02-14-06 PSC MINA -I-M.' TfJ-/n l Otsego Police Commission Meeting Minutes Members present: Carter, Theisen, Michaelson, Pearsall, City Council Members Vern Heidner, and Mark Thorstad. Also present: WCSO Sgt. and 2 deputies. * Call to order at 6:42 PM. * Minutes from Oct., Nov., and Dec. approved. * Open Forum r deputy Olson stated that the addresses at the end of a long driveway were sometimes missing or hard to read. Council rep. said they could send a letter to the residents and advise them. * Old Business - MEADA meeting at Rogers SHS at 9:00 AM, 2/16/06 and at City Hall at 7:00 PM. * Jane Theisen reported McGruff drawing contest will be at the Otsego Elementary with the judging on Feb. 28 at 3:30 PM. Commissioners attending: Theisen, Carter, Pearsall and Michaelson. Prizes totaled about 80 donated by Godfathers Pizza in Otsego. * WCSO presented the annual and quarterly reports. * Under Council reports - discussion was brought up regarding the interchanges in Albertville. * Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Edgar Pearsall, acting Secretary