03-09-04 PSC MINMarch 9,2004 Minutes of Otsego police Commission Meeting
Members present: Commissioners Rudy Thibideau, Tom Carter, Kathie Davis, Alvin McClure, Jane
Theisen, Tom Kerowitz.
Council members: Struthers @ Wendell, Officer Olson @ Mitchell
1. Meeting called to order
Commissioner Thibideau called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm
2.Consider April 13, 2004 Agenda
A change to add School Safe houses to Old Business. Alvin McClure motion to approve the agenda with
this add on, and Tom Carter second.
3. Approval of 3-9-04 Minutes
Tom Carter motion to pass the minutes, Jane Theisen second. Motion passed 6-0.
4. Open forum
Scott @ Connie Mochlmann, Gary @ Lori Mochimann, were present to state that they would like to
support the Commission in anyway with trying to get the US Postal Service to move mailboxes to the
same side of the rod as he residence is on for safety purposes. These concerned citizens lost a son because
of the mailbox being on the opposite side of the road.
5. Old Business
A, Discussion on how to proceed with mailbox placement.
Will send a recommendation to the City Council on how we would like to proceed on this project, if
approved meet with all Post offices to discuss on how to move on this. Will discuss more at next meeting
after these procedures are done.
B Discussion and/or recommendations on Peddlers Ordinance.
Went thru each page and discussed any concerns we had with the ordinance. After discussing the
matter further we thought that maybe we would recommend a "No Peddlers Ordinance" .So Tom Carter
motion to hold off on the changes we were going to make and send the "No Peddlers Ordinance'
recommendation to the City Council first, Kathie Davis second the motion, motion passed 6-0
C. School Safe Houses
Kathie Davis researched on Safe house Program. She explained that some of the cities in Minnesota have
this program and copied off the Internet some info on it. Kathie motion to start a Safe house program in
Otsego, Alvin McClure second the motion. Motion passed 6-0.
6. New Business
None discussed.
7. Adjournment
Alvin McClure motion to adjourn, Tom Carter second. Motion passed.
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