08-08-06 PSC MINITEM 5-4 Otsego Police Commission Minutes August 8, 2006 Present: Jeff Stimac, Jessica Stockamp, Tom Carter, Edgar Pearsall, Sandy Michaelson, Several Wright County Deputies/Supervisors. ti . (! - Meeting called to order at 6:3 5 PM. Abbreviated agenda was approved unanimously. Minutes from June 13 meeting was approved unanimously. Open Forum Nothing to report. Special Meeting Lieutenant from Wright County explained that there was going to be a special meeting this evening. It will address the concern of neighbors from the 85th & Oakwood area. They are concerned about driving infractions and suspected drug activity. Old Business Mc Gruff suit -Council agreed to give up to $1700 towards the suit. Tom will contact Jane in regards to ordering it. ID Tags -Council wondered why we needed them. -They stated that we did not have a need for them. Denied. New Business -Jane wondered about the Mc Gruff houses on the website. There should be maps of the houses on the website. -Festival date is September 16. Wright County will try to get gun locks to distribute at the event. Meeting Assignments Tom Aug 14th Jeff Aug 28th Edgar Sept 11th Meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:00 PM to have the special neighborhood meeting.