94-70<< i 4L CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. _ aA;E n RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE OTSEGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADJUSTING THE IMMEDIATE URBAN SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY TO INCLUDE THAT PROPERTY RECENTLY OBTAINED BY ELK RIVER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 728 FOR CONSTRUCTION ON AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND AN ABUTTING FIVE ACRE TRACT. WHEREAS, Independent School District No. 728 is the owner of a certain tract of land (subject property) described'on Exhibit A to this resolution, and consisting of 47.7 acres, on which it desires to construct an elementary school to service areas of the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, upon transfer a five acre parcel (Exception 5) was separated from the parcel; and WHEREAS, the subject property is now within the City's Long Range Urban Service Area; and WHEREAS, Independent School District No. 728 has requested rezoning of the subject property which has necessitated amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan to remove the subject tract and abutting five acre parcel from the City's Long Range Urban Service Area and place it in the Immediate Urban Service Area; and WHEREAS, Said request has been approved by the Otsego Planning Commission and they have made Findings Of Fact and Recommendations that such requests be approved which are attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council that the subject property and abutting five acre parcel can be adequately served by future sanitary sewer service and the City Engineer has concurred in this determination; and WHEREAS, the lands do not qualify as a premature development in that: a. The land holds adequate stormwater drainage capacity. b. The land has a safe water supply. C. Adequate roads serve the property. d. The site holds the ability to accommodate a safe sewage disposal system. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Comprehensive Plan be and hereby is amended to include an adjustment removing the subject property and abutting five acre parcel from the Immediate/Long Range Urban Service Area and placing it within the Immediate Service Area and abutting five acre parcel. 2. That the text of the Comprehensive Plan and all maps showing the subject area and abutting five acre parcel attached to and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan shall be adjusted to show the changes made in the boundary around the subject property. 3. That the Findings Of Fact And Recommendations of the Otsego Planning Commission are hereby adopted in their entirety and incorporated herein by reference along with the Staff Report by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. dated October 13, 1992. Passed this 10TH day of January,#1994 City of Otsego ca Norma Freske, Mayor c- Zru3lflt=£ £ Elaine Beatty, Deputy C1 rk/Zoning Adm. r