06-13-06 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Minutes
June 13, 2006
Present: Jeff Stimac, Jessica Stockamp, Edgar Pearsall, Tom Carter, Sandy Michaelson,
Deputy Olson.
Meeting called to order at 6:37 PM.
Agenda was approved unanimously.
Minutes from January's meeting were approved unanimously.
Minutes from May's meting were approved unanimously.
Sandy M. will talk to Joel T. about setting up a MEADA booth at the Otsego Festival in
City Council will be accepting the Police Commission minutes prior to their approval.
The city's Speed Wagon is up and running. Follow-up on the locations it will be placed
coming soon.
Deputy Olson brought up some concerns with the wording in the city's Peddler's
License. Jessica S. will follow up with the city attorney.
Mc Gruff Suit
--Edgar has not been able to get any information from the Servicemen's Clubs or the
--Total cost for the suit is approximately $1700.00.
--Jeff S. will check with Holiday Station Stores about possible donations for the suit.
Sheriff's Report
--Nothing noteworthy at this time.
--There will be a meeting sometime in August to plan for the next event in September.
ID Tags
--This will be tabled until our next meeting. The issue will be brought up at the June 26d'
Council meeting.
Council Meeting Reports
May 22 -Edgar Some Council members like the fact that we share our information at
the meetings.
June 12 -Sandy Nothing noteworthy to report at this time.
Council Meeting Assignments
June 26 Edgar P.
July 10 Jeff S.
July 24 Tom C.
Meting was adjourned at 7:42 PM
Next scheduled meeting is on August 8, 2006 at 6:30 PM.