11-14-06 PSC MIN1-rIEM 5-3 Otsego Police Commission Minutes November 14, 2006 Present Jeff Stimac, Sgt. Butch Darsow, Edgar Pearsall, Joel Torkelson, Tom Carter, Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Sandy Michaelson. Meeting called to order at 6:41 PM. Agenda approved unanimously. Open Forum A question was raised about the legality of 4 -wheelers riding on public streets. They are only allowed on private property. It is OK for the owner to ride them on their own property. Old Business Sheriff s Report- Thefts from vehicles are way up in the area of 85th & Page Ave. Same old speeding issues in spots of Co. 39 and 85th Mc Gruff Activities- School Carnival was a big hit. Gave out approximately 200 bags of stuff. Pumpkin Patch was also very successful. About 800 pumpkins were given out. Council Reports October 23- Edgar thanked the council for the Mc Gruff suit. He also brought up the topic of roadside memorials. A city ordinance will be introduced to cover these memorials. *The new ordinance was discussed by the Police Commission. Motion by Edgar, seconded by Sandy to approve the new ordinance covering roadside memorials. Motion approved unanimously. November 13- Jeff reported that a resident had an issue with speeding vehicles in the area of Co. 39 & Kadler Ave. He also believed that city vehicles were speeding. Street supervisor will check into the situation and correct it with his workers. *Joel will be our contact person to Barb Williams in regards to the city's website contact information. Council Assignments November 27- Sandy December 11- Jane