01-06-04 PSC MINJanuary 06, 2004 Minutes Of the Otsego Police Commission
Members present; Commissioner Sandra Michaelson, Rudy Thibodeau, Tom Carter, Kathie Davis, Jane
Bartheld, Alvin McClure, Tom Kerowitz
Council members; Struthers, and Officer Howell.
1. Meeting called to order
Commissioner Michaelson called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Presentation of plaques for heroism were given to Allison Vetsch and Adam Fosdick, the Kopp family
was also present to personally thank them again. Pictures were taken.
2.Consider 02-10-04 agenda
Commissioner Thibodeau motions to pass the agenda, Commissioner Davis second.
3. Approval of 01-06-04 minutes.
Commissioner Carter motion to approve the minutes Commissioner McClure seconds the motion.
4. Open Forum
No attendance
5. Old Business
A. Discussion on increase of patrol hours
The Police Commission discussed the possibility of more patrol hour to Officer Howell, and he said that
the Sheriff has to come and discuss this with the city.
B. Status of Drop Box
It was decided that the drop box and form would be further discussed at the Jan. 13,2004 meeting in front
of the City Attorney, Mayor, and City Council.
6. New Business
A. Pedestrian traffic near Elementary School.
It was discussed that perhaps when the Deputies were slow with patrolling that they could observe
what is going on over there, and report if they see any potential problems.
B. Term of Commissioners
Jerry Struthers to look into seeing if the 1 -year term commissioners could stay on for 90 more days
or until the city decides if they will pick new commissioners or keep on the same.
C. Elect new chair
Commissioner Thibodeau motion to hold of on eletion until there was a decision on the 1 -year term
commissioners. Commissioner Bartheld seconds the motion.
7. Adiournment
Commissioner McClure motion to adjourn and Tom Carter second.