02-08-05 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission February 8, 2005 Members present: Tom Koerwitz, Tom Carter, Jane Theisen, Sandra Michealson Council Members: Vern Heidner Officers: None Meeting called to order by Michealson at 7:12 PM. Carter volunteered to take minutes in the absence of the secretary. February's agenda was approved. January, 2005 minutes: Carter motioned to approve. Theisen seconded. Passed. Open Forum: • Greg Shusta attended the open forum to address issues concerning the Snowmobile ban. Councilman Heidner explained since the snowmobile club no longer exists, there is no- one to keep up the trail system in Otsego. He went on to explain that there is a community center parking area for those within the ban area to park and unload. On County 39 & much of Parrish, there is not always right of way to ride. There would need to be a substantial number of club members to open up the issue. Update on the McGruff House: • Theisen sent information to the Otsego View (for volunteers). At present, two people are interested in volunteering. Theisen is preparing a draft of the McGruff House guidelines and suggested a similar type program for turning in meth labs. • Carter dropped off information to be disseminated by Otsego PTO & Otsego Elementary to be put in school's monthly newsletter. Placards: • Koerwitz suggested placards with varying information. As an example: for several weeks they could advertise the McGruff House. Then for several weeks they could be switched out to advertise another subject. Vern suggested finding a sponsor to pay for the printing of the placards, in exchange for having their logo on the placard. Koerwitz would like to see a map of Otsego as a background (supplied by the city to avoid copy write issues). Update on the pin map: • Carter talked with Deputy Annselment . Annselment said currently 50% of the map is covered by GPS & the other 50% must be filled in manually. They are working on a Wright County City to get a higher percentage of GPS input. Once they improve the system they will work on other cities, including Otsego. At that time, Carter will ask Annselment to meet with the OPC to discuss the parameters of the Pin map & how to link the map to the Otsego website. OPC Website: • Michealson asked about the OPC members information that will be put on the Otsego Website. Heidner said the consensus is names only, along with the date & time of OPC meetings. • Michealson suggested information such as 55 & over car insurance discount classes could be included on the website. Koerwitz suggested putting the city map on the website. Michealson will create a draft & take to City Hall to coordinate formats for inputting. Deputies to check Otsego Website: no deputies in attendance. Update on Otsego Elementary safety evaluation form: • Carter will create a draft of a form for the deputies to complete & will forward the form to Michealson for clean up. At a future meeting, there will be a discussion on how to compile a report from the information (documented) on the forms to be forwarded to the City Council, Sheriffs Department & Otsego Elementary. Council meeting assignments: Michealson, February 7 Carter, February 28 Heidner discussed the Open Meeting Law, asking if everyone understood how it applied to the OPC. Carter moved to adjourn. Theisen seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.