09-14-06 PSC MIN-d - Otsego Police Commission Minutes September 14, 2006 Present Cherise, Edgar Pearsall, Joel Torkelson, Tom Carter, Jane Theisen, Sandy Michaelson, Jessica Stockamp, Sgt. Darsow. Meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM. Agenda was approved unanimously. August 8 minutes were approved unanimously. Open Forum The school carnival will be on October 13 at 5:30 to 9:00 PM. The Pumpkin Patch will be October 21 from 11:00 to 1:00. Old Business Mc Gruff suit- Edgar will ask the Council for the money needed to purchase the new McGruff suit as requested. Mailboxes- The issue was tabled until Joel could sift through all of the information that was provided to him. We will have a workshop on this matter in the future. Sheriff's Report- Nothing noteworthy at this time. Website Report- Jessica reported that we are in the process of updating the City's Website to contain current information. MEADA- There will be an informational workshop concerning Internet Safety on October 16. New Business Festival- There was much discussion on the upcoming Festival. Time assignments were made to all Commission members. Council Reports, August 14- Tom reported nothing significant was introduced during Open Forum. Jeff and Edgar will report on the meetings from August 14 and August 28 respectively at our next meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 7:42 PM.