11-08-05 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Meeting Minutes November 8, 2005 Members Present: Carter, Larsen, Michaelson, Pearsall, Theisen, and Council Member Heidner; WCSO Deputy Olson • Call to Order • Agenda Approval • Update on McGruff House Program — McGruff presentation scheduled for November 28, 6:30 pm at Otsego Elementary School. Three background checks for additional McGruff houses pending investigation by Wright County Sheriff's Office. Discussed contacted service organizations for donations to the McGruff House program. • Open Forum — Discussed recent vandalism of mailboxes occurring overnight October 28 & 29. Halloween night had few incident of vandalism as reported to WCSO. • Old Business — • MEADA - Commissioner Michaelson will obtain a list of businesses, churches, homeowners associations, and service organizations to use as a list of potential invitees to a MEADA information workshop. The workshop's purpose will be to share information regarding the manufacture, abuse, symptoms, and consequences of methamphetimne use on addicts and on the community. • Citizen's Public Safety Award — Commissioner Larsen distributed a draft of a formalized citizen's award program for persons who act through bravery or selflessness to protect the life or property of another in Otsego. The draft was approved after minor changes in wording and has been sent to the City Council for approval. • Line Items — Police Report: Discussed getting a condensed version of the WCSO police report printed in the Otsego View to help keep residents up to date on crime in Otsego. • Commissioner Carter suggested that the Commission consider possible programs or projects for youth in Otsego to help them become involved in the community. Any ideas would be discussed at the December meeting. • Commissioner Carter attended to October 10 City council meeting and reported that ATV violations of the city ordinance were discussed. • Council meeting assignments — November 14, P. Larsen; November 28, E. Pearsall • Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Phil Larsen, Secretary