01-08-08 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Minutes January 8, 2008 Present. Jeff Stimac, Joel Torkelson, Jessica Stockamp, Denise Andrusko, Jane Theisen. Meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM Agenda was approved unanimously. December minutes were approved unanimously. Open Forum John Hinnankamp 12199 66th Ct. NE John voiced his concern about several on-going neighborhood issues. There has been suspicious activity happening at all hours of the night. Old Business 1. Mailboxes: There was a slight issue with the Rogers post office but all other plans are moving forward to spring. 2. Mc Gruff: Jane, Jessica and Denise are working on a contest for Otsego Elementary. 3. Restaurant Tents: They are all done and Joel will distribute them with help from others. New Business The new appointments will be tabled until our next meeting. 60 Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.