2021.07.01 Woman of Today Founders DayPROCLAMATION WOMEN OF TODAY FOUNDERS DAY Whereas: The Minnesota Women of Today and the Rogers Otsego Dayton Women of Today have set aside July 1 to recognize the many community activities of dedicated Women of Today across the state; and Whereas: The Minnesota Women of Today is an organization of over 1300 members in over 66 communities; and Whereas: The Rogers Otsego Dayton Women of Today are dedicated to actively promoting such public awareness and service programs as: the annual Book Donation Drive, Pride in our Parks, Fighting the Mental Health Stigma, and Domestic Violence. Whereas: The Rogers Otsego Dayton Women of Today provide personal enrichment and leadership training for members of all ages; and Whereas: The Rogers Otsego Dayton Women of Today believe that "Through us Great Lessons Can Be Learned, Worthy Deeds Performed, and a Hand of Fellowship Extended to Millions of Women Everywhere"; and by providing a "Rainbow of Opportunities" for our Chapter members to serve our community we can all make a difference. Now, Therefore, I, Jessica Stockamp of Otsego, Minnesota do hereby proclaim July 1, 2021, as: WOMEN OF TODAY FOUNDERS DAY IN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA. ey: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Cler