03-11-08 PSC MIN-RSR Otsego Police Commission Minutes March 11, 2008 TL - Present: Joel Torkelson, John Hinnankamp, Paul Fields, Jeff Stimac, Jessica Stockca Jane Theisen, Linda Lewis, Denise Andrusko Meeting called to order at 6:42p.m. Agenda: Adding Social Host ordinance No January 8t" minutes- Jeff will resend February 12"' minutes approved unanimously Open Forum- 8 extra traffic hours per week Otsego receiving for free Burglar kicking in doors during the day in Parish area- Hall's Addition area New deputies (5) are all on board Hit and run — deliberate hit on person by intoxicated driver Local bank robbery solved in 2 days by bank cameras Otsego Preserve is being watched for suspicious activity Jeff reports person hiding under deck at his residence Rudy (Godfathers) visited MN capital to discuss liquor fine 6 extra cars on duty for St. Patrick's weekend- most in Maple Lake Old Business 1. McGruff contest updates is on Otsego Elementary schedule and have prizes donated (water park, $50.00 Bank of Elk River savings bond, nothing from Riverview Bank, Godfather's, Bob's, Denny's) will get money for gift. Ends on Friday winner announced 3-20-08 judged by city council. 2. Restaurant Tents- same given to Perkins and Riverwood National get to Chinese Buffet, Godfathers, Rockwood's, Bob's, Denny's New Business 1. Otsego View- Jacquie Rognli doesn't want police commission minutes, just specific items/events. The police commission recommends an evaluation of her services, and asks the city council to make change if needed. The view should list events, activities, and city and school functions - recent past or future. 2. Social Host Ordinance- City council (Dan Licht) is asking Otsego Police Commission to address loophole in adult homeowner being liable for supplying alcohol to 18-20 year old adults. Commission wants more information from Lakeville and Chaska. Butch sees no immediate need/problem in Otsego. Jessica will resend more information at the next meeting. Council Reports Gravel pit withdrew application New sports bar planned north of Holiday Inn Fitness Zone planning to expand 2 banks building near Target Council Meeting Assignments 3-24-08 Paul Fields 4-7-08 John Hinnankamp Meeting Adjourned 8:16 p.m.