08-10-04 PSC MINMINUTES of the August 10th, 2004 Otsego Police Commission Meeting
Members Present: Sandra Michaelson, Tom Carter, Tom Koerwitz, Alvin McClure,
Kathie Davis, Jane Theisen
Council Members Wendell, Struthers
1. Meeting called to order
Commissioner Michaelson called the meeting to order at 7:34 pm.
2. Consider 8-10-2004 agenda
Commissioner Michaelson suggested a change of the OPC meeting start time to 7:00
pm. Council member Wendell suggested 6:30 pm. Commissioner Carter wanted the
Peddler's issue added under Old Business. Commissioner Carter motioned to approve
the Minutes. Commissioner Michaelson second. Motion passed.
3. Approval of 8-10-2004 Minutes
Commissioner Davis's name was removed from the list of those present as she was
not. Commissioner Theisen motioned to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Carter
second. Motion passed.
4. Open Forum
No Open Forum
5. Old Business
A. Mailbox Placement
Commissioner Davis submitted her mailbox survey info:
Number surveyed: 9
Number not home: 4
Number in favor of moving box: 5
Commissioner Carter suggested as an update on the next meeting agenda we
make plans for picking up Commissioner Thibodeau's work if necessary. archives
for the story. Commissioner Thibodeau recommended a package be put together
comprised of the collected information. The mailbox issue was then tabled for the
B. McGruff House
Commisioner Davis recommended Mr. Dennis Jones should not be considered
for the commission vacancy, as he has a history of impersonating peace
The next regular Otsego Police Commission meeting will be held September
14 at 7:30 pm.
C. Otsego Festival
Commissioner Koerwitz presented information. He has 200 gun locks to pass
out during the festival at our booth. Commissioner Davis volunteered to make
signs. Commissioner Michaelson will email Greg Hollow to get DNA kits
D. Speed Issue
The city council responded to this committees request. Nothing will be done.
A copy of the council's response will be sent to the original complainant.
Commissioner McClure will handle this.
E. Peddler's Ordinance
Commissioner Carter reported the city council has passed a new peddler's
ordinance on June 28 and published on July 14. There appear to be no
significant changes to the new ordinance.
6. New Business
A. A. Festival Workshop
Commissioner Michaelson will email Sgt. Howell and check with
Commissioner Thibodeau to see if he can attend.
Otsego Police Commission Meetings will change after the 8-24 workshop
B. Otsego View
We need another contact person for the Otsego View. Commissioner Theisen
volunteered. Commissioner Michaelson will contact her and tell her we'll have
gun locks, DNA kits, and handouts of some of the ordinances for the festival.
The Otsego View deadline is the 17th of the month.
7. Adiournment
Commissioner Koerwitz motioned to Adjourn. Commissioner McClure second.
Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.