10-12-04 PSC MINMINUTES of the Otsego Police Commission Held at Otsego City Hall October 12th, 2004 Members Present: Sandra Michaelson, Rudy Thibodeau, Tom Carter, Tom Koerwitz, Alvin McClure, Jane Theisen, Phil Larsen Council Members: Virginia Wendell, Jerry Struthers, Officers Sturm and Olson 1. Meeting called to order Commissioner Michaelson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. 2. Consider 8-10-04 agenda Reviewed festival operation. There were about 100 DNA kits and 100 gun locks still available. Commissioner Carter recommended setting remaining gun locks at city hall for anyone. Carter motioned to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Theisen seconded. Motion passed. 3. Approval of 8-10-04 Minutes Carter motioned to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Theisen seconded. Motion passed. 4. Open Forum None present. Commissioner Keorwitz mentioned an ATV complaint on County road 42 across from the school. 5. Old Business A. Mailbox update Commissioner Thibodeau explained the current status. Council member Wendell announced that we just received a letter denying us a unique zipcode. Thibodeau will draft a letter to the Post Office. Officer Sturm raised the issue of house numbers being uniform and suggested the issue be brought before the city council. B. McGruff House Commissioner Davis' material was discussed. Further action was placed on hold until the kit arrives from Utah. 6. New Business City administrator Mike Robertson wants a list of topics for discussion at the upcoming joint OPC/city council meeting. Possible subjects raised were: • Autonomy of OPC • Example of a person who almost drowned and was recognized in Plymouth before receiving recognition in his own town of Otsego. • A lack of communication between commission and city council. — OPC representation at council meetings. Commissioner Larsen will bring in example of materials and criteria from his city employer. • OPC business cards that deputies can carry • Website with a link to OPC • City Hall 7. Adjournment Commissioner McClure motioned to adjourn. Thibodeau seconded. Motion passed and meeting adjourned.