05-13-08 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission May 13th, 2008 Those in attendance: Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, John Hinnenkamp, Denise Andrusko, Sgt. Butch Darsow, council member Stockamp. Staff present: Dan Licht Absent: Jeff Stimac, Linda Lewis, Joel Torkelson & Rob Vandenberg i.Meeting called to order at 6:37 P.m. Z.Consider agenda- Added 6A Pawn Shop Ordiance. Motioned by John, seconded by Denise. Motion carried 3. Approval of April 8, 2008 meeting minutes. Motioned by Denise, seconded by John. Motion carried 4-0 approval. 4. Open Forum Rose Cassady sent a letter requesting some input about putting up a temporary stop sign on Nashua the day of the festival. Sgt. Darsow said to contact Sgt. Johnson at wright county to schedule the explorers and reserves to come at 7 instead of q to help assist with the traffic issue. Dan also said he would talk to Brad about putting up signage instructing motorist to watch for flag person ahead directing traffic. SA- Mailboxes- commission read memo sent from Mike Robertson dated May .13th. Commission wants update once Mike is able to get prices on posts and be notified once all 4 post offices have set up which mailboxes can be moved. Would like to see letter that is drafted to be sent out to residents. SB- National Night Out- Denise Andrusko is willing to take over as the contact person for residents to register their block parties. She will contact Wright county sheriff department ( Sgt. Johnson)to figure out what they need her to have to make they will visit the registered parties. She is also going to contact the 4 fire departments to confirm they will visit Otsego parties within the specific fire districts. John told her to contact Target to see what they are willing to donate. Jessica will get info to Jacquie to be put in the Otsego View & on the cities website. - additional volunteers are - Beverly Kumar, Jessica Stockamp and Jane Theisen. SC- Social Host Ordiance- Dan Licht presented the planning report and said that the City r Attorney has spoken with the County Attorney, who indicated they would prosecute violations. Deputy Darsow stated that the issue of providing alcohol to minors has not been an issue in the City to date, but that the proposed Ordinance would be an additional tool. The Commissioners discussed if the ordinance was necessary at this time. Commissioner Andrusko said that it would be better to have the ordinance in place if it is needed. Motion by Denise to recommend City Council approval of the Social Host ordinance as presented. Seconded by Paul. All in favor. Motion carried. SD- Road clean-up- Paul got info from the state- after looking at the map they provided this only covered 94 & sot -since the concern is the county roads within the city being litered with trash and debris, group felt it was best to contact the Wright County Highway Department and see if they have a program in place. Dan said we could approach this within the city how we did with the adopt a park program- he will talk to Public Works to see what ideas they have. SE- Muffin Munch McGruff appearance request- Since no one is available to assist with this request and Beverely Kumar ( Park & rec. commissioner) we felt if she wanted the McGruff to visit the event we would offer it to her to find someone in her neighborhood to wear the costume -Jessica will contact her to offer her this. 6A- Pawn Shops- Dan Licht presented the planning report and said that the City Council had directed the Police Commission and Planning Commission to make recommendations on establishment of regulations for pawn shops within the City. Mr. Licht also said that the City had received in inquiry regarding potential locations for a pawn shop and in response, the City Council adopted a one-year moratorium on establishment of pawn shops within the City. The Commissioners' agreed with the need to adopt regulations to ensure that any pawn shops that do locate within the City operate legally. Motion by Denise to recommend City Council approval of a City Code amendment establishing regulations for pawn shops and second hand goods businesses as presented. Seconded by John. All in favor. Motion carried. T. Nothing to report from commissioners assigned to council meetings on 4/14.,4/2S,, 5/12. S. Council meeting assignments Tuesday May 27th- Paul Monday June 9th- Denise Meeting adjourned at 8:35 Denise Motioned, Paul seconded. Next meeting June 10, 2008