04-10-07 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 Present: Joel Torkelson, Jeff Stimac, Linda Lewis, Denise Andrusko, Deputy Sturm, Sandy Michaelson, Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Edgar Pearsall Meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM. Agenda was approved unanimously. Minutes from March 13 were approved unanimously. Ogen Forum Connie & Mike Neubeck 7886 Parrish Ave. Connie and Mike were recently made aware of the curfew times for Otsego due to their minor daughter having contact with the Sheriff s Department. They feel our curfew time of 10:00 PM for 16 year olds is too early. The surrounding cities and counties are at least 11:00 PM if not Midnight. They are suggesting that our city curfew ordinance be Midnight on Friday and Saturday nights and 10:00 PM on Sunday through Thursday. We thanked them for their input and told them that we would contact them when we come to a decision. New Business 1. Curfew Ordinance- As a group, we reviewed our city ordinance as well as the curfews from the surrounding areas. We decided to present an amended ordinance covering curfew times for Otsego. Curfew times for Friday and Saturday nights would be Midnight. Sunday through Thursday would be 10:00 PM. The amended ordinance would also contain several affirmative defenses to breaking curfew. These will mirror those used in Hennepin County's curfew ordinance. Jeff will complete this and forward it to Jessica for Council consideration. 2. Crime Statistics- Gary Dorf of 15560 89h Street would like the city to post weekly crime stats on our website. Mike Robertson stated that the city has attempted to put them in the Star News in the past but not on the website. The Howard Lake Herald Journal is the county's official newspaper and they publish crime stats. Old Business 1. Mailbox Letter- Denise reported that the Post Office wants specific house numbers. The Post Office stated that they are OK with the plan as long as it is logistically feasible. Denise will do an updated map for the Post Office and request a copy of the approval letter that was supposedly sent but nobody has seen. 2. Restaurant Tents- Joel provided some examples containing Radon information and recent drug trends. Sandy will check with the printer to find out the actual size they will be. Joel will switch the layout and come up with a few more examples. 3. National Night Out- Sandy went through the information she received. Jessica has someone who is interested in trying to head -up the planning of this event. An advertisement will be put in the Star News asking for people interested in planning National Night Out. 4. Mc Gruff- Mc Gruff House information will be going out to the schools. It will be sent home with the kids this week. Council Reports March 26th- Linda reported that a citizen expressed concern over several break-ins in their area. They would like to set up a neighborhood watch program. April 9th- Edgar reported that the Boy Scouts were recognized for their hard work at the Easter Egg Hunt. Council Meeting Assignments April 23`d- Sandy Meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM.