with the various existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North MD/HD Residential R-6 District Martin Farms East LD/MD Residential R-6 District Zimmer Farms/ ' Remington Coves South LD Residential R-6 District Zimmer Farms West Albertville Albertville Single family 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed use will conform to the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual except as may be allowed and specifically identified on the development plan tinder the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding.- Development of Zimmer Farms Phase is served by MaciverAvenue and 7dh Street, which are designated collector streets intended to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development and surrounding neighborhoods. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The intensity of the proposed use is within the parameters established by the Comprehensive Plan and original development plans for Zimmer Farms upon which infrastructure and service planning has been based. As such, no negative impact to the City's service capacity is anticipated as a result of this project F, The planning report dated 27 November 2013 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. G. The Engineering Review dated November 27, 2013 prepared by the City Engineer, Hanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 2 December 2013 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 4-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED and is subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Street names shall be designated on the final plat in accordance with Section 21-7-7 of the Subdivision Ordinance and Wright County grid system, subject to approval by City staff. 3. The construction plans shall be revised to locate the sidewalk within the public right-of-way for Street 2 along the west side of the street, subject to review and approval of City staff. 4. All lots are subject to the minimum requirements of the R-6 District as may be modified below: 2 5. The design and construction of all streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. -6. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 8. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 9. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated based on the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 10. The developer shall submit application for final plat approval and execute a development contract in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. 11. The comments of the Engineering Review dated November 27, 2013 are addressed subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest., ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 9th day of December, 2013. Tai Loff, City Clerk 3 CITY OF OTSEGO Bir: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Interior 92000sf. (net) I I 60ft. 100ft, 35ft. 7ft. Interior, 20ft. 70th t.: 65ft. Maciver Ave.: 50ft, Corner 90ft. I 30ftl 5. The design and construction of all streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. -6. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 8. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 9. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated based on the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 10. The developer shall submit application for final plat approval and execute a development contract in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. 11. The comments of the Engineering Review dated November 27, 2013 are addressed subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest., ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 9th day of December, 2013. Tai Loff, City Clerk 3 CITY OF OTSEGO Bir: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor