02-10-04- PSC MINFebruary 10, 2004 Minutes of the Otsego Police Commission
Members present; Commissioners Sandra Michaelson, Rudy Thibodeau, Tom Carter, Kathie Davis,
Jane Theisen, Alvin McClure, Tom Kerowitz.
Council member Jerry Struthers, Officers Olson and Mitchell.
1. Meeting called to order
Commissioner Michaelson called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.
2. Consider 03-09-04 Agenda
Commissioner Carter motion to pass the agenda. Motion passed
3. Approval of 02-09-04 minutes
Commissioner Thibodeau motion to pass the minutes, Commissioner McClure second the motion
Motion passed.
4. Open Forum
No Attendance
5.Old Business
A. Results of mailbox replacement inquiry on the county roads.
Commissioner Kerowitz talked to the Rogers Post Office, they thought it would be impossible and too
expensive. Commissioner Thibodeau inquired at the Elk River Post Office, they said it sounded like a
good safe idea. But they said that we would have to contact someone higher up in the Postal system.
Commissioner Thibodeau motion to proceed in doing some more inquiring about this matter. Michaelson
second the motion. Motion passed 6 -lin favor. Commissioner Rudy said he would be in charge of
following this up, and Michaelson said she would help him
B. School traffic Report
It was discussed that the streets in the new development, behind Otsego Elementary School were a
concern. The concern in the winter would be high snow banks, children couldn't see oncoming cars.
Warmer weather seasons concerns would be too much frolicking, this would make students late for school.
Also Safe Houses were discussed, Commissioner Davis to look further into this, and report back.
6. New Business
A. Elect New Chair
Put on hold for now.
B. Peddlers Ordinance
Commission to read thru it and discuss at March meeting.
7. Adiournment
Commissioner McClure motion to adjourn, Thibodeau second. Motion passed.