ORD 2021-12 Secondary Dwelling Units within Detached Accessory Buildings including SUMMARYORDINANCE NO.: 2021-12 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR SECONDARY DWELLING UNITS WITHIN DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN CERTAIN ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 11-51-4 of the City Code (A-1 District —Accessory Use) is hereby amended to add the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: H. Secondary dwelling unit within a detached accessory building shall be allowed subject to approval of an administrative permit pursuant to chapter 8 of this title in compliance with the following performance standards. 1. The property shall have a minimum area of five (5) acres or greater. 2. The detached accessory building shall be setback not more than one hundred (100) feet from the principal building. 3. The detached accessory building shall comply with the area, number of structures, and setback provisions of Section 11-18-2 of this title. 4. The area of the secondary dwelling unit shall not exceed the gross floor area of the principal bung or not greater than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet, whichever is less. 5. There shall be a minimum of two hundred forty (240) square feet of area designated within an attached garage or detached accessory building upon the property for off-street parking related to the secondary dwelling unit. 6. The principal building and detached accessory building with a secondary dwelling unit shall be served by a single well for potable water and a single subsurface treatment system that complies with Title 9, Chapter 5 of the City Code. 7. The property shall have one (1) street address. 80 There shall be no more than one (1) secondary dwelling per property. 9. A deed restriction shall be recorded with the property to prohibit subdivision by which the detached accessory building with a secondary dwelling unit would be a principal building as defined by Section 11-2-2 of this Title. Section 2. Section 11-55-4 of the City Code (A-2 District — Accessory Use) is hereby amended to add the followii ng provsions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: H. Secondary dwelling unit wn a detached accessory building shall be allowed subject to approval of an administrative permit pursuant to chapter 8 of this title in compliance with the following performance standards. 1. The property shall have a minimum area of five (5) acres or greater. 2. The detached accessory building shall be setback not more than one hundred (100) feet from the principal building. 3. The detached accessory building shall comply with the area, number of structures, and setback provisions of Section 1148-2 of this title. 4. The area of the secondary dwelling unit shall not exceed the gross floor area of the principal building or not greater than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet, whichever is less. 5. There shall be a minimum of two hundred forty (240) square feet of area designated within an attached garage or detached accessory building upon the property for off-street parking related to the secondary dwelling unit. 6. The principal building and detached accessory building with a secondary dwelling unit shall be served by a single well for potable water and a single subsurface treatment system that complies with Title 9, Chapter 5 of the City Code. 7. The property shall have one (1) street address. 8. There shall be no more than one (1) secondary dwelling per property. 9. A deed restriction shall be recorded with the property to prohibit subdivision by which the detached accessory building with a secondary dwelling unit would be a principal building as defined by Section 11-2-2 of this Title. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: MOORES SECOND BY: GOEDE ALL IN FAVOR: STOCKAMP, DAHL, GOEDE, AND MOORES THOSE OPPOSED: NONE ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of May, 20210 CITY OF OTSEGO L. Stockamp, Mayor Audra Etzel, City Clerk 3 1 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2021-12 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR SECONDARY DWELLING UNITS WITHIN DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN CERTAIN ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 11-51-4 of the City Code (A-1 District – Accessory Use) is hereby amended to add secondary dwelling unit within a detached accessory building. Section 2. Section 11-52-4 of the City Code (A-2 District – Accessory Use) is hereby amended to add secondary dwelling unit within a detached accessory building Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: Moores SECOND BY: Goede ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores THOSE OPPOSED: none ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of May, 2021. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.191, Subd. 4 and 331A.01, Subd.10, this Ordinance is published in summary form. Complete copies of the ordinance are available for inspection by contacting the City Clerk, Otsego City Hall, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, Minnesota 55330 during regular office hours. t' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF SHERBURNE Karen Nelson being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's Designated Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: Star News with the known oflice of issue being located in the county of: SHERBURNE with additional circulation in the counties of: WRIGHT and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 06/05/2021 and the last insertion being on 06/05/2021, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Star. 9580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By: : s1 d Designated Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 06/OS/2021 by Karen Nelson. Notary Public DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON NOTARY PUBLIC • MINNE$OTA My CotrHnmw Expires Jan 31 2024 Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $23.00 per column inch CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2021-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR SECONDARY DWELLING UNITS WITHIN DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN CERTAIN ZONING DISTRICTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 11-51-4 of the City Code (A -I District - Acces- sory Use) is hereby amended to add secondary dwelling unit within a detached accessory building. Section 2. Section 11-52-4 of the City Code (A-2 District - Ac- cessory Use) is hereby amended to add secondary dwelling unit within a detached accessory building Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: Moores SECOND BY: Goede ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores THOSE OPPOSED: none ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of May, 2021. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.191, Subd. 4 and 331A.01, Subd.10, this Ordinance is pub- lished in summary form. Complete copies of the ordinance are avail- able for inspection by contacting the City Clerk, Otsego City Hall, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, Minnesota 55330 during regular office hours. Published in the Star News June 5, 2021 1143007 Ad ID 1143007 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF SHERBURNE Karen Nelson being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's Designated Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: Star News with the known oflice of issue being located in the county of: SHERBURNE with additional circulation in the counties of: WRIGHT and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 06/05/2021 and the last insertion being on 06/05/2021, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Star. 9580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By: : s1 d Designated Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 06/OS/2021 by Karen Nelson. Notary Public DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON NOTARY PUBLIC • MINNE$OTA My CotrHnmw Expires Jan 31 2024 Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $23.00 per column inch CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2021-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR SECONDARY DWELLING UNITS WITHIN DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN CERTAIN ZONING DISTRICTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 11-51-4 of the City Code (A -I District - Acces- sory Use) is hereby amended to add secondary dwelling unit within a detached accessory building. Section 2. Section 11-52-4 of the City Code (A-2 District - Ac- cessory Use) is hereby amended to add secondary dwelling unit within a detached accessory building Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: Moores SECOND BY: Goede ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores THOSE OPPOSED: none ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of May, 2021. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.191, Subd. 4 and 331A.01, Subd.10, this Ordinance is pub- lished in summary form. Complete copies of the ordinance are avail- able for inspection by contacting the City Clerk, Otsego City Hall, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, Minnesota 55330 during regular office hours. Published in the Star News June 5, 2021 1143007 Ad ID 1143007