Item 2.1 05-17-21 PC MinutesItem 2.1 OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER May 17, 2021 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Alan Offerman; Commissioners: Charles Foster, David Thompson, Vern Heidner, Aaron Stritesky*, Richard Nichols* and Pam Black*; Absent: Jim Kolles; Present: City Council: Mayor Stockamp* arrived at 7:06 PM; City Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Deputy Clerk Bethany Benting. (*present via teleconference) 1. Announcements: City Planner Licht stated that some Commissioners are participating via teleconference in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.015. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 Planning Commission May 3, 2021. Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Black. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Thompson, Heidner, Black, Nichols, Foster. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 6-0 Abstain Stritesky 3. Public Hearing Items: 3.1 Bury IUP amendment. A. Interim Use Permit amendment to allow for-rent outdoor storage. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Applicant Matthew Bury, was present and agreed to the staff report. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:07 PM. No comments were made. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:08 PM. Commissioner Foster asked the applicant on how he had heard that there was a need for more storage in Otsego. Matthew Bury stated he spoke to RV dealers and also noted when driving around the area there were a lot of boats and trailers being stored on residential properties. Commissioner Foster also asked if people would have 24/7 Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission May 17, 2021 Page 2 access. Mr. Bury replied it would be accessible 24/7using an individual code for an electronic lock on the gate. Commissioner Foster discussed the landscape plan and if there were enough trees in that area to screen the outdoor storage from Kadler Avenue. Commissioner Thompson asked for confirmation that the trees are to be staggered every 25 feet. Chair Offerman noted the landscape plan approved in 2017 also is not complete and commented that many are dead or dying trees. Tom Burry stated they replaced trees once already, but with the COVID-19 pandemic the trees weren’t watered as much and more will need to be replaced. City Planner Licht said he will look at the final CUP to verify that the required plantings are installed and that dead trees replaced. Commissioner Foster noted that trees are not effective now and would like to see a fence. Commissioner Heidner said that a 6-foot-high fence might not screen the RVs or trailers that are 12 feet high. Commissioner Heidner also said that the east side of the property is the only concern for screening purposes for the other sides abut industrial land. Commissioner Foster asked about security for the storage area. Tom Burry said they have existing cameras and lighting, and also the Michaels property provides a lot of lighting as well. Commissioner Foster said he thinks the storage area will help residents with some problems they have had with storing large items but just wants the place to look appealing. Tom Burry added they want to encourage families to have boats and trailers but have a place to story them instead of placing on the side of the property covered with blue tarp. City Planner Licht suggested amending the recommended conditions of approval to address installation and replacement of required landscaping. Chair Offerman would like to hear from other commissioners about what types of screening they could suggest for this property. Tom Burry said Kadler is an area he will work on as for buffering/screening. The Planning Commission discussed requiring that the landscape plan be revised to concentrate plantings along Kadler Avenue and 73rd Street. Commissioner Heidner motioned to recommend approval of an interim use permit amendment for Bury Industries, subject to the following conditions as stated in the report with the following revised condition: Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission May 17, 2021 Page 3 4. The landscape plan shall be revised to concentrate additional plantings along Kadler Avenue and 73rd Street incorporating a mix of evergreen trees, shade trees, and shrubs for varied plant height and density subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Thompson, Heidner, Stritesky, Black, Nichols, Foster. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 7-0 3.3 Reibling A2CUP. A. Conditional use permit to allow subdivision of one single family lot. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Applicant Ron Touchette, was present via zoom and agreed to the staff report. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:34 PM. No comments were made. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:35 PM. Commissioner Thompson asked if a new house was built on the lot not too long ago. City Planner Licht said the house is on the previously subdivided lot at the southeast corner of the subject site. Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve a conditional use permit allowing administrative subdivision of a lot with an area less than 20 acres within the A-2 District, subject to the following conditions as stated in the report. Seconded by Commissioner Foster. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Thompson, Heidner, Stritesky, Black, Nichols, Foster. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 7-0 3.2 ZO second dwelling. A. Zoning Ordinance amendment allowing secondary dwelling units. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:40 PM. Cheryl Hathaway, 8987 Ohland Ave NE, noted her support to allow a “Granny Pod”, but she is also in favor in this proposal. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission May 17, 2021 Page 4 Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:42 PM. Commissioner Thompson wanted clarification on the condition for an enclosed garage. City Planner Licht explained the condition is written to require the space within the same building. Commissioner Thompson suggested that the condition be revised to allow the enclosed parking space within any other accessory building on the property, which would be in addition to the minimum requirements for the primary house. The other Commissioners agreed. Commissioner Foster asked about how many 5 acres parcels/properties Otsego has. City Planner Licht said the Zoning of A-1 district and 5 acres are rare and the ones that do exist are mostly predate the City. Commissioner Foster asked if there could be more than one unit. City Planner Licht said no. Commissioner Thompson stated he would like to put a cap on the square footage of the unit. Commissioners talked about different scenarios and the area of the secondary dwelling relative to house size when there is a very large primary dwelling. Commissioner Stritesky asked why the concern about the square footage when you can’t build the unit bigger than the original house. Commissioner Stritesky asked the Commissioners if they will limit who can live there. City Planner Licht said the proposed ordinance does not address occupancy. Commissioner Stritesky noted that it probably won’t be for just one person. Commissioner Stritesky asked if rental use of a secondary dwelling would require a license from the City. City Planner Licht said the rental housing ordinance would need to be amended to address occupancy of a second dwelling. City Planner Licht noted that a rental license is not required when a room is rented within a single-family dwelling to a non-family member. Chair Offerman said he doesn’t have a problem with the proposed conditions now as a conservative approach to making allowance for these secondary dwelling units. Commissioner Thompson motioned to recommend approval of a Zoning Ordinance amendment allowing secondary dwelling units within detached accessory dwellings for rural residential properties within the A-1 and A-2 Districts by administrative permit with the following modified conditions: 4. The area of the secondary dwelling unit shall not exceed the gross floor area of the principal building or not greater than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet, whichever is less. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission May 17, 2021 Page 5 5. There shall be a minimum of two hundred forty (240) square feet of area designated within an attached garage or detached accessory building upon the property for off-street parking related to the secondary dwelling unit. Seconded by Commissioner Foster. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Thompson, Heidner, Black, Foster. Those opposed; Nichols, Stritesky. Motion carried. 5-2 Commissioner Nichols stated he opposed allowing secondary dwelling units within detached accessory buildings. Commissioner Stritesky stated he opposed the condition of the administrative permit limiting the area of the secondary dwelling unit to 1,200 square feet. 4. Updates: 4.1 Updates on City Council actions. Mayor Stockamp updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. 4.2 Updates on future Planning Commission items. City Planner Licht updated the commissioners on possible future agenda items. 5. Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Thompson, Heidner, Stritesky, Black, Nichols, Foster. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 7-0 Adjourned at 8:12 PM. ______________________________ Alan Offerman, Chair ATTEST: ________________________ Bethany Benting, Deputy Clerk