09-09-08 PSC MINOtsego Police Commission Minutes Sept 9, 2008 PRESENT: Jeff Stimac, Jessica Stockcamp, Mark Thorstad, Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Linda Lewis, John Hinnankamp, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson. Officer — Butch Darsow Visitor - Dan Limseth Meeting called to order at 6:37p.m. ADGENDA - approved Minutes from Aug 12 - approved OPEN FORUM: Dan Limseth of 14975 95th St NE (long driveway off of Co Rd 39 north of substation) has a complaint regarding new owners/renters in a house on Ohland that borders his property to the north. The residents and friends of the residents in the Ohland house have been stealing wood and destroying plants/trees on Dan's land to use for bonfires. Also complaint of excessive noise well after curfews and city quite hours, bonfires in excess of city size limits, unleashed dogs and witness underage drinking. There are also incidents of minors running through Dan's property to evade arrest when police are called to the house. This should be a situation that could be controlled by enforcing the new social host ordinance. Officer Butch Darsow said he will pay a visit to the house this coming weekend to discuss the complaints. Otsego Festival - upcoming booth duty Paul and Joel 8:30-1:00 Linda and Rob 1:00-5:00 Need folders/giveaways for booth — Paul will organize National night out was Aug 5 — Denise report All went well. More people have expressed interest in getting involved. Comment: Elk River NNO gets lots more donations such as Dairy Queen. We should be able to get more. Denise will work to get more participation from Otsego businesses next year. Road Clean Up — Paul report Will get link on Otsego website to Wright County's County Road clean up application. City/residential street clean-up is determined not to be a feasible public activity. Too much private property/trespassing issues. Important dates: Elementary School Carnival — October 24 (need Halloween bags to hand out) Pumkin Patch Festival — Oct 18 Council Meeting assignments Sept 22 — John Oct 13 — Joel Next Police Commission metting set for October 14. Meeting adjourned 7:54 p.m.