10-11-05 PSC MIN01sego Police Commission Meeting Minutes Members present: Carter, Larsen, Pearsall, Theisen and City Council Member Heidner. Also present: WCSO Deputies Sgt. Howell and Olson and City Intern Patrick Waletzko, • Call to Order at 6:50 PM • Agenda Approved unanimously • Minutes from August and September approved unanimously • Open Forum — No items brought forward. • McGruff House Update — Commissioner Theisen sent out seven McGruff House applications. Background check packets on all applicants are under review by WCSO. An Otsego Cub Scout Group has requested a McGruff House presentation fro November 28th at Otsego Elementary School. Commissioners Theisen and Larsen will attend along with McGruff House volunteer John Wenner. There are currently six active McGruff Houses in Otsego. • November 8 and December 13 Police Commission meetings moved to 6:30 PM • Old Business — Commissioner Larsen will draft a model policy for citizen recognition awards. • Deputies Howell and Olson discussed the "Drive Wright' traffic enforcement program. There should be an increase in enforcement statistics with the new initiative as well as a diversion program for traffic violators aimed at education. • City Intern Waletzko presented a draft of the new city Emergency Operations Plan. The plan encompasses designated decision making powers, locations of the Emergency Operation Centers , the division of responsibilities among various city, county, state and federal departments, a resident preparedness checklist, and protocols for action before, during, and after a natural or man-made disaster. • New Business and MEADA discussions tabled until November. • Adjournment at 8:20 PM Respectfully submitted, Phil Larsen, Secretary