08-12-08 PSC MIND. Abatement by the City. Whenever said owners fail to abate such nuisances, the City shall remove the said personalty or materials to a location of its selection. Abatement of such nuisance by the City shall be in accordance with Section 5-8-13 of this Code. Costs incurred by the City during said abatement, including the cost of storage or disposal, shall be recoverable from the said owners, jointly and severally, in accordance with Section 5-8-14 of this Code or in a suit at law. E. Disposal of Property After Abatement by the City. When said personalty or materials have been removed and placed in storage by the City, as provided for herein, said personalty shall be sold by the City after the lapse of such time as is provided for by law. If the proceeds of such sales are insufficient to pay the costs of abatement and storage, said owners shall be liable to the City for the balance of the costs. If the proceeds are in excess of the costs, including storage, the balance shall be paid to said owners or deposited in the City Treasury for their use. (Ord. 00-16, Oct. 9, 2000) 5-8-7: ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: The "Hazardous Building Law", Minnesota Statutes 463.15 through 463.261, is adopted by reference. Any hazardous building or dangerous excavation may be abated in accordance with the provisions of that law. (Ord. 91-23, Nov. 25, 1991) 5-8-8: PUBLIC NUISANCE NOISE PROHIBITED: A. It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully make or continue, or cause to be made or continued, any loud, unnecessary, or unusual noise which unreasonably annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, safety, or welfare of others, or precludes the quiet enjoyment of their property or affects their property's value, or affects the peace and quiet of any neighborhood, or which causes discomfort or annoyance to any reasonable person of normal sensitivity residing in the area. This general prohibition is not limited by the specific restrictions of Section 5-8-8.B. B. Standards to be considered in determining a violation of this section include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. The volume of the noise. 2. The intensity of the noise. 3. Whether the nature of the noise is usual or unusual. 4. The volume and intensity of the background noise, if any. 5-47 Otsego Police Commission Meeting August 12, 2008 Minutes Present: Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Jessica Stockcamp, Linda Lewis, Sgt. Butch Darsow, Joel Torkelson Meeting called to order at 6:35pm Agenda approved along with minutes from the May 13, 2008 & June 10,2008 meetings were also approved. Open Form: Dominic Palmer, 8246 Packard Ave, expressed to the group his concern and frustration with a neighbor who listens to his music really loud. He had attended the city council meeting the night before and was encouraged to attend this meeting. This activity has been going on for about 3 years, and numerous calls have been made to the Sheriff's Office. With the city recently passing a noise ordinance, this issue should be able to be resolved. Sgt. Darsow offered to stop by the neighbor's residence and inform him of the cities'/law enforcement's expectations. Old Business: The group read the letter which Denice had drafted regarding the mailbox issue that was for the two families directly affected in the past. It looked great and big thank to you to Denice to taking this on. All reports indicate that the National Night Out events throughout the city were quite successful. There was 19 registered events. The group formally thanked Denice for her hard work in organizing/coordinating the event. The group also recognized the volunteer who was McGruff for the evening, Tim Lengquist. Group will look into having the McGruff House application downloadable on the cities website. Paul has been contacting the county to get needed information regarding road cleanup, "Adopt a Highway". The county has not gotten back to him yet. The goal will be to have things set up for next spring so road cleanups can begin. Additionally, the potential for having an application on the city website regarding applying to help clean up the highways/city streets will also be researched. The Beaudry Park activity is calming down, police presence has increased since the activity was reported. New Business: Discussion on the Otsego Festival(Sept. 13, from 10 — 5 regarding scheduling commission volunteers for the day and having McGruff there. The police commission will have Halloween bags, information on ordinances (including the noise & social host ordinances), and new calendars. Paul & Joel will work in the morning for the festival (8:30 — 1:00) and Linda volunteered to be there in the afternoon (1:00 — 5:00). Additional discussion to follow at the Sept. meeting to have additional volunteers for the day. There was nothing to report from the previous city council meetings, and Jessica mentioned how the council does encourage those with concerns to come the police commission meetings. This process has been working well. Paul volunteered to go the August 25th city council meeting, and Linda will attend the Sept. 8t1' meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:3 0pm