12-09-03 PSC MINMinutes of the Otsego Police Commission
Members present: Sandra Michaelson, Jane Bartheld, Alvin McClure, Tom Kerowitz,
Rudy Thibodeau, Tom Carter, Kathie Davis.
Council members Struthers and Wendell, Officer Dale Wold, and Officer Lee Mayer.
1. Meeting called to order
Commissioner Michaelson called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
2.Consider 1-6-A Agenda
3.Approval of 10-14-03 0) 12-09-03 Minutes
The approval of October minutes were skipped over due to no copies were distributed. Would approve
them at January meeting.
4. Open Forum
Jackie Rognili, editor of the Otsego View was present. She was there to let the commission know how the
Otsego View was done. Also to ask if there were anymore rules that should be included for snowmobiling.
5. Neighborhood Watch Workshop
Sheriff Deputy Dale Wold was present to explain what a Neighborhood Watch is and how to set one up.
He said 2 to 3 neighborhood blocks would be a good area to invite people to come to a meeting. The
meeting would consist of the officer talking about suggestions on how to keep your home safe from crime
activity. They will encourage people to get involved in National Night out. The meeting is usually 1 to
11/2 hours long, and they are usually on Tuesday and Thursday nights. If anyone was interested they were
to contact him.
6.Old Business
A. Speed Wagon Reports
The speed wagon is not set up for the winter so no new reports.
7.New Business
Tom Kerowitz to contact council about getting a plaque made up for some citizens that saved a family
fivin a fire.
8. Adiournment
Tom Carter motion to adjourn.