10-10-06 PSC MIN1-rEM 5.2 Otsego Police Commission Minutes October 10, 2006 Present Jeff Stimac, Jessica Stockamp, Sgt. Butch Darsow, Edgar Pearsall, Jane Theisen, Tom Carter Meeting called to order at 6:40 PM. Agenda approved unanimously. August 8 minutes approved unanimously. Open Forum Some concerns were expressed about the magazine sellers in the area. A copy of the city ordinance will be posted in the local papers. Old Business Sheriff s Report- Sgt. Darsow reported that deputies have been working heavy enforcement on Parrish Ave. Several speed tags have been issued. Mc Giuff Suit- Sandy, Edgar and Jane will be at the school carnival on October 13 from approx. 5:30-9:00 handing out Halloween bags. Pumpkin Patch- We will have a member at this event on October 21St Mailboxes- Joel has the information but could not make it this evening. There will be a workshop on this topic after a brief Police Commission meeting on November 14t" MEADA- Joel and Sandy will report on this next week. New Business Project Possibilities- Tom would like to develop something for teenagers. Canopies for Special Events- Jessica said the City Council is trying to purchase three of them. They will probably have to wait until spring because Sam's Club has the cheapest ones and they are out until then. Council Reports August 28- Nothing of interest September 11- Nothing of interest September 25- Nothing of interest October 9- Nothing of interest Council Meeting Assignments ments