11-09-04 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Joint Meeting with City Council
November 9, 2004
Present: Tom Carter, Sandy Michaelson, Jane Theisen, Alvin McClure, Phil Larsen
City Council: Virginia Wendell, Jerry Struthers, Vern Heidner
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm.
Consider Agenda:
Commissioner Michaelson requested clarification on when council members terms end.
Council member Heidner said they end March 1't. Those due to expire this year will
expire March 1, 2005.
Commissioner Carter moved to accept agenda. Commissioner Larsen 2nd. Motion passed.
No Open Forum
Old Business:
• Council member Wendell reported the house number issue was brought before the
city council. The matter will be posted in the "Otsego View".
• Heidner pointed out that there is an ordinance that deals with this subject and it
has been in place since 1991.
• Commissioner Theisen will call Jackie Rognli to have a synopsis of the ordinance
placed in the Otsego View.
• Wendell reported there will be no new post office for Otsego. There will be no
separate zipcode for Otsego.
New Business:
• Michaelson suggested we begin a rotation of Otsego Police Commission members
to attend the city council meetings beginning with the November 22nd meeting.
Larsen volunteered to attend the December 13`x' meeting. Michaelson volunteered
to cover the November 22nd meeting. City Council meetings begin at 6:30 pm.
• Carter reminded us that city administrator Mike Robertson was going to present a
letter he received from the city okay-ing moving mailboxes "as appropriate".
• Larsen reported on citizen plaque presentations. He found that:
1. Plaques and letters are the most popular form
2. Other cities have taken care to not limit their flexibility. Best is to present a
recommendation to city council when appropriate (as opposed to setting
guidelines that might limit qualifications.)
• Heidner says Barb is the city contact person for website referrals.
• Larsen volunteered to come up with material to put on our web page.
• Heidner said Mike Robertson can send out a request to all the other city managers
and ask them what to do for awards. Heidner also said don't worry about a budget
for plaques. The city council will handle it.
• Business Cards: Michaelson brought samples. Heidner suggested a stamp be
made available for the deputies to use. They could then stamp their own cards.
Councilmember Struthers will take the design in and have a stamp made.
• Theisen brought up a new subject. Some elementary school kids walking home
from school have been the targets of bullying by some other kids.
Carter made a motion to adjourn. Theisen Z"d. Motion Passed. Meeting ended at 8:30 pm.