01-08-08 PSC AGENDAPOLICE COMMIISSION AGENDA January 8, 2008 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consider Agenda 3. Consider the following minutes: A. December 11, 2007 4.Open Forum (5 minute limit) 5. Old Business A. Mailboxes - update B. McGruff contest for Otsego Elementary School C. Restaurant tents 6. New Business ''A. New appointment for offices 7. Line Items December 17, 2007- Jessica 8. Council Meeting Assignments January 14 - Denise January 28 - February 11- 9. Adjournment "Next meeting February 12, 2008 Open Forum: If you have any questions ,comments, or information regarding an item on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the police commission during "OPEN FORUM" item on the agenda. State your name and address for the record.