06-08-04 PSC MINMINUTES of the June Wh, 2004 Otsego Police Commission Meeting
Members Present: Sandra Michaelson, Rudy Thibodeau, Tom Carter, Tom Kerowitz,
Alvin McClure, Kathie Davis, Jane Theisen
Council Members Wendell, Struthers, and Wright County Officers Grant & Olson
1. Meeting called to order
Commissioner Michaelson called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.
2. Consider 8-10-2004 agenda
Tom Carter suggested the Peddler's ordinance. Council member Struthers
volunteered to bring it up at the next city council meeting. Commissioner Carter
motioned to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Theisen second. Motion passed.
3. Approval of 5-11-2004 Minutes
Commissioner Thibodeau motioned to approve the Minutes. Commissioner McClure
second. Motion passed.
4. Open Forum
Debbie Carron of 12860 83`d St., Otsego, requested consideration of a lowered speed
limit on her street.
• This is a city dirt street. Commissioner Thibodeau suggested moving the
speed wagon to this location. Commissioner Kerowitz will check with the city
engineer about posting a speed limit sign.
• Commissioner Carter, speaking for Don Loftus, 13817 95`1' st, Otsego,
observed that there are no speed limit signs and abusers are using the road as a
"short cut".
5. Old Business
A. Mailboxes
mailbox survey tally
area yes no notes
all surveyed would
Thibodeau 42 0 move their mailbox
Some would move
Kerowitz Rogers 5 0 their mailbox
Wendell Monticello 5 0
McClure Albertville 3 1
county has to
install Monticello
Michaelson Monticello 6 0 mailboxes
Carter 8 0
Total 69 Yes 1 No
Officer Olson will get the police report on mailbox related fatalities.
Commissioner Thibodeau will call Sue Larson and get a copy of the stories on
the two fatalities. Comissioner Michaelson will go into the Monticello newspaper
archives for the story. Commissioner Thibodeau recommended a package be put
together comprised of the collected information.
B. MVYcGruff House
The city council gave its approval. Further action will be held over until next
C. Otsego Festival
Commissioner Thibodeau is meeting with the Lions club tomorrow.
Commissioner Kerowitz suggested the McGruff paraphernalia be displayed at
our booth. Other ideas for the festival were DNA cards & gun locks.
D. Overnight Parking
The ordinance was reviewed and ok'd by committee.
G. New Business
A. Dirt bikes on 85t" & Oakwood
Commissioner Theisen reported new dirt bikes are making too much noise. The
city has a noise ordinance. It is available at the city hall front desk.
B. Other
• Commissioner Thibodeau suggested no meeting in July and two meetings
in August. The second one will be a festival -planning meeting. Suggested
dates were Aug 10`h and Aug 24`x'. A voice vote to adjust the schedule
passed unanimously.
• Wright county officers present reported mainly traffic incidents last week.
7. Adjournment
Commissioner McClure motioned to Adjourn. Commissioner Thibodeau second.
Motion passed and meeting adjourned.