12-13-05 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 2005 Members Present; Carter, Larsen, Michaelson, Pearsall, Theisen, McClure and Council Member Heidner; WCSO Deputies Howell, Leander, Darsow, and Olson • Call to Order • Agenda Approved • Minutes from November meeting approved • Open Forum — Sheriff's Department deputies reported recent incidents of burglary at Sarpino's, Turbo Nails, and Fantastic Sam's. Commissioners asked about young people loitering at the Holiday station at Parrish Av. and County Road 39 late at night. Sheriff's Deputies said they check for curfew violations and will continue to do so. Also discussed were the rise in burglar alarms in the city, and that most are false alarms. Discussed billing of businesses and homeowners for false alarm responses by WCSO. • Update on McGruff House Program — McGruff presentation was held for the Cub Scouts at Otsego Elementary on November 28. Sgt. Leander reported that background checks on McGruff House applicants will take longer to process as they must be more thorough due to new state guidelines. Background checks may now take four weeks or more to process. All current McGruff House homeowners will need a renewal background check annually. The Police Commission will notify current homeowners when they are due for renewal. • MEADA - Commissioner Michaelson obtained a list of businesses, churches, homeowners associations, and service organizations to use as a list of potential invitees to a MEADA information workshop. Commission Chair Carter will contact Joel Torkelson of the Wright County Department of Public Health to assist in presenting a MEADA workshop. The purpose will be to share information regarding the manufacture, abuse, symptoms, and consequences of methamphetamine use on addicts and on the community. Commissioner McClure drafted a tabletop/bulletin board/point of sale flyer outlining the dangers of methamphetamine and what citizens/patrons can do to report suspected meth manufacturing, distribution, or use to law enforcement. • Citizen's Public Safety Award — The City Council approved a formalized citizen's award program for persons who act through bravery or selflessness to protect the life or property of another in Otsego. The Commission will work on designing a plaque to be presented to Award recipients. • There was a unanimous vote by the commission to move the meeting times from 7:00pm to 6:30pm in 2006; meetings will remain on the second Tuesday of each month. • Commissioners McClure and Larsen's terms on the Police Commission are due to expire December 31st, 2005, Commissioner McClure will not seek another term and expressed his wish to step down. He has agreed to stay on until a replacement can be found. Commissioner Larsen said he would stay on if approved to do so by the City Council. • Council meeting assignments — December 27, S. Michaelson; ; January 9, P. Larsen • Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Phil Larsen, Secretary