12-04-04 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Joint Meeting with City Council December 4, 2004 Members Present: Tom Koerwitz, Rudy Thibodeau, Tom Carter, Sandy Michaelson, Jane Theisen, Alvin McClure, Phil Larsen Council Members: Virginia Wendell, Jerry Struthers Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. Consider Agenda for approval: Commissioner Carter asked about the letter for the mailboxes.. Council -chair Michaelson said she called but never received any follow-up. Carter motioned to approve minutes. Commissioner Thibodeau 2"d. Motion passed. November meeting minutes were not delivered and will be added to next meeting. No Open Forum Old Business: • Council/ Commission communication. Michaelson reported on the last meeting. Larsen was unable to attend his meeting. Larsen will take the one commissioner Theisen previously volunteered for. • The schedule for council attendance is Jan 10 - Thibodeau, Jan 24 — Theisen. • The police commission stamp for use by the deputies is completed and in service. Carter will check to make sure the stamp is correct. • Larsen brought samples of citizen recognition awards. • Barb Williams updates the Otsego website. Michaelson will contact her. • House numbers New Business: • McGruff video tape was viewed. Questions arose regarding how best to set up the program. Could businesses or groups be McGruff houses? • Councilmember Wendell suggested posting a notice in The View seeking interested individuals. Thibodeau suggested contacting day-care centers. • Carter asked about liability. Councilmember Struthers said participants would be covered by the good Samaritan law. • Struthers will contact Jessica Stockham and the PTO organization. • Commissioner Larsen volunteered to write and send a letter to Jackie Rognli at The View. • Thibodeau suggested the Star News be contacted and volunteered to contact Sue Larsen. ® Michaelson will be the point contact. She can be reached at work at (763) 712- 7891. • Wendell showed a brochure the Lions have that describes how to take your children's photographs and other pertinent information. She suggested we might want to make these available. Thibodeau discussed Lions club efforts to form in Otsego in the past. Adjournment