08-09-05 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Meeting Minutes August 9, 2005 Members Present: Carter, Larsen, Michaelson, Pearsall, Theisen, Thibodeau and City Council Members Heidner and Stockamp • Call to Order • Agenda Approval • Open Forum — members recognized and briefly discussed new law passed June, 2005 by Minnesota Legislature and Governor Pawlenty allowing persons 12 years and older to operate motorized scooters on city streets. Tabled until September. • New Business — Commissioner Thibodeau resigned his position on the Police Commission effective immediately due to expanding business ventures and personal reasons. • Line Items — Commissioner Michaelson will attend Aug. 22 Council meeting; Commissioner Pearsall will attend Sept.12 Council meeting. • Adjournment County Commissioner Carla Heeter and Wright County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Leander of the Methamphetamine and Drug Awareness (MEADA) Coalition of Wright County conducted a presentation on Methamphetamine. The presentation was attended by members of the city council, the police commission, Otsego residents, and a journalist from the Elk River Star News. The goal of MEADA is to form a community roundtable from civic organizations that will be able to recognize signs of meth production and symptoms of meth use in order to better combat the harmful effects on the community of this dangerous drug. The Police Commission met briefly following the MEADA presentation to discuss the implementation of the McGruff House program. McGruff himself will be at the Otsego Elementary open house on August 30 from 5:30-7:00pm. Information on McGruff Houses will be available. The following is a list of current approved McGruff Houses in the City of Otsego as of August, 2005: Dean and Cindy Bellefeville — 13667 89th St. NE Mary Miller 14403 81St St. NE Jessica Stockamp 15243 81St Court Jane Theisen 14018 85th St NE John and Julie Wenner 9279 Ochoa Av NE Jessica Zoubek 9325 Nason Court All McGruff Houses should have placards in the front yard or in the front window of the house and identifies the residence as a safe place for kids who are lost, in fear of strangers, locked out of their home, or otherwise in need of a safe place. McGruff Houses are a place where kids can go to feel safe until local law enforcement can be called to assist in helping the child. All McGruff House volunteers have passed a criminal background check and have the approval of the Otsego Police Commission. The Commission would like to thank the volunteers who have helped to establish this valuable program in Otsego. Respecfully submitted, Phil Larsen, Secretary