05-11-04 PSC MINMinutes of the May 11,2004 Police Commission Meeting
Members that attended; Jane Theisen, Sandra Michaelson, Rudy Thibodeau,
Kathie Davis, Tom Carter, Tom Kerowitz.
Council Members Struthers, Wendell, and Officer Mitchell
1. Meeting Called to Order
Commissioner Michaelson called meeting to order at 7:35pm.
2. Consider 6-8-2004 Agenda
Tom Carter motion to pass agenda, Rudy Thibidodeau second. Motion passed
3.Election of New Offficers
Tom Carter nominated Sandra Michaleson for Chairperson, Sandy Michaleson nominated Rudy
Thibodeau for Chairperson, but Rudy declined because of health reasons. Vote took place 4 -yes, 1 -no.
Sandra Michaelson was voted into Chairperson. Tom Kerowitz nominated Alvin McClure for Secretary,
Vote took place, 5 -yes, 1 -no. Alvin McClure was voted to be new Secretary. Rudy Thibodeau nominated
Tom Carter for Vice Chairperson. Vote took place 6 -yes, 0 -no. Tom Carter voted new Vice Chairperson.
4..Approval of May 11, 2004 minutes.
Rudy Thibideau motion to pass the minutes, Tom Carter second. Motion passed.
5. Open Forum
No attendance
6. Old Business
A. Discussion on how to proceed with mailbox placement.
Rudy Thibodeau met with the head postal worker at Elk River. At first he seemed unresponive to our
idea. Then Rudy explained that this is a safety issue, and it would look bad for the postal system not to try
and be helpful on trying to address this peoblem. The postal worker then said we should get a package of
info ready to send to the upper supervisers of the Postal System for them to reveiw on what we are trying
to accomplish.
Meanwhile it was decided that all commissioners were to go out and take a small survey on how the
publisc would perceive this idea. Then we would bring the results back to the next meeting for
B Discussion on Peddlers Ordinance
No news yet.
C. Safe Houses
Kathie Davis reported that the Wright Co. Sheriffs Office would not be liable for background checks
on potential volunteers for the McGruff safe houses, but maybe the BCA would be a better outlet. It was
suggested that maybe Childcare givers would be a good choice to do this. Jerry Struthers to go back to
council to see if this is something they think would be worth pursuing.
D. Heritage Festival
It was discussed that we would have a booth Tom Kerowitz said he had talked to the Elk River Police
about a Gun Safety lock program and maybe we would like to pursue something like this for the festival.
He was to talk to Sheriff Gary Miller about this program too, and get back with us next meeting.
6. New Business
.No new business.
Kathie Davis motion to adjourn, Tom Kerowitz second motion passed.