04-19-10 SCCDecember 31, 2009 Preliminary Review of City of Otsego Financial Position m W 2009 General Fund 2009 General Fund • Reasons for Revenue Variances------- - Revenue State MVHC received totaled $74,,284. Early LMC information assumed all would be unallotted. Collected 94.04% of Current (Pay 2009) Tax Levy, plus $99,330 of prior years delinquent taxes. Primary positive variance is Property Tax Revenue 2009 General Fund • Reasons for Expenditure Variances------ -- Expenditures Public Works and Parks are under budget by $136,610 due to 1) Salaries and benefits Under $31,455; 2) Utilities Under by $37,660, and 3) Gas and Oil Under by $9,760, GIS is over budget by $20,777, Economic Development was charged for all development expenditures assessed ($42,577). To Be Reimbursed when assessments are collected 2011 or beyond. 2009 General Fund • Fund Balance at Year-end now represents 50.57% of the Budgeted Expenditures for 2010. 2010 Budgeted expenditures total $3,576,264. • The fund balance has increased from 31% to 43% to 50.57% in the past three years. • 50.57% is very sufficient (as a % of subsequent years expenditures) and need not be increased further. • The City has achieved its fund balance goals. Pavement and Trail Management Fund • The following is a summary of the Pavement Management Fund: Capital Equipment Fund Revolving Capital Improvement and Collector Road Funds Park Development and Community Facilities 0 40 Otsego Fire Districts Fund Balances at December 31, 2009 Elk River Albertville Rogers Monticello Total All Districts $384,148 $425,206 $ 11,068 36,p 180 $856,602 ITEM 4 NOVAICS DECORATING GROUP 20400 ©UFFNEY CIRCLE CORCORAN, MN. 55374 763-420-2838 INVOICE JOB: OTSEGO CITY HALL BILLING DATE: 4/12/2010 INVOICE NO: When sending payment, include the invoice * on deck. Thank You ,I 'l 100 - 61 ,",AWHERITAGE CONSTRUCTION-CO MPANiES-LLC April 14"', 2010 Otseizo Citv New Meeting Room Carpet: $1,450.00 Dear Tami Loff, Thank you for the opportunity to present you with this estimate, the following is a compilation of items which we have included in the fees of this project. Carpet: • Supply and install 74.66 square yards of commercial glue down carpet. Owner will pick out exact style and color that is within the material allowance. • Add Alternate: Install carpet base instead of vinyl - $75.00 Supervision: • Provide a sufficient amount of site supervision to ensure a smooth and efficient flow to your new building project. Clarifications: • No building permit cost included. • Normal working hours for this project. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this information please call me at the office number below or on my mobile number of 763-486-6295. If you wish to proceed with the above mentioned work, please sign and return this sheet. X Respectfully, Heritage Construction Companies, LLC. Andrew Harvala, Project Manager Date: 13422 Business Center Drive • Suite 2B • Elk River, MN 55330 Phone 763-633-4080 -Fax 763-633-4082 • www.HedtageConstructionMN.com License #20626330 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC@Plan ningCo. corn MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 15 April 2010 RE: Otsego — Pride in Our Parks TPC FILE: 101.01 —10.01 Two Pride in Our Parks program applications were considered by the Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting on 14 April 2010: ■ Coles School of Martial Arts proposed a program to pick up trash and debris at Waterfront Park. Otsego resident Mr. K. Joel Coles is the group contact person. ■ Otsego Girl Scout Troop 13514 proposed a program to maintain the flag pole area at Prairie Park to pull weeds and clean up trash and debris. Otsego resident Ms. Dana VanDenberg is the group contact person. The Parks and Recreation Commission heard comments from Mr. Coles and Ms. Dana VanDenberg regarding their applications and then voted 7-0 in separate actions to recommend City Council approval of the applications. The two applications are attached for reference. The Parks and Recreation Commission also heard a request from Otsego resident Mr. Steve Reimer. Mr. Reimer would like to reserve tennis courts at an Otsego park for the purpose of providing professional tennis lessons to private clients. The Parks and Recreation Commission was agreeable to the request based on the courts being underutilized at this time and hoping that the activity would generate interest in the game. The Parks and Recreation Commission voted 7-0 to recommend the City Council approve reservation of tennis courts by Mr. Reimer subject to the following conditions: 1. There would be no fee for reserving the tennis courts on an initial trial basis. 2. The location and time off the reservation must not conflict with Community Education Programming and is to be coordinated and approved by the Public Works Supervisor. 3. A facility reservation form is to be completed and submitted to City staff. The City Council will consider the Pride in Our Parks applications and the tennis court reservation request at a Special Meeting on 19 April 2010 at 5:30 PM. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor 2 CITY OF O T S E G O PRIDE IN OUR PARKS . . . - . . . . . - PROGRAM 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT Cd jeS_ &J10col ot- t"c6.Aci L At-ts Group Name (or Participant): Contact Information for Responsible Individual (minimum 18 years of age or older): Name: -� ae� Co\eS _ Address: 13 G (3 cjC)A ST %V.C. _ City: oT- _&e 50 _ State: MM zip Code: S S 3 30 Phone(d): 763.2 // - O/ZS' (e): e- mail: KCI.Co fes @Qwest- Neff * Please provide a separate list of all participants names, ages and contact information. Program Proposal h Park or Area to be Adopted: W p vc � rayi IT t%e( 2r 'r Scope of Work: C. 1 e,-%& - U n _ Terms and Conditions This agreement shall be in effect for two (2) years from the date of City Council approval. 2. The participant(s) shall develop and follow an activity program of the property, in accordance with the Pride in Our Parks policy of the City of Otsego. 3. The participant shall provide a monthly report all program activities to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 4. Each individual participating in the Adopt -A -Park program must sign a liability waiver in the form provided by the City of Otsego. 5. Participants shall follow all park and trail regulations established by the City Code and adhere to the Pride in Our Parks policy. 6. The City of Otsego may terminate this agreement at any tim e. Participant: _I1 a/" Date: � �� CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 Group Name (or Participan Contact Information for ITEM 7-1 PRIDE IN OUR PARKS PROGRAM PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT Individual (minimum 18 years of age or older): Name:-] X JA()L L'" Address: i�.�? IC".�� City: Ifto _ State: -&Aj —&AZip Code: -,55'33 10 Phone(d)&bad Z _&Q (e):7&3– M 0 Q1- i mai1:0L 0G 0 I/ b19? Cha * Please provide a separate list of all participants names, ages and contact information. Program Proposal Park or Area to be Adopted:—�(� Scope of Work: Terms and Conditions 1. This agreement shall be in effect for two (2) years from the date of City Council approval. 2. The participant(s) shall develop and follow an activity program of the property in accordance with the Pride in Our Parks policy of the City of Otsego. 3. The participant shall provide a monthly report all program activities to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 4. Each individual participating in the Adopt -A -Park program must sign a liability waiver in the form provided by the City of Otsego. 5. Participants shall follow all park and trail regulations established by the Ci ty Code and adhere to the Pride in Our Parks policy. 6. The C^of Otsego may terminate this agreement at anytime. Participant: Date: 3 ?& D ITEM 6 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC@PlanningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 15 April 2010 RE: Otsego — City Campus; Begin Property Offer TPC FILE: 101.01 —10.01 The City Council discussed at a special meeting an offer from Randal Begin to sell the City additional property to the west of the Public Works facility. The City Council directed that the Parks and Recreation Commission consider the issue and make a recommendation as to whether to pursue the acquisition of the additional land as it may be used to expand the area available in the future for possible soccer fields. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the issue at their meeting on 14 April 2010. Mr. Begin was also present. City staff provided a revised drawing of an earlier soccer field concept plan drawing showing how the additional land would allow for a fourth full-size soccer field as well as space for additional youth fields with a more accessible parking area running north and south adjacent to the fields. The Parks and Recreation Commission said that the additional land would improve the area for future soccer fields. They also said that it would be better to acquire this parcel and add it to the City's existing land than to have to acquire a much larger site for a similar use. The Parks and Recreation Commission did acknowledge that the development of the soccer fields may require future transfers of park dedication money based on the funding of the original purchase of the Public Works site. The Parks and Recreation Commission voted 7-0 to recommend City Council pursue acquisition of the property offered by Mr. Begin. The City Council will discuss the Begin property at a Special City Council meeting on 19 April 2010 at 5:30 PM. C. Mike Robertson Tami Loff Gary Groen Brad Belair Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur w i I v If --- -- POiEMIAI PARK PRCPERfY (3.9 ACRES) N wl of "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I